daily prophetic word fathers heart

>>>>>>daily prophetic word fathers heart

daily prophetic word fathers heart

The new wineskin is the soul that has been renewed to the full revelation of Son-ship! Dan 2:20-22: Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. They were once the captives but now they were like Jesus, as they began to take captivity captive! A Nation chosen to reflect the Father's heart and to release the Father's Love through a message of reconciliation. I was given a vision that led to a greater vision/encounter as outlined below. I declare- demonic strongholds are breaking, religious mindsets are falling, generational curses are being broken and ungodly yokes are lifting! You wondered just how bad things are. The fear of the Lord came upon me in the dream because I knew the only safe place would be in the house, so I ran into the House. When God occupies us, the enemy can no longer touch us. I was watching, standing off to the side, as the scene began to unfold. Today, I see your feet transform into hinds feet as you walk upon the high places. "It is our privilege to voice the Father's Heart to you!" Amos 3:7- Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets the message bible translation says it this way: Without first telling his prophets the whole story. This complete man will begin to fulfill John 14:12: "I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows Me in faith, believing in Me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do even greater miracles than these because I go to be with My Father!" The shift has already begun. (After subscribing you will shortly receive a welcome e-mail containing several free gifts). And He said- I am transforming your past misery into present miracles! I saw that it was a women. And I saw this dance was a warrior dance, a victory dance. How do they know when to turn their heads? Our source is Jesus, and He is getting us ready to take the final harvest. The army can see that not only do the captives have chains on the outside but they also carry chains on the inside; their minds are bound up and distorted from the weight of the chains. The harvesters are being harvested. God has been showing me more and more over the years, that to administer is to govern and to govern with Kingdom purpose is to establish His culture. The Spirit of God is brooding and birthing and sweeping into the darkest places compelling the lost, the wayward and the prodigals to jump on board His mercy train. We are moving from a position of intercession into a place of declaration and proclamation. I saw explosions as the Revelation of the Fathers love saturated and took root! I am taking the stones that you stumbled upon in the past and Im transforming them into precious jewels for your future! This becomes possible because the complete man is the Body of Jesus, who is our head and seated with God. They had been reserved for this time and this season- they contained the strategies on how to win the battles that were raging! Cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you and will provide the necessary superintendence to bring about change. NOTE- Daniel 7:21-22 I was watching and the same horn was making war with the saints and prevailing against them, until the Ancient of Days came and a judgement was made in favour of the saints of the Most High and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom. In Jesus name, I take authority over the evil spirit of jealousy and I command it to leave me now. The coats represented heaviness and stress and the people who were wearing these coats were weighted down and couldnt move around much. The prophetic is releasing the apostolic across Alberta. The whirlwind was in place to propel her forward. When you see these things, your heart will rejoice. God has given Canada wisdom on how to be united in the way we minister while still enjoying the freedom of being unique. I speak to SHAME right now,and I declare that you have no authority and I break all your legal rights and powers connected to trauma and to sexual abuse and I command you to go! (Video of this prophetic word is on our Facebook page). Godly headship in families and in government. I release honour to you. See, the Lord is coming with fire, and his swift chariots roar like a whirlwind. But first you have to remove the old garmentsand I saw for some it may be difficult to remove your favourite shirt. Free Daily Prophetic Word from Father's Heart Ministry Free Daily Prophetic Word www.propheticNOW.com Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden Prophets Russ & Kitty Walden Greetings! It is not a hard thing for me to do this. So, I did. I heard a voice speak- "Get out of the way- Get back in the House and stay inside!" Let go of the ungodly yokes that have weighed you down and let me free you up from the agendas of man. They had been positioned by the enemy to immobilize the people of this land. Do you know the identity of thoselords? The Daily Prophetic Word is prophetic insight into what God is saying or doing right nowtodayto strengthen, encourage and comfort you. It says Zechariah was muted because he spoke in a way that revealed that he did not believe the Words of God. Sealed. I discerned the spirit of murder was in her mouth and that she had been assigned by the enemy to assassinate the character and destiny of many of the Fathers beloved sons/daughters over many past seasons. Ask, and it shall be given. In Jesus name, I renounce and break all legal rights and powers associated with this