how is lennie discriminated against quotes

>>>>>>how is lennie discriminated against quotes

how is lennie discriminated against quotes

Below is a summary of each chapter and the racial aspects. Candy looks upon Curleys wife as inferior to him because she is a woman, and a young woman at that. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Les get outta here. Jesus Christ! I could get along so easy and so nice if I didnt have you on my tail. Steinbeck provides a glimpse of the racial elements during the 1930s through character descriptions, actions, and dialogue. I feel like its a lifeline. Poor Lennie offers to go and find a cave if George doesnt want him anymore. | About Us Michele L. Rivera How crazy it is to be "yourself" by trying to live up to an image of yourself you have unconsciously created in the minds of others. There are several different forms of, Lennie is rejected by everyone at the ranch, except George, because of his mental disability (Of Mice and Men 248). Luckily, FreeBookSummary offers study guides on over 1000 top books from students curricula! While the men are playing cards, they are interrupted by Curley looking for his wife. He also senses trouble ahead, as she is the only woman there. Lennie asked. I aint sure I want you in here no more. This shows the relationship between George and Lennie. It's a shame that none of the other charactersexcept maybe Lennieseem to see that. Crooks is a knowledgeable and well-read man, but he is not treated with respect. George and Lennie meet an old swamper named Candy, who shows the racial divide when talking about the black stable buck, Crooks. "Cause Im black" (4.10-11). Crooks to Lennie. 2016 2022 All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Candy is an old man that worked on the ranch until he had his arm cut off and was incapable of doing any heavy work and his dog was too an old, smelly dog who couldnt do any work because of his age. Unfortunately, Lennie doesn't know his strength and always kills the mice by petting them too hard. Discrimination is a problem that plagues those whose qualities are vulnerable. He cant turn to some other guy and ast him if he sees it too. It is a good book with a great hook and ends with an unexpected bang. But should George, who keeps dragging Lennie around with him, have taken some action before the big guy wound up killing someone? Of Mice and Men, Chapter 4. WebDefines theme and details the difference between theme topic and theme statement. This's the first time I ever been in his room. But because he cant control his own strength, Lennie accidentally kills the pet mice that he hides from George inside his pockets. People with a mental disability are often looked down upon in society. Theyll take ya to the booby hatch. Why aint you wanted? Lennie asked. She parades her power over the men because she herself feels weak. George often gets angry with Lennie because the physically very strong Lennie cannot control himself. Another example of discrimination is against Curleys wife. He tells the guys a story of how one Christmas, a ranch worker beat up Crooks to entertain the other guys. His calm eyes followed Lennie out of the door. This affected the story by making the audience really sad when they killed his dog. White, excellently states what the novel, Of Mice and Men, is trying to clearly state. Whatta I care? Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2, Candy and George. (2.15-17). The guys wouldnt let him use his feet, so the n***** got him. He cant tell. Curleys wife, Crooks, and Candy are discriminated against on the ranch just like they would be in society. Terri Beth holds a PhD in English language and literature from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Entire Document, Discrimination in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, Crooks: A Black Stable Buck with the American Dream Book Analysis, Of Mice And Men: Alienation & Discrimination, Discrimination in Of Mice and Men Chapter 3 summary, A Major Difference Between the Movie Of Mice and Men and the Book Analysis, Of Mice and Men- How Does Steinbeck Show Loneliness in of Mice and Men. We aint got nothing to say to you at all. Muriel Rukeyser, I am satisfied that all politicians were meant to be journalists and all journalists meant to be politicians." Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Of Mice and Men: Literary & Historical Context, Dreams in of Mice and Men: Examples & Quotes, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, NYSTCE English Language Arts (003): Practice and Study Guide, George Milton in Of Mice and Men: Description & Quotes, Lennie Small in Of Mice and Men: Description & Quotes, Slim in Of Mice and Men: Description & Quotes, Carlson in Of Mice and Men: Description & Quotes, Who is Candy in Of Mice and Men? Look, George. Lennie asks George to tell him about their dream farm, as they spend a night in the open air in the woods by the river before starting work at the ranch. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. board with our, See This highlights the lack of understanding people had for those with a mentality disability like Lennie. And a manure pile under the window. George tells Lennie not to speak to the boss. An why? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. He loves to hold mice in his big hands and pet them as they travel. He accidentally kills Curley's wife, which inevitably causes a lynch mob to run after him. WebLennies foolishness often allows him to speak honestly where others wont, and he sometimes taps into things that "normal" people cant (like the fact that the ranch isnt a good place for him and George to be hanging out). Many creatures do not survive Lennies grasp. WebLennie dimly understands that something is wrong with him, and that's exactly why he wants rabbits, because "they ain't so little" (1.79). Sarah Guthrie Bright is a secondary English literature teacher with nine years of education and classroom experience. Where we goin, George? The little man jerked down the brim of his hat and scowled over at Lennie. WebLennie was just sitting there listening to her and he didnt say anything that couldve made her upset. That aint no good, George.. But he doesnt know his own strength and when he pets mice usually ends up killing them. