christian domestic discipline testimonials

>>>>>>christian domestic discipline testimonials

christian domestic discipline testimonials

I have a dear friend in a marriage filled with Spiritual Abuse. As far as your point is made. You simply cannot say that as the visitors at my site are widely diverse. . Our church pastor growing up would talk about disciplining according to emotional age, not actual age. Daisy, thank you for your usual good work in countering those who, like the satan, abuse and twist Scripturein the present case to justify the abuse of women. BDSM is not recommended for all Christians, but safe and responsible BDSM has the potential to enhance intimacy and strengthen marriages. And Junia, may God bless her, doesnt do it. For this is what Christianity is about. Do not strike faces or heads My head went spinning. No, you didnt misinterpret Mark 11, but I suspect you misapplied it. (LogOut/ My dad was a PhD and he beat me with a belt without my consent. I see only 3.5% of Americans traveled overseas in 2009 (when the study was done). Just asserting over and over that I am interpreting the Scriptures in error, just as the Pharisees did is not a proof. As 100pinkapples said earlier, I am sure I have heard worse than whatever he comes up with. Many of us have heard worse. I cant imagine anyone here wants 100pinkapples to suffer from her trauma forever. If you are truly interested in learning more about that folly, there are plenty of websites and blogs and practicers on the internet. Yes, that makes a lot of sense it was a normal progression for you. He spanked his wife so he could get the demons out and to stop the bad behavior which he labeled as narcissism. What Is The Husbands Role In Christian Domestic Discipline? Unless I agree with you 100%, Im outside of the will of God? Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. (Proverbs 26:4-5 ESV). He is the boss. Why? The Bible does not support your kink. Just to let you know that this comment section is an echo chamber of better than thou and how can this folly even exist people. 1 Peter 3:7. Its happenin. Each jurisdiction has its own laws and its own policies for how law enforcement deal with domestic abuse. Carry on. Next Saturday, this wife was real quiet. Right now, you have decided that you were morally better and intellectually superior to these people and that they are in need of medical care and social assistance which is quite an arrogant position to have for someone who admits not knowing much about the topic. When I got married my husband didnt believe in spanking me and this allowed to me act out and disrespect him This went on for about a year but one-day I got home late from shopping long after I should have made dinner for my husband to find my dad waiting for me with a strap in his hand. This 3. No-one ever gives a better interpretation, they just holler at me as if the one who shouts loudest must be right. Women and little girls suffer through the pain and agony of pregnancy and childbirth. Are you officially divorced now? Christian Domestic Discipline, wife spanking, Christian Patriarchy Movement, Spanking of Adult Children, Denominational Practices and teachings Two summers ago, I received a phone call from a pastor who shared his growing concern about wife-spanking in his family of churches. Oh, and if lonely wolf comes here and puts you down I am sure I have heard worse than whatever he comes up with. My sister and brother continue to suffer as a result. If you are currently living (or have lived) the Christian Domestic Discipline lifestyle and you would like to share how it has helped your marriage or relationship, please email your story and mention that you wish to share your experiences with other people. It isnt normal for another man to spank your naked body, your husband allowed this to happen I cant believe that thats true. You have decided that you are better than everybody, however humility and open-mindness are the beginning of knowledge. Pat Robertson is another known figure in Christiandom who has said some shocking statements about how husbands should treat wives. Say for example, they are asked to bring another into the relationship/marriage bed, or commit a crime, because I have heard that from women. This makes it all more more important for the victim and her supporters to be persistent in calling for help, and politely pressing for the workers and the justice system to do what they can do. So let me ask you a question. christian domestic discipline A History of the Corporal Discipline of Women January 11, 2023 In this third and final part of my three-part series on Christian Domestic Discipline, we explore how the practice of domestic discipline continue through the middle-ages and even into America up until the mid-20th century. Sgt. If a principle were biblical, it could and work equally for all people. Those who advocate domestic discipline do so on the basis of several passages taken out of context and wildly interpreted. Just chalk it up to your personal preference and call it a day. That alone gives me a strong desire to please him.What I am trying to say is MENIf you lead she WILL follow, and she will be content in doing so. Anonymous,, 5. Really, if you get off on spanking your wife (or are a wife who gets off on being spanked by her man), just chalk it up to your personal choice and stop trying to find biblical proof texts for it. christian domestic discipline A History of the Corporal Discipline of Women January 11, 2023 In this third and final part of my three-part series on Christian Domestic Discipline, we explore how the practice of domestic discipline continue through the middle-ages and even into America up until the mid-20th century. Im an adult who is in control of her own life. And helpful. A question to everyone here: If a man treats his sex partner as a child he should discipline, does that make him a quasi-paedophile? _50 SHADES OF GREY AND PATRIARCHY: WHAT EXACTLY DID WE EXPECT?