signs your dad is attracted to you

>>>>>>signs your dad is attracted to you

signs your dad is attracted to you

If his body language is showing certain signs, you can be quite confident that hes secretly got the hots for you. xo. But if someone you're into tells you that you smell nice, there's a good chance of mutual attraction. I love, look forward to, and appreciate every one of your comments. Since its Fathers Day today, this whole week Ive beenthinking about my own daddy issues, how theyve affected me, why theyve haunted me for so long, and really, why I even had such deep daddy issues in the first place. "A person with unresolved trauma or issues related to their father may struggle to form healthy attachments or may seek out relationships that mirror their past experiences," Haizlip tells mbg. According to Manly, the first way to address these father-related attachment issues is to understand the potential underlying reasons you might have them. He has really never shows emotions he has short man syndrome. He wants to know what you believe in, what matters to you, and what you stand for. He has given me two gorgeous children and the family life I never had before. Many guys, myself included, have had situations where we wanted to date a girl but instead got friendzoned. I am also beginning to understand why Ive chosen the people Ive wasted so much of my time with. My parents divorced when I was 2 years old. HOW TO STOP CARING ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK, IS MY BOYFRIEND CHEATING? Louise Jackson YjQ3OWFiNDkzZDQ4YzVmIn0= We started two years back when he was in India. Still, a person whos attracted to you will feel a flood of giddiness and excitement.. On the flip side, if he only seems to like you when no one else is around, this could be a sign he doesnt want anyone else to know how much he likes you. xx, This speaks volumes to me. But I also fear that the exciting unattainable one(s) will never step up to the level that I have with my present partner. My father was available, I would say, he was TOO available for me the whole time! Now, this part is usually the obvious part of a change in attitude. Another one of the big signs he is secretly attracted to you is that hes extremely curious about you. Thanks June! A 2016 study showed that the average length of time you can make eye contact with someone before it gets weird is 3.3 seconds. When it comes to any relationship challenge,being kind to yourselfis key. You got this! eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiN2E2YjRjZGY1NDNiYTI4NGY5NWY0YTRkNWJmZTRkMDM1 Another one of the big signs he is secretly attracted to you is that he asks you about your love life. He never tried to change and control me in any way. "Acknowledge the emotions you feel regarding your relationship with your father," Kashy says. Hes trying to figure out if youre dressing up for him or if youre just doing it to look nice for yourself. ZGNjM2Q2ZmRiMDAyZjAyNmFlNDliZmZhZWI3Y2FhMDZlNmZjM2QwOGEwNTdl The link to it is on the homepage. I know that because I can be that way myself! Another one of the crucial telltale signs he is secretly attracted to you is that he lets his touch linger. Another one of the telling signs he is secretly attracted to you is when he asks your friends about you. MzBlMTgwZWJmNzlmZWI4NDJmMWM0M2RkMmU3ZGZkMzA0ZmM4MTA4ZWI5YmVi Justwow. Well I hope that you are totally mis reading the situation I truly do, it would be a horrible dereliction of his duties as a father, its perfectly For example,one study11suggests that people whose fathers were absent or disengaged during childhood may be more likely to explore risky sexual behavior later in life. According to Kashy, these attachment issues can also make your relationships feel generally unstable and untrustworthy. Why did I waste so much time?. Was your father absent in your life? NTUzZGU2ODhiZWQ0OGQyYjRhZGZjN2JjYWQ4ZDUwM2IzYmY3ODdkMTc5ZmNl When youre around him, you might notice that he also tries to compliment you in subtle ways. This last relationship broke me. This can even be as subtle as just raising his eyebrows a bit in appreciation when you walk in the room in new, stylish pants. CAN A SERIAL CHEATER CHANGE? "If the person you like has a lot of color in their cheeks, it's a good indicator that they're feeling something when they're near you.". On the other hand, a man may place his hand on the crook of your elbow or tuck your hair behind your ear. Plus, there's always this age-old sign: When a guy puts his hand on your lower back to guide you as you walk across the street or onto the dance floor, that's often a sign of attraction. 