christina gallagher 2021

>>>>>>christina gallagher 2021

christina gallagher 2021

When Jesus fed the 5,000 miraculously, 12 basketsful remained full of leftovers. The Lord spoke to Christina in a very stern voice. A Christina Gallagher supporter who called the programme said the vaccine itself wasnt the mark of the beast but instead people who are vaccinated will then receive the mark of the beast which she said was the chip. When I once let My Blood be poured out upon the earth, it was to give you Life of Me and set you free but in that free will you now choose Lucifer's path and walk away from Me. It is up to the Archbishop of Tuam to undertake this action. You have been left in a desolation of darkness, only that so much more can be drawn from you on account of your having already endured so much but I promise you, My daughter, you will be welcomed with such joy in your Heavenly home when that time comes but I tell you accept and offer everything - those who hurt you, those who deny you, those who show you no love or lack of compassion -just offer without asking why - offer it for the many souls who are now dying in Ukraine but the Americas will have much to suffer as will many other parts of the world. She gave an explanation that 'the Bible is the Word of God and unlike our word, the Word of God is Spirit and can pierce even the most closed heart. Jesus chose 12 apostles. 12 pieces of the Passover Bread had to be placed in the Old Testament tabernacle (Nums.) Shortly after the House of Prayer was dedicated by Archbishop Cassidy on July 16, 1993, Christina had an experience in which Satan in rage was dispatching demons with the words, "Go, and do not return to me until you have destroyed that House -never to be resurrected!" You have suffered so much, it even grieves My Heart. They are blinded and walk in dangerous paths. Those who receive it willingly will die - unto eternal death.. Our Lady spoke to Christina; Persecution, slander, intimidation, incitement to hatred and life threats are among the many forms of attack used against Christina and the work of Our Lady Queen of Peace. Haringey - Will Maimaris (acting/interim) Harrow - Carole Furlong. Pray, pray for wisdom to understand My call and that of My Mother. It has caused so much trouble in our family. Christina Gallagher Delivers Heaven's Messages to the World - Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill Overview of Our Lady's Messages A Chosen Soul Call of Our Lady Queen of Peace Spiritual Director Fruits in Abundance Conversions Major Physical Healings Prophesy Fulfilled Matrix Medal Holy Water Our Lady with Tears Jesus spoke to Christina on 22 September 2017; Those who have criticised Christina Gallagher and the messages she delivers from Jesus and Mary over the last 30 years, as being. So Jesus means we are in the time of superpowers that act for evil intent. They must be renewed and lived in all hearts that want to have My life in their souls. All look on but you are blind to the reality of her lifes dangers. The Blood from a Stone in Our Lady Queen of Peace Chain House of Prayer in Texas is one of these and now tests undertaken in 2017 have confirmed this 'weeping' substance to be blood. The Live-Stream from the House of Prayer Achill is only live to the New York House to encourage people to go there and pray and make reparation as Jesus has requested for the protection of New York. What does Christina Gallagher say about the Living God? My little one, My vessel, I fill and empty you many times with suffering to show people it is I. QUEEN OF PEACE He said. You have opened your life to him. You were meant to endure - yes, suffering but not of this magnitude but God will multiply it many times for souls and one day, in Heaven, you and those who helped this Mission and especially helped you in the different ways that you needed, will be glorified by My Son Jesus. Be vigilant in the Spirit. The illnesses foretold to you in this Mission have already begun. There is one website which is viciously hostile, defamatory and poisonous and which is even hosted by an individual not of the Catholic faith who relentlessly persecutes the Mission given to Christina by referring to it as a so-called "cult". My little one of My Sacred Heart, I bless you in the name of the Father, in Me His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. "My Mother's picture with the roses will bring great protection to the homes where the Rosary is prayed in its presence because I will flow many graces through it," she claims he told her. Many leaders in the world have a hatred for America and they are already engaged in planning what they will do to her. If she is encouraging people not to take the vaccine she should come out and say whether she got it herself, one family member of a follower told the Sunday World this week. It follows the highlights of the article Christina Gallagher, July 16, 2021, comprising an urgent, supreme appeal to the salvation of humanity. Receive My life and light, then you will find your way to peace and your hearts will once again experience love. Christina, many years ago, was guided by Jesus not to interpret in self-assumption My poor daughter, you were called by Me and My Immaculate Mother over these many years but the people preferred to respond to the seduction of Lucifer more eagerly. "You will see the storms, disasters and weather extremes drawn down upon the world through sin, increase in number and multiply in their intensity, with earthquakes which cause great loss of life.". My Church - its deliverance is close at hand..