how old was zipporah when she married moses

>>>>>>how old was zipporah when she married moses

how old was zipporah when she married moses

Zipporah was left all but divorced. They said: Moses is haughty. When he was with Jethro, he saw how fine were her actions. After having performed this rite, Zipporah says (v. 26): A bridegroom of blood because of the circumcision [la-mulot, in the plural], from which the Rabbis deduced two elements of the circumcision procedure: periah (uncovering the corona) and zizin (the shreds of the corona, that invalidate the circumcision) (JT Nedarim 3:9, 38b; Deut. Unlike the human tendency to want or expect perfection in religious heroes, historic Judaism simply asked that its heroes do more good than evil. He went to Jethro and asked: "Give me your daughter Zipporah in marriage." Jethro replied: "Do you want to do to me what your ancestor Jacob did? There are many lessons to learn from the marriage of Moses and Zipporah about leadership, communication, and how there can be unintended consequences to zealous obedience. 2:1517). After the battle, Tharbis the Ethiopian queen made an agreement to marry Moses and he accepted. In the Book of Chronicles, two of her grandsons are mentioned: Shebuel, son of Gershom; and Rehabiah, son of Eliezer (1 Chronicles 23:1617). Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, came with his sons and his wife to Moses in the wilderness where he was encamped at the mountain of God. Help us elevate the voices of Jewish women. Many of us are familiar with Moses' wife, Zipporah. Because of the lack of context surrounding her actions, it can be easy to ignore the lessons her life provides, but there is quite a bit to be gleaned. (Viewed on May 1, 2023) . Jewish Women's Archive. Most focus on the clear teaching that Moses married Zipporah, a Midianite, during his 40 years in the wilderness (having fled from the presence of Pharaoh). A second tradition has Jethro deciding upon Zipporahs marriage to Moses after he brought Moses into his home and came to know his qualities. 18: . It explains the wars that Moses was a part of when he left Egypt. The Rabbis ascribe many traits to her; they considered her different than other women, in a positive sense, in both appearance and deed. When Moses fled from Egypt to the land of Midian, he met Jethro's seven daughters, who were having some trouble getting enough water for their flocks ( Exodus 2 ). Testamentum 36 (1986): 447461. Thanks for the expository (article). Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. of Moses' wife. Her right hand is to her chest. She is later reunited with Moses when her father . God blessed them with children. Moses and the latter met at the mountain of God when Moses was on his way to Egypt (Ex. Eventually they will walk their own path. Page from the Rylands Haggadah. There are women who are poor, the children of the poor, who do not know how to conduct themselves when they come in contact with royalty. From the day that God spoke to Moses your brother, he has not lain with me. Miriam immediately went to Aaron, and the two discussed the matter. The next documented moment in Zipporahs life came after the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt. Times 106 (1995): 203205. Countertraditions Strangers in the land were also commanded to observe and fast on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:29) and additionally adhere to all God's Commandments (Exodus 12:48 - 49). Before arriving in Egypt, he sent his family to their home country, and he possibly even married another woman. While this devotion is not a bad thing, it requires extra work to make the relationship work. Another interpretation supporting the opposition to circumcision by women is that Zipporah began the circumcision, but someone else came and completed it (BT Avodah Zarah 27a). Moses had married Zipporahone of the seven daughters of Jethro, the priest of Midianwhen he fled from Egypt after slaying an Egyptian taskmaster (see Exod. These midrashim depict Moses as not wanting to part from his wife and children, but rather as wishing them to participate in the formative process of the people of Israel. Below is an excerpt from the Josephus works. She then flings the foreskin at his feet, declaring that he ishatan damimto her(Exod 4:26). 