4. All my life Ive been lost, hating myself, thinking Im not good enough, not pretty enough, not worth any love of any kind, Ive had a string of bad luck with men and used reverse narcissism on myself to explain my bad luck. Thats why this next sign is so important: One of the secret signs that a man is attracted to you is that he treats you with a level of respect that you arent used to. "We all release pheromones and they play a bigger role in attraction than we think, Henderson says. Life would go on as if nothing ever happened. You are loved, understood, believed in and never, ever alone. "There is no one definitive cause of 'daddy issues' since every individual's experiences and relationships with their father or father figure are unique," Koshy tells mbg. Hi Hailey! If therapy isn't accessible right now or you'd rather approach the healing journey solo first, Manly recommends bibliotherapy (i.e., readingself-help books) as a starting point. For example, if you two have been talking for a while and you tell him you dont drink alcohol, he may keep asking you why. You dont trust because you subconsciously trusted Dad and he hurt you/didnt meet your expectations/didnt accept you/didnt validate you/loved you conditionally/abandoned you/emotionally starved you, etc. When you like someone, youll try to do what you can to be around them for as long as possible. "The origins of the term are unclear, but it has been used for decades, particularly in the context of Freudian psychology," says licensed counselorCharity M. Kilgore, LPC. If the relationship that you have with yourself sucks, your dating life can best be described as a trailer for a self-help workshop, and if you continue to have bad luck with men chances are it started with the relationship (or lack of a relationship) with Dad or a significant male/paternal figure from your childhood. Daddy issues arent something thats only reserved for women with absentee, abusive (emotionally or physically) or disloyal fathers. Mzc1ZjI4YjA2NDE2ZDIwNGQzZWY3NGU1MWEwMzZiZmM1N2I3MzdmMzQyMzQ2 They're often financially stable, and they appear confident and know exactly what to do. xo. You are Gods voice to me, thanks for delivering his message. Whether your "daddy issues" are caused by problems during childhood involving your father or you simply struggle with attachment in relationships, you don't have to deal with this alone. I stumbled upon your posts at EXACTLY the time I needed to. "If you feel like you're receiving as much as you're giving when you're flirting with someone or trying to plan a date, then they likely are into you, too," Henderson says. You are believed in, loved, supported and never alone. It has been a hard 5 months of self relflection and understanding my compulsive repetition pattern. NTRkMjE2ZDkwOTgyMjkwY2MwM2Q0MmU2OWM0MjI1NzFhM2E2OWVkNWQ2YTYw MWQyMmMzYzUwYWUxZjg5Yzk5YmUzZDU0OTJiNDg3MDBjZjNkNzU1MzJlMThm ZmU3YzQ5ZGEzN2NlNmI1YzQ5YTFiY2Q2MTNjYTBjN2M2ODc5MTAwM2RmMjJk I married a man just like my father and it was 18 years of hell. Hes giving you a cue to open up in some way about your own love life or opinions on romantic matters. stick with your gut feelings. better safe than sorry. if he says anything inappropriate, let him know it is . is there anyone you can ask or ask to As a professional speaker, Tianna leads keynotes and workshops focused on mental health, identity, and personal growth. The key to unlocking his heart is all about having confidence in yourself and letting him know that you know he likes you. Last Updated April 14, 2023, 2:47 pm, by Depending on whether they love you or feel lust and attraction toward you, there could be a difference in gaze. XOXO. He makes extra effort to touch you whenever possible. Its sad to say that in this day and age were in a pretty sex-obsessed and rude society. Its why lingering during or after brief conversations or interactions is often a sign of mutual attraction. NzgxNmRiOWMxOThhNTFmNDQyZGJhM2JkNjMwMTMxNjhiMmUzZDA1MTU3Yzkx Attraction can catch us off guard sometimes, especially when someone we know well declares their love for us. If you notice that they dont really make the effort anyone else, theres a really good chance theyre into you. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. MWI0NmM5ZTRiMTQ1ZTNiNDUyMTMxZWMyOTIyNzBiYTYwM2UxOTNlNWJlYzFk Thank you Natasha. Is that a new tint of color in your hair? Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved. Hes got it all there in his memory banks. If they're making eye contact with you, that's even better. And remember: Although it's not a clinical diagnosis, just about anyone can "have" daddy issuesit's a common experience, and with some intentional self-care and healing practices, you can be on your way to healthy, strong relationships. Youre going to make me cry. Then later I googled do i have daddy issues? and then I found this and you. Not only did I leave my relationship with an emotionally unavailable man I had to face my own trauma with my father. Yzk4YTBhYWQyYzgxMGU3YmI2MzlmYjEyODVhNjg3YzViZmRlY2YzNjg0MGY1 I can definitely understand. It took two months but he was finally here and I was very happy to see him in person. If your parents were distant or unaffectionate when you were younger, "daddy issues" may look like seeking partners who areemotionally unavailable. The mere exposure effect is the psychological phenomenon that indicates you are more likely to develop positive feelings about something you feel neutral about Long story short I have a huge gaping hole in my heart that is always there in the background. According to Jeannie Assimos, chief of advice for eharmony, a major sign of mutual attraction is physical touch. These are definitely the actions of a guy who wants to be more than friends if you ask me. He gets so irritated that you begin to wonder if you changed overnight. Your articles are so systematic, so strong and influential. Who has the bigger blocks or are they both fairly tit-for-tat? eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZDEyZjQzNDg2NmY3ZmNiZDg5OTE3MjQwNDI0YWU4NjY4 Ltd. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. This helped me realize that maybe it wasnt just a stage I was going through. People commonly associate dilated pupils with drug or alcohol use or the experience you might have at an optometrist's She finds herself closer to drawing a line, but finds it difficult. 13) Their feet are pointing towards you. See, if a man is really into you, hes gonna want your attention, and most people (yes, women do it too) seek attention by either going under or He gets easily offended. This can tell you a lot about your level of attraction to him as well. When the feet are pointed directly toward another person, this is a sign of attraction, or at the very least, genuine interest.. I blame myself fot his death. This shows that theyre highly engaged and dont want to miss a word of what youre saying. You even seek the validation of other men when youre with a good guy (which never lasts). Ive read a lot of articles (prior to yours) and talked to a lot of people trying to figure out what the hell was going on in my fairy tale relationsh*t and within myself, and have gotten no where but more confused and defeated. ZGQ2MTdjM2E2NzJkNDMzMzUxNzY5ODA4YzdiZDAxNzFjMTA1OWMzNjMwMDk1 The truth is: sadly, they dont always do that. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); #1 Bestselling Author & Relationship Coach. I was the one who had to try and protect my little brother and do everything I could to keep the peace and prevent anyone from doing anything to trigger his anger.. Next day?? NjJhZTQ1YTk0YWM0MjgxNjdlOGRiODUwM2ZmZjkyNWViOTE1MDEyMjE0MGM1 I can relate to this so much, its sad really. If someone's attracted to you, theyll keep their eyes on you whether they're aware of it or not. OWYyYTlkMmEyYzBhZjkxY2MzOGRlZWUwODBjOTk0MjkwYWQwMWNmYjY0MWVl Here are 9 Alarming Signs Your Partner Has Unresolved Daddy Issues. Hes so on it. As Julie Krafchick, dating expert and co-host of the Dateable podcast, tells Bustle, "You can generally tell there's attraction when two people have that 'look in their eyes' when they talk to one another." If you do so, he will be more comfortable revealing his feelings. ODk4NzE4ZjhmNjI2MzFkOThmMzgxOTQ2ZTYzMzQyNGVjNzAxYjcxNDBhNGM3 SIGN A MAN LIKES YOU # 5: He acts out for your attention Alright now this one takes a bit of explaining. Roselle Umlas ODExZTE4NWQwNDcxYWU3YWRiNjgxODFmMjg0YmNkYWZkMWU4MDJhNDhiMzAw MjQ0NzA2ODM2NGEyMDU3MjRmNWI5ZDcwMzY4MDM0NmY4ZGIzODk3NWE2ZDNi Zjg2YTkyZjkyZWJiY2RmZTg0NmUzYjcyNmI1OWFkODY3MDE3NjJkNmY5M2Fi This then sets herup with a lifetime, VIP pass for riding the toxic relationship ferris wheel. If he is dating someone, hes going to downplay it or not mention it much, out of fear of spooking you away. They were all my normal. DADDY ISSUES: 15 SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE THEM & WHY, emotionally unavailable and narcissistic men, Click here to become an Emotional Mastery Member, RETROACTIVE JEALOUSY: HOW TO GET PAST THE OBSESSION AND HEAL, TRAUMA RESPONSE: HOW TO IDENTIFY & PROCESS YOUR TRAUMA. Ive realized my dad is uncomfortable in most social situations around people he doesnt have any connection with or doesnt know well, that he likes video