andromedan starseed birth chart

>>>>>>andromedan starseed birth chart

andromedan starseed birth chart

Happy to see a fellow Andromedan here and glad you liked the article , I feel so connected while reading this. I would love for you to have the same aha moment, thats why I wrote this article. The reason why Andromedan starseeds usually have a good balance is that many are 12th dimensional, and when a soul have ascended that high they have an androgynous energy. My father always told me I not only danced to a different drummer, I danced to a completely different band. Birth City. I hate the way the government spends/wastes our tax money. My son is rainbow child, but he got starseed reading and says he is from Andromeda. Can be remote? The Andromedans are from the neighboring galaxy Andromeda. Perhaps overly. I went through a guided meditation to find out where I was from and two places came to mind Andromeda and a planet starting with aM that for some reason I could not make out the name or hear it right. You are good at inspiring others and are deeply wise. Before we jump into the signs, here is my starseed story, and how I found out my soul origin is in Andromeda: Andromedans are Beings of Light who are dedicated to bringing new technologies and holistic forms of healing to the whole Universe. I knew nothing about Andromeda until researching today and BOOM..I have been in the travel industry 30+ years, married 3x one husband was Egyptian and I lived in Egypt where I KNOW Ive lived many times before lol..loving all the resonance. Then next night my partner suggested we watch Nova and it was about the Andromedan Galaxy and I instantly remembered, did some google search, found you and watched your video! And im grateful and I accept this, fully. I know when there are elements wanting to take me out this is a battle . First time I heard about Andromeda was from Star Trek. However, I am not much for taking credits for my actions and like to stay in the background. Its a very diverse galaxy and is the home of not only Andromedans, but also Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans and the intelligent Silver Dolphins. Its a big moment in our Universes history. There are around 800 000 Andromedan starseeds on Earth, making it one of the more rare races. (Sorry for my english). I still dont have anyone that helps me to understand other then the internet . And the same fr my Twin flame. Read more about Julia Lundin. WOW. I figured hell, theyre open to everyone right? And kept implying the physical pain would start soon. But there are many others as well. Why dont I just go in there myself and take care of it? So I did. Many thanks! For example, if you are a man and are in touch with your emotional side, that is a sign you have a good balance between the energies. I just kept running. Im home sick and I miss my tribe. During my awakening I have seen her as a guide in my mind because I have come to understand her perspectives in a new light as I have progressed. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. thank you soooo much it helped me so much as I just discovered my star origin, Can you be more than one star seed? I want to come home. Yes, feel free to message me on Instagram, The Spirit Nomad . Ive always known that Im an old soul. My soul essence was etheric in form. I also have once had a deep experience where I was in a place that was pure light. I meditated recently and was on a starship. Magical! Thank you for writing this article . This is all new so new, and I am getting all of these downloads Its mind-blowing. after having soul retrieval ive discovered the andromedans have been actively making contact, The past 2 years have been a whirlwind of an awakening for me. I didnt know it at the time and got scared, chased him away. I have sensed this fo years but this is the first Ive actually heard. My blood type is O+ with rH- blood factor.rare right? I got online and found this site. Thank you! Im not trying to be rude or anything like that, but it seems to me that Andromedan Starseeds assume and feel obligated to assume a lot of responsibility and life purpose. 4. Before my awakening started i felt like i didnt belong here. And now I now where my soul is from. I am so analytical and detailed in my thinking that I can 99% categorize everyone I meet, and basically have a blueprint to their minds. I just had an Akashic reading today and she told me I was from Andromeda. p.s. Im new to all of this. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Thanks for sharing and happy you liked the article. Took the dcfs case to the illinois supreme court and they wouldnt hear it. I turned to get my shoes. This spiral-shaped galaxy that you can find in the Northern sky, is around 2.5 million light years away. This has given me the courage to go on and understand I am not crazy. Tremblingscared shitless. 100% to the T this article described me, really interesting read. I love you for writing this article and wish you all the best. I only use technology but not really into it. My mediumship/channeling has been coming through recently and Ive done hypnotherapy sessions where Ive been told and seen past reincarnations multiple times (which has been a very prominent figure in history). My name Ro lund. My home is definitely Andromeda. I have a lot to say but for some reason I am running out of words. RELATED:The Most Empathic Zodiac Signs Who Feel Absolutely Everything (And Those Who Feel Nothing). Love for all of you. Just like Pleiadian and Sirian starseeds, you are highly creative and always full of ideas. Also the other things I was taken towards was ancient technology and shown how it works etc. Wow, I knew I came from somewhere else. Thank you so much for sharing this! AMUN-RA Out!, Can ou Tell me If Alpha Centaurus has something to do with