example of uneven development ap human geography

>>>>>>example of uneven development ap human geography

example of uneven development ap human geography

(D) Describe one way in which language can be used to promote cultural identity and unity. True or false: microfinance loans can help individuals escape poverty. Sign up to highlight and take notes. A subdiscipline of geography that seeks to describe and explain the absolute and relative location of economic activities, and the flows of information, raw materials, goods, and people that connect otherwise separate local, regional, and national economies. Migration is a process that has significant cultural, social, economic, and political implications for both migrants and the communities they leave and join. Other modes of transport for trade are often more expensive, wait times are longer, and the country becomes reliant on other countries with access to the sea. For example, implementing public transportation options can reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality, while green spaces can improve mental health and provide opportunities for community building. the desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product, a. demand schedule the average period that a person may expect to live. It can take place in a variety of settings, such as wetlands, forests, and coastal areas, and can provide opportunities to learn about the behavior and ecology of different bird species. This dependence has led to criticism that these countries are still being exploited and controlled by outside powers, despite the formal end of colonialism. Chapter 1: Basic Concepts (Unit I: Geography: Its Nature and Perspective) Chapter Outline. Uneven development results in differences in wealth across the world. Manufacturing employment in the U.S. has declined from around 25% of the total workforce in the 1950s to around 10% in recent years. Which of the following statements is best supported by the images? It can provide opportunities to learn about the history and traditions of local communities and to appreciate the cultural diversity of different regions. Technologies that are appropriate for a specific country. One example of post-Fordist production is the use of 3D printing to manufacture customized products on demand. Environmental determinists believe that ecological, climatic, and geographical factors alone are responsible for human cultures and individual decisions . %PDF-1.7 % A country that isn't very powerful, nor weak. G) Explain the concept of a sustainable city and identify two features of a city that would make it more sustainable. What exactly does this mean? The next AP Human Geography test will be held on Tuesday, May 4, 2023, at 8:00 AM. It forms its own sovereign nation-state predominately made up of the Irish ethnic group. A development indicator is just data that helps show how developed a country is. For example, droughts and other extreme weather events can lead to crop failures, which can increase food prices and make it difficult for some people to access basic necessities. Although there might be some elements of secondary and tertiary economic activities in these countries, the bulk of secondary economic activities areundertaken by countries in the semi-developed world - like Mexico, China, Brazil, and regions of India. Compares the ability of women and men to participate in economic and political decision making. Students examine contemporary spatial patterns of industrialization and the resulting geography of uneven developmentfor example, the differences between urban and rural China or Brazil. Economic policies imposed on less developed countries by international agencies to create conditions encouraging international trade. development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Answer: Population growth can impact resource consumption by increasing demand for resources such as food, water, and energy. Political geography is the study of the spatial distribution of political processes and the impact of these processes on the landscape and human behavior. The polluter pays principle: This principle holds that those who generate pollution should bear the costs of preventing or mitigating it. In the 1950s, many countries became independent and removed their colonial ties. an index for measurement of gender disparity. Uneven development can result in large health disparities. What is another name for natural resource curse theory? D) Analyze the relationship between globalization and resource distribution, providing at least one example of how globalization can impact the distribution of resources. Standards of living. Refugees are people who are forced to leave their homes, often because it is unsafe to stay. While a nation and a state can overlap, they are not synonymous. endstream endobj startxref Two features of a sustainable city include walkability and green infrastructure. (D) Explain the concept of gerrymandering and describe one example of how it can be used to manipulate political outcomes. In wealthy countries as much as three-quarters (in a few cases close to a hundred percent) of the population is engaged in tertiary and quaternary economic activities. Other examples of cities in the Sun Belt include Tampa, Florida; Dallas, Texas; and Las Vegas, Nevada. For example, the Kurdish people are a nation that is spread across several different states, while the United Kingdom is a state made up of several different nations. Of these countries, only Vietnam does not qualify as a country in the semi-periphery. It is considered to be in the periphery due to its low standard of living. F) Describe two ways in which urban planning can mitigate the negative effects of urbanization on communities. Industrialization, from ancient history to now, has helped power improvements in standards of living in periphery countries, but it has also contributed to geographically uneven development in semi-periphery countries. Students were awarded a point only if they stated both sides of the comparison. A classic example of this that is mentioned often is the Rust Belt experience of the Midwest. It can provide opportunities to support local farmers and to learn about the production of food and drink. They explore changes to places resulting from the growth or loss of industry and the role of industry in the world economy. In the poorest parts of the world the vast majority of the population is engaged in primary economic activities like farming, fishing, hunting, and mining. e. demand curve Core areas. Example: Canada. To show whether a country is developed, there are certain development indicators or Measures of Development. Example: Loans to countries in Sub Saharan Africa, Works to reduce barriers to international trade. Integration stage The use of the new technology increase rapidly providing new benefits and supporting the overall business strategy. It is where natural resources are located. Definition. There are many factors which lead to, and have led to, the world being unevenly developed. Example: use this on car production, The idea that there's a core and periphery for the countries of the world. What is