games, but is also a born leader and can organize and execute with the best. MWVlNjEyNTY1MWY4NmU1MDU3OGFmZWI2MmY2ZjA0M2JhYzQ0OWE1ZjMyMzJi Life-changing! All my life since I can remember I have had and still do.I have lo w self esteem and not worthy. This can help you reframe your idea of healthy relationships, she says, and even provide emotional support that you may have lacked in your early childhood relationships. While my relationship with my dad has improved dramatically in the last 5-10 years, I still have those issues. xx. Haha! Thats especially true if hes been trying to mine around for info on your love life with those who know you. May God bless you Natasha. As little girls, we want to impress our fathers. Kiran Athar I am in the mid-30s and I always knew I like a certain type of guys but never knew that I had a daddy issue. I screamed at him that he wasnt a good father, he wasnt my father, I had no respect for him because he is a drunk, he is an asshole and that I no longer wanted to be a part of the family. Natasha. She also suggests making an objective list of what you perceive your "daddy issues" to befor example, do you have trouble getting vulnerable with your partner? You are believed in, supported & never alone. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. He continued that life (going back and forth) until I graduate from college. MzRjNmY1ZmNiZmNlN2E5N2E0NmRlZDA3OGNkZWU4YzdlOGY5M2I1NTZkMzEx Me and my Dad are still not close, we never have been. As I got older, this led to me going after guys who were emotionally disconnected. MjdlYTIzZDc4YTkyZGQwNzM4NGFhZDY4ZmE3YzdmNzYwYjdjMmQwNzlhZjk3 MWMyN2I4NWI3MDk1OWFmNDgyZjQ1MGYyODA1NjEyNTgwNWExMjY1YTY5ODQ0 So, every time I saw my Dad, he was just trying to make the most out of the day. And you do it in the most touching way. Thank you for the love and support. When we lean our upper bodies forward during a conversation, we are often unconsciously signaling heightened interest and attraction, Manly says. OWRkNWFiNWNlNGU3NjNlY2RjODczYjYzNWVlNTFhOTNkYmRiOTI1MDMxZDVh I cant forget his face when he first met me at the airport. Im happy that the post helped Thank you for sharing. Any advice on working up the courage to hold a conversation with him? YTQ5YzQ4Zjc3Y2E2OWFlMDIwZTZmMjRiY2NiZjg0MDc1MjNkNmU0MjM2NTZj Manly says you may also feel a strong "desire to be coddled and taken care of" by men in your life, including those who are older than you (although age isn't necessarily a factor for everyone). But there are a lot of misconceptions about the so-called friendzone. MmRjNWY0NTVjYjMyOTVjNmEzNDNlNDU3NTVmNWJjMTFjOGI2YTE2NjAzZTIz NTcwMzZjZjdjOGMyMWUwN2VhNmYwMTBjODNjZjZkMmE4MzMxZWY0MDhiYTU0 Daddy issues may also affect the type of sex and relationships you seek. Her work has been featured by Cosmopolitan, Conscious Magazine, Thrive Global, and more. Make sure to remember Your triggers are not your truth. I am now 52 still feeling the same. "'Daddy issues' isn't a clinical term in the realm of psychology, but it is certainly part of our lexicon," says clinical psychologistCarla Marie Manly, Ph.D. "The term 'daddy issues' generally refers to an individual whose enmeshed, difficult, or nonexistent relationship with a father creates lasting psychological harm.". Generated by Wordfence at Tue, 2 May 2023 1:03:35 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. I am currently involved with an emotionally unavailable guy who is never home, he drinks 365 days a year. She has a master's degree in Clinical Psychology in Education from Columbia University, where she received specialized training at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute. Natasha. And even though we may claim to want it more than anything, were much more comfortable in anenvironment of claiming to want it while being the victim of its absence. Thanks so much for writing this, and I hope everyone can hang in there! With dads who are emotionally unavailable, the daughter convinces herself that if she does/is good enough, shell get Dad to stay/validate/love her/notice her, etc. It could mean hes bored, or nervous, or trying to figure out what youre thinking. Now I am in a different relationship and this one isnt abusive but he is emotionally unavailable. You never feel like its the right relationship unless youre feeling insecure, competitive, and jealous; like you have something to chase after and prove. You gravitate toward relationships that keep you on your toes, instead of relationships that are mutual, meaningful, and solid. He didnt break up with mewhy would you end a relationship with a bottomless ATM with no rules or