*** The antichrist is in the height of his where supposed Marian visionary Christina Gallagher has been allegedly telling her acolytes that anyone who takes the Covid-19 vaccine will receive the "mark of the . Many people have become one with evil and darkness - even those you think are good. You are not important for your own sake but only because you were chosen to convey God's message. Jul 2019 - Nov 2021 2 years 5 months. Antichrist is devouring you in multiple ways. Outside the House of Prayer - July 16 / 25th July 2016 You will witness My Churchs closure and all of My sacraments mocked and disowned but with it will come suffering and death; death in body and soul for many. I do not desire this for you; I have called you and shown you and proven to you My love and mercy through many healings and the outpouring of grace. Anyone wishing to verify this are free and welcome to come at any time. It is he you are listening to. Outside, at the side and the back of the House of Prayer, tents, cars, buses and people everywhere - July 16 / 25th July 2016 All My Sacredness, My sacraments, will disappear and My Church be destroyed. You both have saved souls beyond your imagination. Read More I'm double vaccinated and my mother informed me I'll be gone down [to hell] in two years. Pray, pray for your safety. A popular belief among conspiracy theorists, which has been thoroughly debunked, is that vaccines contains microchips designed to control the population. to justify their savage treatment of the Wake up! Achill-based House of Prayer set to open new centre in New York. A terrifying fulfilment of the message of Our Lady to Christina as far back as 2005 took place yet again only The time is short before those events begin. Pilgrims of all ages from all walks of life come to Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill to answer Her call. In January 2017 on the 8th day of the special 9 day Fasting and Prayer Novena requested by Jesus, while the people were praying the Rosary in Our Ladys Chain House in Texas, the red substance appeared to weep on the Chapel wall again, in the same area that the Host appeared years ago. Those who took from you or would not respond to help you, they will have much to lament. How foolish of such 'man' who has failed to hear My call because if My words had been taken to heart, you would have the wisdom to understand how you have been deceived by those in union with antichrist. The number of thousands sealed is 12 thousand from each of the 12 tribes. At a time when a news bulletin showed unprecedented numbers of whales washed up and dying on the beaches, Jesus remarked; God has richly upheld the truth of the messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace, given to us through Christina Gallagher, by many medically documented healings, conversions, the gift of knowledge and fulfilment of many world events. from the Book of Revelation) 7. Those who are alive at that time will receive the gift of the fire of the Spirit in its fulness. Jacob had 12 sons, from whom descended the 12 tribes of Israel Sunday World exposed, years ago, how Gallagher had been living a life of luxury, buying an extensive property portfolio as her followers handed over donations to the organisation which is not affiliated to the Catholic Church. It saddens My Heart because the protection I had obtained from God through such Houses is more needed for America than elsewhere. The wind you are permitted to hear so often when all is calm outside, is the fury of the devil's legions from hell. Her life has come to be in great danger. 'New' Fatima message links with warnings to Christina Gallagher Our Lady provides best remedy to levels of suicide & murder Major healings medically and scientifically documented: Testimony of Healing of Brandi De Jesus 2014, Doctor says, 'A Miracle' Healing of Jed Michael, Return from death's door Pancreatic Cancer healed, Matrix Medal You try and change their mind but it wont work because its a cult. "We have presented a lot of medical and scientific evidence to my parents and they refuse to listen as her propaganda once again is brainwashing people who have been conditioned by the Catholic Church.". Elderly devotees are told Jesus wants them to buy 250 picture of Mother. Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Hear My call now before it is too late! I have pleaded before many hearts but what have you returned to Me? More relatives have come forward this week to express their anger over the anti-vaccine message fake visionary Gallagher claims to have received from Jesus , and are calling on her to say whether she has taken the vaccine herself. Now it is taking place in Ukraine but what you see happening in Ukraine will also occur in other places as diseases and disasters spread and the earth is forever disfigured and unrecognisable. They, too, will endure their just reward. Do not be afraid of what you see taking place through the many illnesses that will be brought upon the world - one by one, two by two, multiplying all the time to take life, in union with the third world war and all the unrest and hatred in the hearts of men. (Matt 19:28) A break in prayer allowed a change-over giving more people a chance to be in the chapel - July 16 / 25th July 2016

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christina gallagher 2021