_. I would however disagree with the notion that these laws were well-inspired. I am right wing, conservative, vote Republican, am pro-life. States have laws restricting consent to marry a person who is already married. Thank you for writing and shedding light on another form of domestic abuse that doesnt get talked about very much. BeenThereDoneThat: Ive heard that put-down of those who quote scripture before. I have neither the time (nor the talent) to write an entire book, so I'll recommend instead the following book. When I was growing up, it was not in a household that practiced Christian Domestic Discipline. My father and two of my grandfathers had no business leading, and had no business having authority. All of that IS ok? I take it that you are a man pretending to be a woman. I cannot begin to identify with you in your suffering. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [and daughters] of God. (Matthew 5:6,9 ESV). Now I have a renewed confidence in our decision to live a CDD (Christian Domestic Discipline) lifestyle.Hubby also informed me that we are going to be working on a habit I have that he cant stand. And you just assume I am a man because it never enters your intolerant head that a woman could actually want to put herself under her husbands headship. Often, my HOH goes with my ideas. Wheres the barf bag? His thumb nail was shorter but still long enough to make the marks I saw on the left side of [redacted] neck. Michael is worried sick over his wife's whereabouts, and he's determined to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. A Husbands Guide to Implementing Christian Domestic Discipline. Anderson told Jamin it was strange and very uncommon, for someone to make a statement about having someone walk into their hand hard enough to leave marks on their throat. You need to be more Christ-like, Jesus never told a woman that she had to be subject to any man, have sex with her husband against her will. I am a submissive wife but do not always submit. Ive been exploring submission for some time, and the one thing that I have discovered above anything else is the fact that wifely submission brings harmony to a home. It really is that good. The article was popular with over 600 comments. I offer personal advice and mentorship in marriage to men or women who contact me. This 3. Give me a break. Like when my HOH was contemplating experimenting with our maintenance schedule. Previously I have shown Domestic Discipline to be both a Biblical concept as well as a historical practice amongst husbands for thousands of years on my Instagram page @biblicalsexandiscipline and on my blog as well as podcasts Maybe I shouldnt do this, but sometimes I resist giving input when asked. Did Lone Voice respond if it is a man or a woman? I dont believe Bill Gothard is a Christian, I think he is a sadistic man that worships himself and wants other people to worship him. This is the reason tolerance is essential if you want your ideas to pass the test of time. I met Ben, my husband, at a work function, and when I found out he was a Christian agreed to go out with him. We were (and still are) a very young couple and both of our families had faith in our relationship. You do not need to agree with this practice, but you must be tolerant. Do not expect her to be silent through this experience though. For, right now most people in this thread seem to be in a bubble of self-righteousness that tends to look ridiculous from the outside, especially when the scientists obviously know nothing about the object of their analysis. I thought the periods might have been missing letters for a larger word. Dark child, your nickname tells me something about your view. Not only do their wives accept the particular program of domestic discipline that I teach but through this particular domestic discipline program these husbands have achieved 100 percent submission from their wives. It might not be terribly feminist to say so, but other women like feeling powerless during conjugal relations. Christian Domestic Discipline / Spencer Respect and Submission in domestic discipline Respect and Submission are of particular importance in a marriage because the standard marriage vows for the bride always included the phrase to love, honor and obey her husband. I can see from your posts that you have major issues with men, but please dont filter the Bible through your own experiences. That is abuse in marriage. Mark 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. So, a wife divorcing her husband unless she was independently wealthy was quite possibly a death sentence. Before we left he decided he had had enough and took me to our room and spanked me. Its been my observation, at least as Ive observed it in my family, that my of the problems between my parents and between my sister and brother-in-law come when my mom and sister have pushed all of the wrong buttons. Sex is much deferent for women than it is for men, it is often miserable, especially when the vomit on you thinks you have to be submissive to him like a dog or sex slave, and you cant tell him no! [redacted], and his wife, [redacted], were in the room while I was talking with [redacted]. And it just baffles me that getting hit makes your marriage closer. Comfortable, but very childish, very full coverage stuff. ;) I am neither kinky, nor a doormat. Ill critique whatever you are making public. But God does miracles and he can deal with your pain, as bad as it is. So I personally see no company around you, you are alone here. Watts' first-hand experience of Fundamentalist Christian male dominance is pretty sobering. If he is afraid, he can call the cops. You put it out there for me to read about, and Ill say something about it. Did you find someone to share with? there is one kind of safety plan while the victim is still living with the abuser, and the plan gets modified when she leaves the abuser, and modified again when things alter significantly, such as if the abuser loses his job, if a court hearing is pending or has just happened, or when anything changes which might affect the risk for the victim. 