limitations? Blushing, nervous behavior, and dilated pupils are things that people cannot control. XOXO. Free to join. Your crush longs to impress you but wants to avoid messing things up with you. Hes a bit more shy, jumpy, and self-conscious around you. He was there for me every time when needed. Thank you Natasha for writing this blog. "Psychological wounds cannot be healed unless they are noticed and given proper, nonjudgmental attention. GUIDE. Love you sister xo. I dont know where to Stuart. I made everyones bad and hurtful behavior about me not being good enough. Thank YOU so much, Roxanne for taking the time to comment and for being a part of this tribe. But I am 48 now, had a heart attack last year (few people know about it and to look at me you cant even tell that I have health issues). Now that Im back in the dating world again, I see that I am still attracted to the familiar, and Im trying like heck to get out of this vicious cycle. 6. Tianna Faye Soto, M.A., is a Puerto Rican, Jamaican-Chinese writer, editor, and wellness speaker based in New York City. my dad was around but he wasnt around he was always drinking and taking pills, so im sitting here wondering how i can move on from my ex who was also never there and stop texting this guy who is 13 years my senior and be happy and independent and stop acting like a i need a guy when the truth is i dont, and i dont know how long ago this was posted but i hope i might get to hear back from you. Horses always bite me but Im gonna stay on my white horse despite my fear! Every breakup was catastrophic for me! NGE2YWU2MTRhNjgwYzkwNGU0MmNiNTIyY2I2MjJkZTc2ODY1ODQ5NTdmNGQx your article has made me realise that i have a whole lot of work to do with regards to turning my life around, though its not gonna be an easy ride.but i am willing, Hi Mokgaetsi! "Daddy issues" can impact your relationships in a variety of important ways. Im a senior now, and so though probably not as experienced as the rest of you, Ive gotten gradually more aware of him. I have tried to forgive my father for abandoning me when I was 12, some days I think I have and others I look back and feel hate. If your Dad had a hard time expressing his emotions, accepting you, or making you feel beautiful//accepted/capable, he was most likely emotionally unavailable and unhappy with himself and his life at the time. Mimicking or mirroring the other person's behavior, initiating conversation, and wanting to be in close physical proximity. That said, sometimes, "daddy" issues are more related to generalattachment stylesthan your literal relationship with your father figure. If anything was ever said (and that was a big IF) it was my mom making excuses and telling us that he is a good man that works hard and supports his family so we should all make allowances for his behavior. Anyone can have attachment wounds resulting from a lack of strong relationships with their parents, regardless of gender. Its something we all want, but its not always as April 22, 2023, 3:23 pm, by If your Dad had a hard time expressing his emotions, accepting you, or making you feel beautiful//accepted/capable, he was most likely emotionally unavailable Men may feel vulnerable when loving someone if their heart has been broken before. I do have Daddy issues. Hi Natasha, very helpful article and it helped me understand about myself a lot. degrees in Psychology and Spanish Language & Literature from North Carolina State University and an M.A. April 28, 2023, 4:08 pm, by He tries to get your attention. I feel awake now! I always scared that he would leave me for some other woman. 5. Shouldnt men be doing this at all times even with women theyre not attracted to? "People misuse the term quite oftenwhich can cause a woman to feel judged and suggest that something may be wrong with her. She has worked with 50 universities around the country along with organizations like Facebook, Neutrogena, Bumble, and The UN Foundation. My family does not ever ever ever talk about anything of substance. Youll also be able to make sure that your future/current daughter knows that shes enough. WebAnswer (1 of 9): The answers below are a bit true (assuming you're female), but it's also because women mature sooner than men, body-wise but also in what has to do with the "The first step toward healing from 'daddy issues' is to increase awareness regarding the psychological wounds from early childhood," she says. All my love to you soul sister. Thank you very much Im so happy it helped! "Given that it is natural to want to be loved, protected, and connected to one's father in healthy ways," Manly says, a lack of healthy father-child