university pay negotiations 2021 22

>>>>>>university pay negotiations 2021 22

university pay negotiations 2021 22

The committee also agreed to re-ballot staff at all 150 universities to renew UCU's mandate and allow the union to call action well into 2023, including a marking and assessment boycott from April, unless the disputes are settled. The higher education committee (HEC) also agreed to re-ballot staff at all 150 universities to renew UCU's mandate and allow the union to call action well into 2023 unless the disputes are settled. You can determine your target range using salary and cost-of-living research tools like Payscale,, Glassdoor and NerdWallet, as well as your professional The final JNCHES meeting of the 2021/22 negotiating round took place yesterday, Thursday 6 May. You can read the joint union statement on the meeting here. The dates are: It was announced today that members will be called to take strike action on Wednesday 1 February. However, we've also provided further information should you wish to read more about our cookies or change your cookie settings. With the dispute process now concluded preparations for an industrial actionballot in the autumn are now under way: University strike ballot a step closer as vice-chancellors refuse to improve pay offer. As you know, we can have 18 UCPEA observers at every negotiation session. Vice-chancellors now need to urgently address the concerns of staff otherwise our 70,000 members will escalate this dispute into next year.'. In both cases, leaders further up the hierarchy had to agree to the changes. This week higher education unions met with the employers' organisation UCEA who refused to improve their derisory pay offer for 2022-23 of 3%. There were constructive discussions about developing a way forward and both sides agreed to enter into urgent negotiations between now and 31January 2023with a view to resolving both the 2022/23 pay round,on which the current dispute is based,and the 2023/24 pay round. Unfortunately, UCEA have again failed to table an offer and have instead called on all of the unions to suspend any industrial action in order to progress negotiations. Make it clear how a win for you (in terms of your compensation) is also a win for your employer (in terms of their needs). | Website designed by nclud. As well as a marking and assessment boycott, delegates also voted to hit 39 universities with a further ten days of strike action. I was able to negotiate location and salary with my employer at the time based on the fact that I had received an offer to move to a different organization., Dorothy Rogers, chair of the religion department at Montclair State University, told me that in faculty hiring, If you have two offers, let both parties know (even which institutions are competing for you), and if the salary is way lower at one of them, let them know that, too. At community colleges specifically, union faculty members earned an additional $18,000 in 2021, or 27 percent more than non-union faculty in the same states. You can get an excellent introductory course free from the American Association of University Women and a range of postgrad financial advice (free and paid) from Personal Finance for PhDs. Branches will be updated on the written offer as soon as possible. Our elected negotiatorswill continue to negotiate on your behalf and keep you updated with any developments. UCU has announced 18 further days of strike action between February and March in disputes over pay, conditions and attacks on pensions. Inflation has been rising rapidly since the start of this year. UCU general secretary Jo Grady said 'Our message to the employers for these three days is very clear - put a proper offer on the table or this is just the start of our fight back.'. Our elected negotiatorsturned up ready to negotiate in good faith, but UCEA declined to put any offer on the table amid a cost of living crisis which is creating hardship for higher education employees, despite admitting they do have money they could pay in February 2023. Industrial action over the pay and working conditions claim will begin on 1 December, it was announced today. The new ballots over strike action and action short of strike (ASOS) are taking place because the current mandates to take industrial action will end on 3 May at many universities. UCU responded to the latest HESA report on higher education staff by stating that it shows why university staff are taking strike action, especially as 'women, black staff and disabled staff continue to face shocking pay gaps with women more likely to be on zero hours contracts than men, and black women even more likely still': Official statistics show why university staff are taking strike action. 1. Following a further round of talks at Acas, the joint unions today issued this statement: Talks between UCEA and the HE trades unions continue. 