4 and her father hears about her vow or pledge but says nothing to her, then all her vows and every pledge by which she obligated herself will stand. From what you describe, it sounds like he had a sense of entitlement over you you were an object to be owned rather than a cherished wife to be treasured and loved. You are going to have to move to a place of forgiveness.. Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. I find joy in being a submissive wife. Lone, there are a few Biblical objections to role playing, S& M, and the like. Not to mention I find it tremendously sexy and attractive. I grew up in a very conservative, Southern household and was spanked at home until I left. And make no mistake about it, any husband, pastor or other supposed Christian who claims the right to exercise coercive authority over another, excepting only to counter evil, is an abuser. Carrie, what conclusion did Pat Robertson come up with to help this husband? While he never threatened my life physically and I still think he would never have that in him, the fact is that the abuse did threaten my life in terms of making me feel very alone and afraid not very good inside. Our church was non-denominational but was charismatic and evangelical. Although it is still a hot topic between parents throughout the web. Debate is fine. And with that final parting shot, we can all say good bye and good riddance to Lone Voice. Personally, I read 1 Corinthians 7 render due affection to indicate that if one spouse does something to render the other unwilling or unable to do so, that is sin. I would encourage you to visit the following site, especially their blog section Beware of your own Post-Traumatic Disorders and aspire to respect individual freedoms in general and freedom of religion in particular. Jamin would look at porn and tell [redacted] it was her fault he was looking at porn on the computer. There may be role-plays or dressing up. Dont want me sticking my nose into your bedroom affairs? Thats why Hollywood had/has such a high divorce rate two stars who were independently wealthy married and then when the marriage went south, the wife knew she could divorce without losing her livelihood. We have no set rules so to speak. Male headship is followed all over the world. Enjoy each others smug, judgmental company. How did you finally put it all together that wife spanking was wrong? Such as, not seeing them alone, only meeting in public, and if you need overnight accommodations to see them, NEVER stay at their place or let them stay at yours. May we all be "wounded healers" who do no harm. So husbands are not unilaterally to refuse conjugal relations to the wives, nor vice versa. I know some of each do as a weapon. You choose to call it domestic discipline. BDSM is not recommended for all Christians, but safe and responsible BDSM has the potential to enhance intimacy and strengthen marriages. Er . Young boys in these homes will likely learn this behavior of entitlement over women and repeat it. I dont know what to do?!? Even praying to be able to forgive is a start. The whole verse says: 1Cor 7:4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. And it goes on: 1Cor 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. Because, Julie Anne, is that not what you feel about any woman who wants to give her husband the authority to lead, let alone any women who would quite like to be disciplined or feel powerless in the bedroom?. I offer personal advice and mentorship in marriage to men or women who contact me. Aspire to knowledge and aspire to love, declare yourself ignorant and humble and you will find justice and wisdom for God does not reveal himself to arrogant people and this is why you are in darkness on this matter. When I read you, I see sincere people suffering sort of post-traumatic disorder. This podcast series is about the practical application of Domestic Discipline. Well, thats their altar. Webchristian domestic discipline; Corset Waist Training; Deep Thoughts; Exercise and Chocolate; Fiction; maintenance; marriage; my submissiveness; Orgasm Control; Pierced Nipples; Punishment; Spanking; Submission; swingers Interesting. Christian Domestic Discipline / Spencer Respect and Submission in domestic discipline Respect and Submission are of particular importance in a marriage because the standard marriage vows for the bride always included the phrase to love, honor and obey her husband. It never occurred to me to suppose that 100pinkapples might not be a Christian. Ben was instructed first to not spank me over my panties, but to spank me nude, and after about 2 swats I was crying enough to get Ben to stop. Its only by bringing the two together under complete subjection to Christ by both parties that the marriage will ever be complete. Anonymous,, 11. And the whole of the Christian Far East. Not a lot of leaders of either gender out there, but we go for the carob; controlling. None of the firearms are locked up. I think youd be surprised at how educated these people are. And the whole of Christian Eastern Europe and Russia. I have already done that in my previous posts like The Biblical Case for Domestic Discipline. Im thinking about creating one.. Im absolutely confused, from reading these testimonials and some of these comments I dont know of you are serious. I am sorry, but that is beyond distasteful. I suggested you start with an interlinear to see how the Greek is worded just for starters but I keep forgetting you need phallic permission. In this first article we will demonstrate how the practice of domestic discipline aligns perfectly with Biblical principles and commands regarding marriage. What was your parents response about the spanking? You are telling 100pinkapples that she needs to take a Christian response to her abusers and to her own pain, and to see a pastor for counselling. And to start confessing, I am forgiving (or ever going to forgive) those who have wronged me is a step on the road to freedom. Im arguing that the word discipline entails a superior/inferior relationship and therefore not true consent.

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christian domestic discipline testimonials

christian domestic discipline testimonials