Ameens 2016 net income? Post-Fordist production is a term used to describe the shift away from mass production and towards more flexible, customized, and knowledge-intensive forms of production. Answer: Policies or programs designed to promote language diversity and maintain linguistic heritage can include efforts to document endangered languages (i.e. This indicates social segregation, or the separation of groups of people, in this case, the rich and poor. *Schemes are not always appropriate and not always sustainable long term because of lack of local knowledge. Most workers are in tertiary. In 2017, the United States had a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of over $19 trillion, compared to the Central African Republic, with a GDP of $1.95 billion. True or false: life expectancy is often higher in LICs. 2) Transitional phase / pre-take off - Building infrastructure that is needed before development can take place, e.g. Countries that have a colonial history have lower development levels today. They can also be found if you zoom into a country at a regional, local and even city scale. International migration is the movement of people across borders. Promote gender equality and empower women. This can be on an economic scale, based upon the general wealth of the country. - Less developed countries. This describes the way that people become stuck in a vicious cycle of being poor. (Round per unit costs to three decimals, but inventory balances to the dollar.). (C) Explain the concept of language convergence and describe one example of a language that has experienced convergence. E) Describe one way in which technology can be used to address resource distribution challenges. One example of a policy designed to promote assimilation among migrants is language training programs, which can help migrants integrate into their new communities by improving their ability to communicate with others. It can take place in a variety of settings, such as national parks, wildlife reserves, and coastal areas. What are some of the challenges to closing the development gap? The total value of goods and services produced within the borders of a country during a specific time period, usually one year. What are some strategies that can help to close the development gap? (NICs). One example of a policy designed to promote sustainable development in the face of population growth is the implementation of renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, which can reduce reliance on non-renewable resources and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. The terms are listed in the order of the reading for each book. NICs do secondary. Economic causes include the cycle of poverty and global trading systems. Vocabulary for AP HuG "The Cultural Landscape," by James M. Rubenstein, Chapter 9, Development and the next chapters. Answer: Two social or cultural consequences of population growth include increased urbanization and changes in family structure. g. Law of Demand Life expectancy is generally much higher in HICs. Economic Sector (Business Services) - innovator or inventor. 488 0 obj <>stream But why is this the case? asituation whereby a nations economic structure is altered by a change in the political system, afunction of economic change whereby one nations economy flourishes at the expense of another nations economy, asituation whereby a nations political structure is altered by the changing nature of the economy, afunction of economic change whereby one region's economy flourishes at the expense of another regions economy. The fast world, as distinct from the slow world, is defined by high-level telecommunication and transportation technology. Anything not within this line shows the LDCs of the world. The map above shows Brazil's regional Human Development Index. The first sentence says that an economy has many moving parts that are created and sold to people. Countries in between. Development classifications are set forever. At December 31, 2015, the book value of the building was$30 million and its tax basis was $20 million. look up the value of Student's ttt in Appendix D for the stated level of confidence. AP Human Geography is an introductory college-level human geography course. Coastal and marine areas: These are areas along the coast or in the ocean that are rich in biodiversity and provide opportunities for ecotourism activities such as snorkeling, diving, and whale watching. Turns natural resource into something else (product for sale). Example: US and Canada, Provides loans to countries to reform public administration and legal institutions, develop and strengthen financial institutions, and implement transportation and social service projects. The SDGs are intended to be integrated and indivisible, meaning that they are interconnected and cannot be achieved in isolation. Newly Emerging Economies (NEEs) are countries that are seeing a rise in economic development or industrialisation. the Endangered Languages Program (ELP)), promote bilingual education, or support the development of language revitalization programs in indigenous communities. In Bangladesh, ___ were used to filter out cholera from water. C) Describe one way in which a lack of access to resources can impact the quality of life. secondary and tertiary economic activities, primary and secondary economic activities. However, this has resulted in a power struggle for control over the countries, resulting in conflict and political instability, hindering development further. 3) Control stage - Management now gains control over the technology's resources by implementing formal control processes and standards that stifle almost all new projects. Fig. One example of a policy designed to promote sustainable development in the face of population growth is the implementation of renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, which can. Development is vastly uneven, with some countries being highly developed, while others suffer the consequences of low development. Semi-periphery areas. f .=100,95d.f.=100,95 percent confidence. The Development Continuum can show a scale of development, showing the least and most developed countries, and those in between. =)=\infty)=). 3). What a state's dollar can actually buy compared to another state's dollar; what a country is able to buy. We measure development in Geography by using development indicators. The amount of wealth or goods that people have. =40,95=40,95=40,95 percent confidence, b. d.f.=80,95d . Upload unlimited documents and save them online. Includes research and development, finance, banking, real estate, insurance. Although the other answer choices might be generally true of the differences between fast world countries and slow world countries they are not as close to the exact definition as the correct answer. 0 It is characterized by a mix of private enterprise and government control. Answer: Two social or cultural consequences of migration include increased cultural diversity and potential social tensions.

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example of uneven development ap human geography

example of uneven development ap human geography