'Whether such a deal is acceptable to us will inevitably depend on what is offered, and to-date the unions have received no offer. News 'A WIGUT victory': Union pleased as remit received for salary negotiations Narissa Fraser Yesterday WIGUT president Dr Indira Rampersad, left, and other members listen as UWI principal Rose-Marie Belle Antoine address them during a protest at the St Augustine campus on April 20.File phot by Roger Jacob. It involved an offer of a 2.75% sub-inflationary rise on the majority of pay points, with bottom loading on pay points 3-19 ranging from 6% at point 3 to 2.8% at point 19, to accommodate the legal requirement to meet the new national minimum wage. The pay option Helene Fuld College of Nursing Mid-Career Median Salary: $95,600. She reported: 'The employers'position is that the 2022-23 negotiations over pay, during which we had a 3% pay increase imposed, have closed. Powered by GOSS iCM. UCU general secretary Jo Grady tells members the employers' 1.5% pay offer is not god enough, and provides an update on what happens next. Although UCEA made UCU an initial pay offer for the upcoming 2023-24 pay round worth between 4% and 5% yesterday they made no further improvement on the 3% pay increased for 2022-23 over which the current action is taking place. UCU today Sometimes its strategic, she added, to just sit with it and give the other person the chance to take their time to answer, since the ball is in their court. The higher education committee (HEC) considered the early developments with the claim, the key UCU policy and principles that should be in a joint union claim. Overall, more than seven in 10 members who voted (70.1%) backed strike action with 84.9% voting for action short of strike, which could include a marking boycott: Big mandate for strike action at UK universities over pay & working conditions. We have had positive discussions on this matter, but nothing is firm yet.'. Salary Negotiations: A Catch-22 for Women. UUP 2022 Contract Negotiations News. Its important to note that in both Carolines and Annas stories, their own commitment to advocating for others pay may not have been sufficient to make it happen. However, the employers wasted the whole meeting discussing this statement, which related to the mechanism and process of the negotiations, insisting that we confirm that we would cease all industrial action during the negotiating process. No progress was made on other elements of the joint union claim including the 35 hour week, or Scottish JNCHES. About HE negotiating. The joint unions have written to all vice-chancellors & principals asking them to contact UCEA and ensure that a 'serious offer' which addresses the trade unions' claim must now be made at the final meeting on 5 May: UCEA did not demonstrate willingness to improve their previous pay offer, despite the rise in inflationthat means that 1.5% would now constitute a real terms pay cut, under both RPI and CPIH. instruct HEC to declare a dispute with UUK over USS, ballot all USS members for industrial action to defend a defined benefit USS scheme, take industrial action (including strike and action short of strike action) in the autumn term, initiate exploration of the feasibility of conditional benefits and conditional indexation, continue the Four Fights campaign (pay, workload, casualisation, equality), ballot all HE members for industrial action in support of Four Fights, coordinate the USS and Four Fights ballots, take industrial action in pursuit of the Four Fights beginning in November, coordinate the campaign with sister unions. UCU has warned that up to 100 universities could face disruption in the new year if the dispute over pay & conditions is not resolved after it was announced that members at 42 universities will be asked to back strike action in fresh ballots that open on Monday 6 December and close on Friday 14 January. When we challenged employers to meet CPIH in August, they refused, saying that 'they did not have a mandate' to meet even their own preferred inflation rate. The reballots come after a number of branches narrowly missed the Conservative's anti-trade union turnout threshold, in some cases by only one or two votes: it was announced today. UCEA will provide written details of the offer and how it relates to each point on the pay spine next week. Marking and assessment boycott to hit 145 UK universities from tomorrow. Option (i) (escalating strike action) - 57%, Option (ii) (indefinite strike action) - 31%. UCU warned of a staff exodus from UK universities after two-thirds of university staff said they are considering leaving the sector within five years over cuts to pensions and deteriorating pay and working conditions. UCEA also made some limited proposals in regards to the pay related and equality elements of the claim. Those staff have got universities through the pandemic and are continuing to work harder than ever before under more difficult circumstances the employers need to recognise this.. Potent cultural barriers still stand in the way, and those who hold significant power in institutions need to actively seek out ways to use it on behalf of those who dont. Sometimes knowing another institution is