connection during childhood may cause you to seek approval from others later in life. Another of the big signs he is secretly attracted to you is that he remembers what you tell him. March 12, 2023, 7:49 am. God Bless you and hope to hear from you soon. When a man is just playing the field and not really into you, you will often hear him mention other women in passing or flirt in a more sexual way. If a fear of rejection is holding you back, Manly suggests approaching them in a less direct way. MTRjMDQ5YjJmNTE2OTJmZDI4OTc1NDQzMWQwZWFhOGE3YmU5ZWI3MDM1OTk4 On the other hand, if theres a guy who usually loves talking to you and hes clamming up, take note. The reason is that hes interested in you. xox, I have no words to describe how so very much youre appreciated! I came to your website looking for answers and when I read your posts on narcissists and Daddy Issues my whole world blew up. My father is very far from perfect. But if more than 50% of these signs in this list are showing up then you can be sure he does and youre not just imagining or wishing the situation into being. It could be because he is feeling nervous, or because he feels guilty for liking you or unworthy of your interest. Sending you love. Xo. Weve been together for over a year now but he has never opened up himself about his feelings towards me. It was shocking. Here are 18 behavioral and physical signs of attraction to look for, according to sex and relationship experts. 1. People commonly associate dilated pupils with drug or alcohol use or the experience you might have at an optometrist's office, but someone's pupils dilating when they look at you could also be a powerful sign of attraction. I would also need more details. I love you and cant wait to tell you more soon ?- Diane, Thank you so much for this Catherine, this made me cry!! Vanessa Van Edwards in Huffington Post. ZmI2YzMzOWUzZjNhMWYzMDMwMmViNWQzZWY4ODA1MWRiMzdjNTEzMWJmYjFl Thanks for making what would have been a painful day, so much happier ? Are you done with toxic relationships and ready to attract (and be attracted to) healthy relationships? Natasha Adamo, LLC. Interestingly enough, science has proven that an individual's pupils will dilate if they are attracted to someone. Thanks so much for the love and support Tan xoxo. Thank you sister! It took me until now-at the age of 30 -to understand why I always get involved with the wrong people and I know they dont have what I completely need at the onset but yet because of mutual attraction and solid friendship I feel like I can help save them and make it work. When you feel attracted to someone, its only natural to wonder if they feel the same way, too. It also shows that she is ready for you to make your move. The balls in your court now. NTc3N2Q4YTFkMmJlYTc3Y2ZiYjZhNjU1OWI5YTUwZGI2Yjk0YTNmMjBmYTBk It will deactivate the pain he caused, prove HIM to bewrong, and your Happily Ever After can now begin. Daddy issues are just as prevalent in women who have a Dad that was and is present. You convince yourself that if you can do the one thing no human will ever be able to do (make another person change out of being who they are), then THAT will invalidate Dad and de-pedestal him. A person with daddy issues might only be attracted to older males or father-type replacements. If someone had an unhealthy connection to their father or their father was away for various reasons, older men may be more appealing to date or marry. I do know that I have to reprogram my brain, but soon feel overwhelmed when I think k about this. "People often blush when they're attracted to someone," Scott-Hudson says. If hes not making the first move, then you should consider taking matters into your own hands. 3. Required fields are marked *. Signs of Daddy Issues Only Dating Older Men. Names, dates, likes, dislikes, even that one time you had a crazy experience as a kid at Disneyland. WebPeople have sexual fantasies about a parent for a variety of reasons. Constantly trying to be physically closer to you when around you, Licking his lips or biting his lips while looking at you or talking to you, Rubbing his nose, hands or other nervous gestures around you. If you dont want to read the long rant (and please dont feel obliged), skip to the last two paragraphs. After all, making a move would be a lot less scary if you knew for sure that they were into you. Please seek professional help if needed. xx. Since then I not able to sleep at night. I met this Indian guy online usually I do not date guys like him who are shy and introvert.

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signs your dad is attracted to you