evil spirit. In full wedding attire, she danced upon this red carpet as the spotlight was upon her. Rise up mighty warriors for you carry a mandate for war! Set aside thoughts of hindrance and impediment. NOTE: I felt the dream was a warning as well as prophetic insight into what God is doing in this hour amidst this global pandemic. Sealed, I Decree the spiritual Gate in California is being cleansed with the blood of Jesus Christ! Man-made ministries that have not been birthed out of the Spirit of God will fall in this season! I watched as this Litmus test was been administered to this Prophet/Father's tongue/mouth.I watched and waited while this was happening. Amen. I see a a breaking open and a breakthrough anointing upon the Mtis people of Canada! As the Davids rise up out of the caves of Adullam with the Mighty Men of Valor, I hear the cry of Freedom that burns deep in their hearts . And these ones will rise up as spiritual mothers and fathers, walking in my Resurrection Power! Unbelief will hinder and dampen your connection to My power and strength. Watch and see as My resurrection power is being released to revive you and unhinge the assignments of the enemy from your life! I declare that have not been given a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind! Or are we being led and motivated by the Spirit of God from a humble and thankful heart. The Word and the Spirit are flowing as One. She went in and out of shops, upsetting items, tables, and things in those shops, and throughout the marketplace, and back into the streets. Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814. They have been hidden and been pushing up through the darkness for a long time but now the are suddenly breaking through and becoming visible! The fresh oil of evangelism and outreach is being poured out across the province of Manitoba. The following Vision was a confirmation, regarding a strategic God mission for Canada. I see the labourers are filled with peace and joy and laughter as their sickles become alive in their hands! Shifting and shaking in the depths, in the foundations and in the core of identity in Christ. In Jesus name, I take authority over this unclean spirit of mockery and command it to leave me now. Sealed. And I declare that in this very season that you are being transformed by the renewing of your mind! Father God, I confess that I have consciously/unconsciously yielded to an evil spirit of mockery. For these ones the scripture in Isaiah 9:2 rings true - The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined. This revelation manifested in joy, weeping and in healing as many people, especially children wereflipping out of their wheelchairs. The renewing of our mind enables us to walk like, talk like, act like and live like sons and daughters, demonstrating and proving the Fathers good, acceptable and perfect will, on earth as it is in heaven! This is the hour for your God given identity and destiny to become as one. I see that the times of testing in the fires of refinement have prepared the remnant for this Kairos time! I will use these things to raise you up as My ambassador to demonstrate my Glory into the earth! And now the Father is coming to those ones and casting upon them a new Mantle a fresh anointing of grace and power to run the race before them- they are the Apostolic warriors who are entering into new lands and new territory for there is much to prepare and much to do as many souls hang in the balance. As I did, my right arm shot straight up and I heard the words "Resurrection Power" and I was instantly transformed into the statue of liberty! The words and decrees within the Intercessory prayers were alive and powerful and they utterly destroyed the powers and principalities of the destroyer who had ruled in this valley for many generations. You are seated with Me far above all principalities and powers. It is not a new planit is the same plan I have always hadthe plan of family. Behold I am doing a new thing at the North gate and Im doing a new thing in Canada!. Box 14127 Springfield, MO 65814, Missouri Hours: 9-5 M-F Central Time . That royal DNA assaults sickness in your body. The scene changed and I saw a large white tent set up in the midst of a great battle that was raging on all sides. Nothing was impossible for God! Every week I take some time to listen to the Father's heart to receive a prophetic word of inspiration for those who are part of this community. Divine weaponry was available for her to utilize in enforcing the victory of her Commander and Chief! I saw the Lord was releasing greater revelation of Authority to His Ecclesia (his Government) to destroy the power of witchcraft and the occult and displace it with the life and love of Jesus Christ. It's time for authority , it's time for Your majesty, it's time for the Kingdom of our God to be revealed! These Orphans have taken the gift of Son-ship into their hands, but they havent yet RECEIVED IT INTO THEIR HEARTS! The Spirit of Elijah being poured outturning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathersto fulfill the desires of my Heartfor this is but the first step towards Canada fulfilling her destinythe first step in re-establishing/ re-aligning the home, the family. In Jesus name, I renounce and break all legal rights and powers associated with the principality of sabotage, from myself, my family and from my life. Did I not further say through Peter that you areroyalty? We are moving beyond the breakthrough in this season. As Deborah stepped onto the citadel, she was given access to a telescopic lookout and an array of specialized weaponry. Just do what He tells you to do and stay in the House (His Presence) because its the only place to receive His wisdom, discernment and peace! And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse. Our souls are being transformed through the renewing of our minds, conforming us into the likeness of Christ. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. As My kingdom comes so comes the kingdom that I have apportioned you. Little by little, I had become distracted by circumstances and had left His Presence. I saw that fear had ruled in these covens and it was the revelation of the Fathers love that had set them free! Immediately I could feel the strong presence of an orphan spirit- and I could see and sense there were many orphans in the land. I am able to do more than you can even imagine if you will only believe. Holy Spirit, I invite you to lead me, teach me and help me to walk in an attitude of forgiveness and love. Sealed, Africa, I decree from your belly will flow rivers of living water as you feed the hungry and provide water for the thirst. End of the Dream. It was the path that led into the next season. The refining fire you have gone through has produced pure gold. I heard the Lord say that He would go into the streets, the highways and byways, and the marketplaces, and compel the people with His Love and give them a revelation of who Jesus Christ of Nazareth really is. I am calling forth women to return to their positions. Suddenly, Jesus began to gently blow upon these Intercessory prayers and they took flight, swirling and whirling within the valley! I watched as he carried it, preaching to others, oblivious to the fact that the branch had been cut off from its life source. New wineskins will hold the wine necessary to take us through the season to come. I repent for yielding to it and I ask you to forgive me for partnering and agreeing with it. Make you sure you have a separate recording device! The two shall be as One. "I understood that it was His heartbeat inside of the diamond ring, that would draw the lost, the hurting, and the desperate. Matt 15:13, Even now the ax of Gods judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. I see a smile begin to form on your face and I hear holy laughter erupting from deep within your belly, as you begin to look and see that you are holding the winning hand and I hear the Lord say, the winner takes all! Its time to enter the joy of your salvation! Unity does not mean compromise. They are aggressive and they are being called to storm enemy gates and enter enemy territory. Prepare to move in this new direction as I lead you through the doors of your destiny! Right now- I decree a release of a Love Anointing to carry the blood of Jesus to heal deep wounds right now! Canada, I declare that prophetic declarations and divine decrees are being released to saturate your atmosphere and your land with His promises for destiny! Release My Heart. Your email address will not be published. https://cash.app/$4HisBeloved Zelle 4hisbeloved@att.net PayPal https://bit.ly/3hknPPH Check 4 His Beloved Ministries PO Box 6572, Salinas CA 93912CHECK OUT THESE RESOURCES My Books and Bible Studies: https://bit.ly/3ura1ZO Bible/Prayer Journaling Products: https://etsy.me/3j7LrJX #4HisBeloved #LisaCook #PropheticInspiration #christianwomen I pray that these daughters would prosper in all things and be in health even as their soul prospers! Put your attention upon Me, and you [], The Father says today that the full scope of all your inherited blessings in My name are on the horizon, waiting for you to tap into them. And through this, the Fathers heart will be revealed and unveiled! I saw these new tree shoots were the trees of righteousness that were being raised up, to glorify God and reap an end time harvest. The Father is being unveiled and revealed through His sons and daughters! In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Bride just kept walking as people were crying out to Jesus Christ. He brings healing and deliverance to our soul to set us free from the work of the enemy and build capacity for more of Jesus. I see the Spirit of Adoption being released and received in greater measure across the north, the south, the east and the west of this Nation of Canada! Our groups flag says Mental Health. They await His orders. Put away from you adeceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you. Canada is pounding out a sound that will shake the earth. Sealed, California, I decree Isaiah 54:17 over you which says- No weapon formed against you shallprosper, And every tonguewhichrises against you in judgment You shall condemn for Thisisthe heritage of the servants of theLord and their righteousnessisfrom Me, Says theLord. As he became saturated with this Oil, he began to deflate. Instead of a chain of shame, you will wear pearls of wisdom and revelation about your neck for I will cause the Nations to be in Awe as you display my glory! I saw the body of Christ in Africa begin to shift and move in a new way, as they began to stand and become mobilized upon their spiritual legs! This toothpaste contained a supernatural whitening and lightening agent that was able to cleanse and heal rotten teeth. They didnt know what to do. Seale, I decree, that you will hold open the way for the Spirit of the Lord to manifest and demonstrate His presence and His power throughout Canada! In the name of Jesus, I break the power of SHAME from everyone