4:24). Zipporah was the wife of Moses. Blessings to you and your family, Shalom! Zipporah did not seem to always let Moses know what she needed. I also came across the fact that he had been married to an Ethiopian woman and it had me looking into the relationship between the Midians and the Ethiopians. Moses had killed an Egyptian by accident and fled to the Midianites since the Pharaoh sought to kill Moses. He knew God wanted his son circumcised, and Zipporah felt forced to take action. [4] Hobab is also the name of Jethro's son in Numbers 10:29. This is the land that Moses dwelt in when he took refuge from Pharaoh. After Moses succeeded in taking the Israelites out of Egypt, and won a battle against Amalek, Reuel came to the Hebrew camp in the wilderness of Sinai, bringing with him Zipporah and their two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. Its important that we study the scriptures our self, even the scripts we are told are not part of the sixty-six books that we have been left with. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Corporation, 1967. If you are asking me to give you Zipporah, swear to me that you will not take her far away from me; I will give her to you only upon this condition. Moses immediately swore to him, as it is said: Moses consented [va-yoel] to stay with the man (Ex. "Where is he then? Gen. 17:13 states they must be circumcised [ha-yimol yimol, literally, he who is circumcised shall circumcise], from which the Rabbis deduced that only one who is circumcised may circumcise others. 51 And when Reuel saw the stick in the hand of Moses, he wondered at it, and he gave him his daughter Zipporah for a wife. Exodus 18:2-5. She and Moses have two sons, Gershom and Eliezer(Exod 18:34). Because of this pledge, Moses had to return to Midian after he had been sent to Egypt, as it is said (Ex. Forty years passed, and God called Moses back to Egypt to deliver Israel. In the above scriptures the queen of Ethiopia took a liking to Moses because of his abilities during battle. In a third midrashic tableau, Zipporah initiated the conversation and spoke with Miriam, Miriam told this to Aaron, and he added to her words and the two discussed the matter. It is always good to study the Scriptures deeper and further. New York: 2000. All in all, we can't say. In thanks, Jethro--known as the Priest of Midian--invited him to stay in his camp, and gave him Zipporah to marry. Zipporah may be one of the most intriguing figures in the early books of the Bible. Shalom. 2:21). 19:15): Be ready for the third day: do not go near a woman. All Israel withdrew from their wives, and Moses withdrew from his wife. I wouldnt call Jasher non biblical. What mattered was whether the "stranger" or non-Israelite was willing to be obedient to God's laws and thus become a citizen of Israel. If we dont study then were only left with half the truth. According to the Jewish Women's Archive, when Moses killed a man in Egypt, he rushed to hide among the Midianites. However, while Moses was uneasy at the armys lying idle, (for the enemies durst not come to a battle,) this accident happened: Tharbis was the daughter of the king of the Ethiopians: she happened to see Moses as he led the army near the walls, and fought with great courage; and admiring the subtility of his undertakings, and believing him to be the author of the Egyptians success, when they had before despaired of recovering their liberty. She was born at the very moment when Jacob and his entire household, Levi and his wife among them, had just entered the gates of Egypt. She is also described as a practical woman capable of taking action at the right moment. 17K views, 519 likes, 455 loves, 3.7K comments, 232 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from EWTN: Starting at 8 a.m. Num. Some women are beautiful in their youth but are repulsive in their old age. Zipporah is not well rewarded. At some point before the exodus from Egypt, Moses sends her and the children away(Exod 18:2). The latter tries to help, and is punished. Shalom. The expression "Cushite woman" is used disparagingly against Moses because he . Zipporah was called a Cushite, meaning at least part if not all of her heritage was from Africa. Spare The Rod Spoil The Child: Biblical Discipline Explained, Brief Explanation Of Tharbis & Moses Marriage, 19 Old Testament Passages That Foreshadow Jesus, Prophet Like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:18): 11 Likenesses To the Messiah (Jesus), Slavery Bible Verses: Transatlantic Slave Trade Explained, phenomenal woman in the bible: Examples & how to be & Find one, A Quran And Bible Comparison: Why Theyre Not The Same, Canonization Of The Bible: And What We Should Be Reading, Was The Maccabean Revolt successful? Getting Closer to God Lessons from the Life of Moses. They then ask why she was called the Cushite woman, since she was a Midianite. It is unclear whether she remained with Moses or returned to Midian. Moses neglect of Zipporah is obvious, as he (not God) tells the men at Sinai not to approach any women in preparation for Gods approach in three days(Exod 19:2). He originally had a wife named Zipporah who was the daughter of a Midianite priest (Exodus 2:15 - 21). [26] She is the main character in Marek Halter's novel Zipporah, Wife of Moses (2005).