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. "[The boss gave] the stable buck hell?" They were treated like maids, toys, and like a statue. WebBy saying this, Lennie is referring to George as his guardian. The victim of gender discrimination is Curley's wife because she is a woman. How I get to tend the rabbits., Lennie if you jus happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an hide in the brushHide in the brush till I come for you.. John Stamos, A world is to be fought for, sung, and built: Love must imagine the world. Another major theme is male friendship. Like most of the ranch hands Curleys wife has dreams. But the stable buck dont give a damn about that.. One night, when some of the guys were in the barn, they brought up the idea of shooting the old dog, and putting it out of its misery. I seen things out here. I seen em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her. Prejudice keeps Crooks isolatedbut, by telling us that he "read a lot," Steinbeck seems to be suggesting that there's more to him than just skin color. Handicapped by his lack of adult intelligence, Lennie is doomed in the world of a migrant worker (Of Mice and Men 246). Later in the story, Lennies incredible strength causes two deaths, first he kills a puppy and then Curleys wife. Curley mistreats her, and she dreams of becoming a movie star. The average student has to read dozens of books per year. I could live so easy and maybe have a girl. For a moment Lennie lay quiet, and then he said hopefully, We gonna work on a ranch, George., Georges hand remained outstretched imperiously. Lennis has no concept of consequences. Both wore black, shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls slung over their shoulders. Life of the victims is hard because of the things they have to go through. 6 chapters | He pushed himself back, drew up his knees, embraced them, looked over to George to see whether he had it just right. Crooks, the black stable buck, is the victim of racial discrimination. Cause Im black. And then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck (Steinbeck 91). He said gently, GeorgeI aint got mine. Cause Im black. Crooks "This is just a n***** talkin', an' a busted-back n*****. But I jus dont know., Candy leaned against the wall beside the broken collar while he scratched his wrist stump. The boss gives him hell when he's mad. "Listen, N*****," she said. I wanna get outa here., For two bits Id shove out of here. People discriminated against because of their differences and how they dont fit in. He aint much of a talker, is he? No, he aint, but hes sure a hell of a good worker. She is often described as a tart or far worse to emphasize the little respect women received during this time. George was small, Lennie on the other hand was huge. The two begin talking, and she tells Lennie that Curley is not a good husband. Maybe if he sees somethin, he dont know whether its right or not. "Why aint you wanted?" Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. They dont belong no placeWith us it aint like that. Lennie is asking George to drink plenty of water even after George yelled at him for drinking too fast. Discrimination plays a big role in Of Mice and Men, since it takes place during the Great Depression. Everbody out doin sompin. Jesus, he said. In Of Mice and Men, intolerance is a important topic, because during that time period it this discrimination of minorities was socially acceptable as opposed to currently where we believe that intolerance has no place in our society. ", "Yeah. You know what I can do if you open your trap? There is also Curleys wife who represents discrimination of gender. The men on the ranch ignore her and never want anything to do with her because she is Curleys wife and Curley gets angry quickly, especially when it involves his wife. (1.44). In Depression era, people discriminated African-American people by using derogatory terms, physically assaulting them and limiting their socialization. 4 | Summary & Themes, Dreams in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck | Overview, Quotes & Significance, Conflict in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck | Types & Analysis, Lennie & George's Relationship in Of Mice and Men, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck: Ch. While George and Lennie dressed the same, thats where the similarities end. Save everbody a hell of a lot of trouble., Lennie cried out suddenly I don like this place, George. She looked at her fingers. You never had none, you crazy bastard. Slim had not moved. Lennie cant fathom racial prejudice. Chapter 1- The audience is introduced to George and Lennie, two migrant workers on their way to a job at a new ranch. Crooks is made to sleep alone in the barn, with the animals and segregated from everyone else. When George finds Lennie first, he accepts the responsibility for Lennie and knows he has gone too far. Theyll tie ya up with a collar, like a dog (Steinbeck 72). We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. But not us! Nobody cant blame a person for lookin, she said. WebDiscrimination plays a large role to feeling lonely. Candy tells George how Crooks was allowed to enter the bunkhouse at Christmas time when the boss bought a gallon of whiskey for the men. Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. When George and Lennie first arrive at the ranch, they meet Candy, who tells them how Crooks was beaten one Christmas by another worker. Chapter 5- While a horseshoe tournament is going on, Lennie is in the barn with his puppy when Curley's lonely wife walks in. Like I done in Weed? Oh, so ya forgot that too, did ya? You drink some, George. For these characters, racist, sexist and degrading remarks are normal for the time period (early 1900s). Slowly, like a terrier who doesnt want to bring a ball to its master, Lennie approached, drew back, approached again. Lennie is a hard worker and George knows if he is given a chance to show that, his disabilities might be overlooked by the boss. They'll tie ya up with a collar, like a dog." And Crooks said, Sure. George has taken responsibility for Lennie because he knew Lennie's Aunt Clara. His problem is, he does not know of his own strength and does not know how to control it in certain cases, especially when he is frightened. Each of these characters are migrant workers during the Great Depression who are discriminated against in different ways. If he finds out what a crazy bastard you are, we won't get no job, but if he sees ya work before he hears ya talk, we're set." They also meet other people that have to overcome their own setbacks. You get another mouse thats fresh and Ill let you keep it a little while., Lennie looked sadly up at him. She closed on him. Lennie interrupts their conversation as he comes in from the barn; Slim has given Lennie one of his puppies. - Description & Quotes, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Dont make no difference who the guy is, longs hes with you. There wasnt another colored family for miles around. Finally, Lennie is discriminated against in Of Mice and Men because he is mentally After the mens game of horseshoes, Carlson complains about how good Crooks plays. Well, I tell you, all of you stink to me.(68) White people have power over him so if he makes any mistake he can be easily cut off and canned. Lennie doesnt do anything back until George tells him to fight back. One evening, George and Lennie discuss plans to buy their ranch. Though a big man, Lennie is like a child. George speaks in a sexist way about Curleys wife, saying she has no place on the ranch which should be for men only. I wasnt kicked in the head with no horse, was I, George? Be a damn good thing if you was, George said viciously. When George washes his face, Lennie mimics him exactly. For example, when Curley attacked Lennie, Lennie grabbed onto Curleys hand and held on. This speaks to the racial divide then in America. Luckily he isnt a child, or George would be in trouble with the child protection authorities for abusing a child. Youd drink out of a gutter if you was thirsty., Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water and wiggled his fingers so the water arose in little splashes; rings widened across the pool o the other side and came back again. Sometimes he gets thinkin, an he got nothing to tell him whats so an what aint so. Lennie is a very large, strong man, however, people on the ranch don't believe he is a good worker because of his disability. George may have foreshadowed trouble and disallowed Lennie to leave this particular place; this puts George as alpha male. The novella, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck , is set in California in the 1930s. (2.22), Yikes. Jesus, we had fun. Lennie, Curleys wife, and Crooks are all misunderstood and discriminated against because of it. "Yes sir. Migrant workers, unlike Lennie and George, primarily travel alone, and they go from job to job. While Crooks is isolated because he is black, white people like Candy are also alienated from black people. George is already concerned that Curley's wife will be an issue. They was so little, he said apologetically. The small man stepped nervously beside him. he asked. He pulled his hat down a little more over his eyes, the way Georges hat was. She doesnt like Curley and doesnt enjoy being married to him. You jus stand there and dont say nothing. Crooks suggests to Lennie that if George doesnt come back from town life would be catastrophic for Lennie. Racial segregation, gender rights, and handicap vulnerability are all problems in Of Mice and Men that reflect the society at the time. John Steinbeck portrays the intolerance and bigotry of 1930s America through the separation of his characters based on their handicaps. Below are some quotes on how Curley's wife is described reflecting the sexist discrimination. George always knew that Lennie never did anything bad out of meanness and that is why he stayed with him; to keep him from getting into trouble. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1. He keeps his distance from the others and expects them to do the same. Lennie is a guy who is often misjudged by his size in Of Mice and Men. Seems like Curley is cockiern ever since he got married. George grunted. A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. After they killed Candys dog for the reason that it was old, candy felt lonely especially since it was his only friend for a long period of time, he also hated the fact that he had no power to stop it, candy looked helplessly at him for Slims opinions were law. He was depressed when his dog is shot, he rolled slowly over and faced the wall and lay silent. It reflected on the position candy was himself, filthy old, disabled, no use, features which candy and his best friend withhold. Curley treats his wife like a possession. George says with disdain after first meeting Curley?s wife, the newly married young woman living on the ranch. They play cards in there, but I can't play because I'm black. He doesnt even remember the wrong he did in Weed, where he was accused of raping a girl after feeling her dress and not letting go. They let the n***** come in that night. Lennie is mentally handicapped and because of this, the men on the ranch often refer to him as a crazy bastard. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose. (A THREAD). They say I stink. I can go away any time. No look! Hes nuts, Slim. ", Crooks said darkly, "Guys don't come into a colored man's room very much." They may be friends, but we know they are not equal, as one walks behind the other, like a follower behind a leader. WebLonely and flirtatious, she is discriminated against by the men, who are contemptuous of her and wont engage in conversation with her for fear of being fired. real name and given the name Crooks because of his handicap. An spose they lock him up an strap him down and put him in a cage. Crooks is discriminated against because he is the only black man on the ranch. ?Of Mice and Men: Discrimination Why aint you wanted? Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass buttons. Lennie didnt mean to kill the puppy, he explained that he was jus playin with him an he made like hes gonna bite me an I made like I was gonna smack him an an I done it. The kind of mental problems Lennie had were not understood at that time. I mean you pull the curtain away, and you see I'm just as insecure and neurotic and scared and vulnerable as anybody, you know. They had walked in single file down the path, and even in the open one stayed behind the other. flashcard sets. Lennie tells her he loves to feel soft things like fur and velvet. In John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men, there are many example of prejudice. I wouldnt eat no ketchup if it was right here beside me. If it was here, you could have some. But I wouldnt eat none, George. "An' Crooks been here a long time. An error occurred trying to load this video. Once they became acquainted with the farm, Lennie and George become friends with a man named Crooks, but before that, they are introduced to the ranch by Candy. "You know what I can do to you if you open your trap? I might of knew, he said gently. If he finds out what a crazy bastard you are, we wont get no job, but if he sees ya work before he hears ya talk, were set., George patted a wrinkle out of his bed, and sat down. They play cards in there, but I cant play because Im black. George has to take care of his big, special friend Lennie, he keeps his bus ticket and work card, because he knows Lennie would lose them. Her desire to converse is perceived as flirtatious. He stumbles upon light and sees it is in Crooks' room. But Curley's wife doesn't feel any solidarity with Crooks: she just sees him as the one guy she can pick on instead of try to pick up. ), She turned on him in scorn. The time that the novel Of Mice and Men takes place in is important because during the Great Depression it was hard to find money, so Lennie couldnt just stay at home while George had to work. Discrimination was a common theme of Of Mice and Men and greatly affected the lives of the characters in the novella. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 2. You jus' stand there and don't say nothing. Carlson is another ranch hand with a tough attitude. I never knew till long later why he didnt like that. In the novella Steinbeck romanticizes and idealizes male friendships. Curly just wanted to shoot him in the stomach and make him suffer. Yes sir. Prejudice is a great time saver. Lennie is jes like a kid. In the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, characters endure attempts by society to make them invisible. These include racism, ageism, sexism, and isolation. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 3. When Lennie doesn't let go, she begins to panic. Some examples of discrimination involve Curley's wife. The victims of these types of discrimination are Curleys wife, who is unhappy and bitter about her life, Candy, the old, disabled swamper and Crooks, the black stable buck. Below are some quotes from Crooks about his experience with discrimination. Sexism was a very prominant part of 1930s America and led to the mistreatment of women such as Curleys wife. When she is in the barn with Lennie she said to him, Whas the matter with me? I aint takin it away jus for meanness. When Lennie accidentally killed Curleys wife, Curley didnt understand Lennie and the circumstances that were in the event. Before Lennie and George got to the farm, we were told that Crooks was kicked in the back by a horse and because he was a black stable worker, he not taken to the doctor. But while Lennie may annoy him sometimes George needs him and doesnt want to be without him. Discrimination and racism are central themes throughout the novel. Not jus one, neither. Ranch with a bunch of guys on it aint no place for a girl, specially like her., You go on get outta my room. In the novel Of Mice and Men, author John Steinbeck reflects on the prejudice that even still plagues modern times. WebLennie cant fathom racial prejudice. Shes a jail bait all set on the trigger. WebTop Lennie Being Discriminated Against Quotes Just remember, someday you might be asking for forgiveness. George shoots Lennie so he does not have to suffer at the hands of the lynch mob. As stated in the book, (Steinbeck 28) Candy is one of the many men who have judged her based on what they think they have seen. But, Crooks slyly points out, there are some advantages, too: no one holds you responsible for your actions. But since she is married she isnt allowed to talk to anybody but Curley or shell be accused of being a flirt or a tart. Sure, its swell. Maybe you guys better go. You have girls. "I been here a long time," he said. Theme Activity Chart focusing on Discrimination Students have to: 1. Howd you like that? Of Mice and Men, Chapter 5. Of Mice and Men, Chapter 1, Lennie and George. If he pinches their heads, they'll survive. WebIn the novel Of Mice and Men, Discrimination is present when an individual accepts appearance rather than personality.This present through the character of Crooks, who Everywhere he goes, he is harassed and made fun of. I was only foolin, George. Satiday night. Jesus, we had fun. Intolerance is many forms in the book, such as Crooks being beaten up at the Christmas party due to his skin color or Crooks being separated as if he has the plague unlike now which it is not socially acceptable we celebrate this form of equality with things like February being Black History Month.

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how is lennie discriminated against quotes

how is lennie discriminated against quotes