under the sound of my voice! VISION- I saw a fire in Canada and I saw that it was moving across the land to cleanse it, by burning up the dross (wood, hay and stubble).As I watched the fire- A scene unfolded before me in the Spirit. And so the Divine coat exchange was to exchange the heavy coats for these lightweight bomber jackets. Be encouraged, as the Lord is transforming your deepest valley into your highest mountain! He said, It is the apostolic-led army coming out of the desert for such a time as this. and you will accomplish ALL thats in the Fathers heart for you to accomplish! It seemed to me that in the dream, a move of the Spirit had been set in motion and no one would be able to stop it until He was done, until the task of removing dead branches and uprooting dead trees was complete. Anyone she looked at washit by this laser beam and received instant revelation of Jesus Christ of Nazarethit was likebang, bang, bang,and down they went. It is a time of divine resting in His promises as He brings to completion all that is in His heart for this season. Go! I see a breaking out of the mold that has served its purpose. Its time to enlarge your tent pegs and prepare to receive! In the Spirit: I see Jesus Christ is rising up in His Canadian Bride as King of kings. This horse is a war horse and represents the army of warriors that God is raising up in Canada to take down every work of the enemy; to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth. I believe this is a prophetic picture for the body of Christ right now. The movement of mothering releases the movement of fathering! I take authority over the spirit of confusion and the spirit of doubt that have harassed you and I break their power from your lives, in the name of Jesus. Provision is in the crown, authority is in the crown, dominion is in the crown. Thank-you Father that your breaker anointing is being released right now to break through every lie of the enemy. We invite you and give you permission to heal and restore those relationships that have been severed, strained or estranged in our life. Today, you will be encountered with the Fathers plans for your destiny! Release words of restoration and freedom into the soil, into the heart and into the atmosphere of this land. The Father is signaling the perfect timing to release the ROAR,in response to the intercessory cries of injustice. Ladies- The Father is rolling out the RED CARPET before you! And it is from this dwelling place that My glory will emanate as My resurrection power flows and goes into the places of My choosing! Nevertheless, I am here now, and I am raising you up, to walk upon the waters once again. I decree to the body of Christ in Africa, you will rejoice as you see the fruit of your labors begin to manifest! Father's Heart Ministry P.O. The destiny of Canada is to release Healing to the Nations, by revealing the Father-heart of God- and its the revealing of His heart that will unleash and release Nations into their Destiny! I bless you as you step into a new Era of true Intimacy with the Father, with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit! They havent experienced it or encountered it and theyre not walking in it or living in it! Holy Spirit, I invite you to fill me with your presence and power in every area where this spirit had occupied and affected me. He paused and then spoke again "I am the vine you are the branches. I see the Ancient of Days standing in Canadas Arctic and I see that He is the one who is unlocking these doors of Destiny! I decree that every assignment of the enemy is being removed from the lives of these daughters in Jesus name! I tell you, I am raising up fathers and mothers to take their stand at the helm of this nation and they shall carry My heart for those whom they have been called to serve and protect. Today I am blowing on your faith, and you will have faith to move and transform mountains! With the inauguration of these Kings comes the unlocking of cities, regions and Nations into their God given destinies! A breaking out of the old and a breaking into the new. The Father says today I am the God who gives you the desires of your heart. Father God, I confess that I have consciously/unconsciously yielded to an evil spirit of jealousy. You have felt empty and void, but know this, says the Father, I am in that void. I was reminded of something that happened a few years ago- in a vision where the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were in a conversation and as I stepped into the vision they turned to me and said- Maggie, if we get Canada- we get the Nations!. I want to pause for second, to tell you that I had to look up what a citadel was, because I didnt know. A breaking off of old mindsets.A breaking into new ground and into new territory. -, Interact with a Virtual and Local Community of Prophetic Believers, http://www.fathersheartministry.net/testimonials, http://fathersheartministry.net/personalprophecy-2, http://fathersheartministry.net/prophetic-activation-internship, http://www.facebook.com/groups/echurch.fhm/, Click to Order Face to Face with the Father, Click to Subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word. There is coming a movement of Purity. I see the Father holding the pearl of Saskatchewan in His hand. We will realize God's ultimate goal is not healing but what healing produces a person who isn't sick! The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces. This is the hour of release. And I saw the women dancing through the streets of their cities