competing for you will: a) speed up decision making and b) increase the money being offered (if possible, depending on institution). The question guiding Annas efforts was, How can we support and advocate for each other? She hopes they will pay it forward and help create a chain reaction of women supporting women, stepping out of their comfort zones to advocate for themselves and then others. The outcome of last year's JNCHES negotiations led to the 'live' Four Fights dispute. The joint union claim also included a demand for a UK-wide agreement on Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs). An escalation of action short of strike is also planned. After adjusting for inflation, the sector has seen its total income rise by around 15% over the last six years. UCEA was left in no doubt about how strongly members feel and the need for real change to be made. The Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) recently met the sector unions for a final national pay negotiating Branches are strongly encouraged to meet to debate motions and elect delegates. HE unions' claim 2022-23 [399kb]. We will be in touch again very soon with updates, resources, FAQs, and campaign events. Members are urged to check their membership information and postal address is up-to-date by logging in to Our members, and the members of our sister unions, have kept universities running during the pandemic, performed essential life-changing research including to combat the virus, and taught 4% more students than last year. More broadly these negotiations have been shaped by the ongoing response to the pandemic and the huge collective effort staff have made to ensure HE remains successful and attractive. The dean agreed to raise their salaries in that years merit cycle.. UCEA spoke on behalf of sector employers in the joint statement, acknowledging that there needs to be a pay rise in these negotiations, which will continue at meetings on 14 April and 6 May. The HE trade unions are Unison, Unite, GMB, EIS and UCU. American Indian and Alaska Native women earn $25,884 less a year, $1,035,360 less over a 40-year career span. WebThe College negotiates with the Joint Trades Unions (JTUs) UCU, UNISON and UNITE to determine if there should be an increase in pay and the rate. You can determine your target range using salary and cost-of-living research tools like Payscale,, Glassdoor and NerdWallet, as well as your professional network. On a turnout of over 57%, breaking the 50% threshold set by anti-union legislation, around 80% of members who voted said yes to taking industrial action over pay and conditions claim: National pay & conditions ballot scrutineer's report [276kb] Then I ended by saying that Id be willing to discontinue discussions with my current institution if we were able to come to an agreement on the final sticking points of salary and start-up funding. A special higher education sector conference (HESC) held on 9 September 2021 has called for an industrial action ballot over the employers' 2021-22 pay offer, to run alongside a ballot over the changes imposed to USS pensions. Dont negotiate until a firm offer (in writing) has been extended 2. But the union says this still amounts to a pay cut after accounting for inflation. .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 49% !important; margin-bottom: 1.5em !important; } .positionleft.inlineimage { margin-right: 0.5% !important; } .positionright.inlineimage { margin-left: 0.5% !important; } @media(max-width:600px) { .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 100% !important; margin: 0 0 1em 0 !important; } #emergencybanner {margin-bottom: -1em !important;} }. Its about making a case for your value to the employer -- showing how you will excel at meeting the specific needs theyve expressed based on your accomplishments and skills. After notifying vice chancellors that staff would take strike action unless they saw movement, but the employers, represented by University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) still won't meet without preconditions, and refuse to engage in agreeing action plans that would address widespread casualisation, excessive workloads and pay inequalities. Given the timetable HEC agreed to delegate the further development of the claim and its final sign off to the HEC officers and national negotiators. Dispute meetings were arranged for 12 January and 19 January, with UCU, UNISON and GMB. Officewide projects provided opportunities to expand staff members roles and advocate for higher compensation for them. Its not so much a fear of speaking up, negotiating, asserting oneself, etc. I spent a few minutes describing my attachment to it (during which time I think he was probably anticipating that I was about to turn down the position). Acas-mediated talks are intended to address the issues in dispute, which include pay, equality, job insecurity and workloads. Oakland University offers all employees outstanding health benefits. My colleague Anna Renzetti, an assistant director in the career and professional development center at the University of Utah, shared a similar account. 