Andrmeda??? Thank you so much for writing this! I also get tingles when something deeply resonates me. In this section, we will take a look at those traits and characteristics that are most common and frequently found in Andromedan Starseeds, all of which are listed below. But was able to thru my yrs of being around her . Unsolved mysteries was playing on the tv in the living room..stating my sins. OMG!! But I have also been on Orion and Polaris. I was almost translucent in colour too. Ive always been quite the loner however; have put on a smiley face and greeted others to make them feel good. My experiences as a child told me that I was destined for more, a mission I must complete, on earth.. The starseed traits you wrote here of this alien race fit to a T!!!! They may or may not remember where they come from, but they have this intense inner knowing that they have a purpose to fulfill on Earth. It feels validating, Amazing! If you want a more in depth look at your personal astrology, shop the Birth Chart Report here. My prayer since 5 years old has been: may my presence be helpful for the highest good of me and the highest good of all humanity. Is there genetic engineering that will take place in the future to alter the looks from human to star race? Water signs are said to be the best indicators of Starseed traits. This starseed type really stuck out to me for multiple reasons I wont go into here. Does that mean Im a adromadean? I know Im a healer, I came here to heal people. I always felt Im more arcturian, but reading this article sounds pretty much like you are talking about me. The reason why Andromedan starseeds love travelling is because they love freedom and because it reminds them of being back on their spaceship, travelling at the speed of light. So happy though to get to this point where we are connecting and getting down to our missions ! You might have heard that the Pleiadians are our future selves visiting us. Im sick without him and he definitely fits the description in your article. Would love to meet other mission realmers Hello , thank you for this topic . By those things do you have any idea who i am? Thats so cool, happy to hear this resonated with your partner , I always thought I was Pleaidian but this is sooooo me! Im curious how star seeds relate to humanity in general Very nice topic.. And your conclusion? I will get a starseed reading soon. Happy to see another Andromedan starseed here , Thanks for this great article. Hello fellow Andromedan your explanation rings true. You appear confident to the outside world, but you might struggle with self-love. i wish there was a way for all the andromedan starseeds to connect , Wow! Love to draw and paint. It is amazing how much this resonates for me. Thank you and hi. Love and best regards Ro. And I often hear from others I can be very creative but also very analytic and very curious to science/mystery/history. Ive known I was an Andromedan starseed for a very long time but whenever I feel discouraged or lost I go back and look at all the signs that I am this eternal spiritual and its just amazing. When that was restricted, I started my own business in 2009. After that experience, I was upgraded to andromedan dominant energy. Thank you very much for reminding me It is a nice article as well as a wonderful guide for our star seeds. I was incarnated in Arcturus for sure and and also Andromeda. I have always felt a need to help people and many thinks I am too kind, but it is in my nature. May I mention June 6th is the birthday of my 2and cousin who just sent me the star seed quiz. i think i reincarnated into later in time to see what its like, and i hate it. I knew my whole life my soul is from there. Im so happy to come across your site. So, to say Andromedan starseeds are from the Andromeda galaxy is a bit nebulous. I came across all this information and data by accident, but Im guessing it wasnt really an accident now. I have an IQ of 148. thank you for this amazing blog. Just like Lyran starseeds, you HATE authority, and sometimes you just want to break out from the system, and live off-grid. (Along with Uranus and Neptune) this article makes me very homesick as well as soothes a little of my lifelong home sickness. What an absolute blessing. Thanks for writing, sharing and guiding us to this! I went to a stargazing party with him (his way of trying to cheer me up) and saw the andromeda galaxy for the first time. so i searched the web and here i came to your blog. Andromedan Starseed Appearance Many believe that starseeds from the constellation known as Andromeda have distinguishable physical features. Add to cart Category: Starseed Book I went into deep theta state meditation and went right in to the records and took care of everything. Got chained up thrown in a cop car and charged with a felony and told I might have to serve 14 years! I remembered in a dream that in my privious life i were a famouse general of persian kingdom when cyrus was the king of hakhamaneshian in 2500 years ago . Until we meet again! I have always had trouble settling here on Earth and most people never truly understood and I felt rather odd saying I felt so far from home while laying in my own bed. <3, Hi thank you for your most informative article Ive always known I AM an old soul and Ive always loved Ancient civilisations such as Sumeria, Atlantis, Lemuria & Pangea especially now I know and understand why. I have met so many people during my awakening that has been leading me where I am now, and I am sure many of these are beings I met before incarnating on Earth and we have all this mission of having more and more people waking up on earth. The Mirrorsthe glassthe mercurythe shiftingthe materializing .

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andromedan starseed birth chart

andromedan starseed birth chart