and regions and nations and they began strategically pulling down strongholds and demolishing the works of the enemy! Who is this who cometh up out of the wilderness leaning upon her beloved? I knew that this was in fact, the Gate called Beautiful found in Acts 3:2-11. Thank you for this encouraging prophetic word. The manger reminds us how the glory of God shines the brightest in the most lowly and humblest of places. the fruitfulness of the harvest will come in at such an accelerated pace that the sowing and reaping will occur almost at the same time. I was reminded of the biblical parable of the master sending out invitations for those who were to attend the great feast and when many were too busy with other things He had his servants bring in the lame and the poor. Ask Me for the things that seem out of reach. I was then given golden bracelets to put onto my right arm, and they too, shone and gave off great light and weretinkling. She stood quietly in front of the Father watching. It is a divine work of the Spirit. And I heard the Lord Jesus say, today I am asking you to hand me all your disappointments and discouragements. The Lord wants to break people free from SHAME! Jesus was the walking Word. The dreams and gifts within the Inuit are likened to tender shoots with deep roots. These wounds have so grieved the Fathers heart because He never intended people who were created in His image, to be treated by others with such dishonour, disgrace and disregard. Just beyond our feet lies a Threshold.And the Threshold is the transitionary space that gaps this spiritual season with the next. He is manifesting His glory in ways that will have the enemy utterly shell shocked! I also see dry throats and I see a thirst for the Word of the Lord in this state and a need for the true prophetic voice, a need for the Rhema word of the Lord to be released for this new season! I understood that this person represented the body of Christ and the holes were emotional wounds. You are royalty. The Fathers remnant army has been hidden in the caves of difficult circumstances for many wilderness seasons where the Father has been working to mold and transform them into the image of Jesus Christ. The word Kaleidoscope comes from greek words meaning beautiful and form. Their mouths were open and I could see their teeth were dirty and rotten and I knew it was because they were sitting at Jezebels table, chewing on food that had been offered to idols. Suddenly I realized there was another hydraulic arm and another. As these spiritual mothers begin to birth what God has conceived within them, fathers will shift into perfect alignment of their identity and destiny as the sons of God and will step into an Era of Apostolic authority and unprecedented fruitfulness! Then I heard the Lord say- This will be a HOME BIRTH! A few years ago I was praying for revival in Canada saying God- pour out your spirit, pour out your spirit and He actually interrupted me and said- Dont pray so much for My Spirit to be poured out because thats the easy part- Pray that it will be received. Isaiah 59: 14. No more lukewarm or carnal or self-sufficient or worldly or secular! The Father Says Today presents you every day a breakthrough word that will change your life and align you with God's blessings. It isnt granted based on a doctrinal understanding or acquiring the approval of some ecclesiastical authority. It has been held off long enough. The Father is commissioning Apostolic Intercessors in a WARRIOR anointing and I see Him positioning them, amidst different harvest fields across the Nations and they are there to mark and seal the souls for the harvest! He has increased our capacity to receive more- and this is the time to receive more. And I began to pray for Canada and I asked- Lord, what are you doing in Canada?And I saw in the Spirit, the cover that was being pulled back- and it resembled the rolling back of a massive wave of water. I heard him say"I will not go to the religious, for they have dis-graced the name of Jesus". It comes from My own body and is entwined with the cry of a Nation spilling over and it is an orphans cry. I am here to lift you high above the enemys sight line. Trying to do Gods will in their own strength, self effort and their source was their own ability. Even as Mary birthed Jesus in a hidden place so shall the spiritual mothers of this generation labour and birth in the unlikely places. Because I give waters in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert, To give drink to My people, My chosen. I see many daughters merging into the Living Word, becoming the fulfillment of the Word that has been placed deep within them. As I was standing in the vision looking at Jesus Christ, the Commander of the Lords Army, my husband who was sitting next to me in worship (and totally unaware that I was in the middle of a vision) suddenly taps on my shoulder and whispers to me take off your shoes. Where are they going and how will they get there in the most efficient and safest way? He is coming in this season as the great Redeemer and the Restorer of lost time and missed opportunity! Canada- Out of your belly will flow the Fathers heart of love and healing and it will flow into the seats of Authority and remove demonic gates and establish pillars and altars of righteousness in core of Nations----. | 3 Comment. The Fathers love is coursing through the veins of the Yukon.

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daily prophetic word fathers heart

daily prophetic word fathers heart