'In the spirit of attempting to reach agreement, the joint unions agreed to intensive negotiations between now and the end of January, with further negotiations continuing into February and beyond as required on the other heads of the 22-23 claim. In line with UCU represented staff, the pay award for Technical Services staff at Levels 4-7 has been implemented from 1 August 2022. In 2022, women ages 25 to 34 earned an average of 92 cents for every dollar earned by a man in the same age group an 8-cent gap. On 15 July HE negotiators from UCU, Unite, and Unison met UCEA in the first of two dispute resolution meetings over the current bargaining round. Successful reballots will allow staff to continue taking action through this calendar year. 02 Apr 2021 | by Kristen Senz. The union wont say how much it has compromised on its demand for 13.5 per cent increase over three years for Treasury Board employees, and a 22.5 per cent raise over three years for CRA workers. New industrial action ballots over deteriorating pay and conditions, and also the USS pensions dispute, will open on 16 March. Information on the UK-wide higher education negotiations for 2022-23 which take place within the Joint National Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES). Caroline Levine, chair of the department of literatures in English at Cornell University, wrote to me, I was trying to think about negotiating strategies, and I realized that I often feel that women really have no good way to do this -- ask for more, and you're considered pushy and entitled; don't ask, and you don't get raises. This is expected to impactgraduations. Even though one can feel the pressure to fill the air with talk, don't. University employers today made proposals in the dispute over pay and working conditions. UCU's higher education committee (HEC), authorised sustained industrial action at a meeting on 19 January, which will include coordinated UK wide and regional rolling strikes. The higher education committee (HEC) will now use these results and the debates that occurred in the meeting to inform their decision-making in the meeting on Thursday 12 January 2023 to decide our union's next steps. The action will take place over two weeks, with members in 39 universities taking action from Monday 21 Marchto Friday 25 March, with members in a further 29 universities taking action from Monday 28 Marchto Friday 1 April. A full written offer is expected early next week. For staff at Levels 1-3, the University Executive Board has agreed to implement the current pay offer with effect from October salaries. JNCHES negotiations 2022-23: joint union statement, 26 April 2022 [28kb], An initial offer was received from the employers on 21 April. A marking and assessment boycott due to begin in January will now be called from April. But theres more to it than that. When I started my current job, the aspect I felt least prepared for was teaching students to negotiate compensation. We have the expectation that our employers will show respect for the contributions made by staff by offering rates of pay which are competitive internationally, rather than deprioritising staff in favour of other types of expenditure. Information on the UK-wide higher education negotiations for 2021-22 which take place within the Joint National Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES). UNISON senior national officer Ruth Levin said: The pay freeze in the current year which in reality means a cut to the value of wages has been rejected by all unions. Understand the needs and abilities of the employer. The money is there. The same STEM postdoc advised, When you have more than one offer, use that in your advantage when negotiating salary/benefits/relocation. Members at more than 20 universities will proceed to a marking boycott on 23 May despite threats of 100% pay deductions from some rogue bosses. WebUCEA member institutions decide individually whether they will participate in each negotiating round to address the uplift to be applied to the national pay spine, covering The actual pay uplift, and how it relates to individual pay points, will be subject to further negotiation in the final JNCHES meeting on 6 May 2021. The dispute resolution process has not resulted in an improved offer but the fight is far from over. These discussions were involved and left little time at the end of the scheduled meeting for a detailed offer to be made by UCEA. You can It's too early to say whether UCEA will make an offer that represents a meaningful attempt to address these vitally important matters. In a message to members, UCU general secretary Jo Grady said 'Employers are doubling down on their completely unacceptable positions: another below-inflation pay offer, doing nothing on casualisation, workloads and inequality, and cutting USS members' guaranteed future pension benefits by 35% or more.

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university pay negotiations 2021 22