[27]. Moses first wife was Adoniah (Tharbis) and his second wife was Zipporah. Since modesty is appropriate for the relations between a man and his wife, how did Miriam learn of Mosess abstinence? The most popular incident is when Moses is challenged by Aaron and Miriam, because of his marriage to an Ethiopian woman (Numbers 12:1). Zipporah found very this difficult and she Miriam, forming a bond of feminine solidarity as Miriam lent an attentive ear and tried to help. Shalom! It does show that both parents bore responsibility for raising their child up in alignment with Gods ordinances. 24:34, which speaks of a bill of divorce. Another view maintains that he separated from her orally (and therefore this was not a formal act of divorce) (Mehilta de-Rabbi Ishmael, Masekhta de-Amalek, Yitro 1). According toU.S. News and World Report, removing the foreskin was mandatory among Hebrews, as God had told Abraham. Proud member Later Jewish and Christian tradition . He spends several decades there before he returns to Egypt to tell Pharaoh to release the Israelites. He meets the seven daughters of Reuel, priest of Midian, at a well; rescues them from shepherds who are harassing them; and fills their jugs with water. Hopefully this article has helped clear up the questions you may have had about Moses wives. [12][bettersourceneeded], "Cushite woman" becomes in the Greek Septuagint and Aethiopissa in the Latin Vulgate Bible version (4th century). Exodus 3:1 1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. In the Torah, Zipporah was one of the seven daughters of Jethro, a Kenite shepherd who was a priest of Midian. ", Reuel asked them. Nor had I heard of the book of Jasher. Why Didn't Moses Enter the Promised Land. God then left Moses alone (Exodus 4:2426). He went to Jethro and asked: Give me your daughter Zipporah in marriage. Jethro replied: Do you want to do to me what your ancestor Jacob did? Zipporah first appeared in the Book of Exodus after Moses fled Egypt. My prayers will go out to you. In thanks, Jethro--known as the Priest of Midian--invited him to stay in his camp, and gave him Zipporah to marry. I havent lost my family. Exodus 4:21-26. After God commanded Moses to return to Egypt to free the Israelites, Moses took his wife and sons and started his journey. Unlike other women in the Old Testament, such as Sarah and Rebekah,it is difficult for us as readers centuries later to fully understand her motivations. Most probably, the . 3 And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. Zipporah the Midianite was a descendant of Midian, Abraham's son by his third wife Keturah. So that they also keep Yahs commands (John 14:21-27) and enter his kingdom too. How did she fit in with Moses life after God called him to lead the Hebrew people? The answer is no: Moses never had more than four wives. The Rabbis explain that Moses never wanted to part from Zipporah and sent her to her fathers house in Midian only for fear that the Egyptian servitude would harm her. 4:20 relates that Moses took Zipporah and his two sons, Gershom and Eliezer, when he returned to Egypt, and describes an incident that occurred on their journey in the night encampment. But I will harden his heart, so that he will not let the people go. Most people know that Moses had a staff which he carried when he performed the eleven miracles against Pharaoh in Egypt. Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married, for he had married a Cushite woman. I havent broken my covenant to her, and maybe God will still honor it in the next life, and maybe she will too when her mental illnesses are then gone. The Meaning Of Maccabees, Is Purgatory A Dogma? Instead, she was a married single for the rest of her life. The midrash discloses that the existence of normal marital relations is important for a woman, and constitutes a significant part of her femininity and her self-perception. I will briefly discuss the staff of Moses because it has relevance to the marriage between Zipporah the Midianite and Moses. He met her during his years away from Egypt ( Exodus 2:1 ). Midrashic tradition assumed they were discussing Moses neglect of Zipporah. In the Bible, women are often praised when they are obedient but they sometimes disappear from the text after giving birth or getting married. The Bible records, "She gave birth to a son, and . Much more likely is that Zipporah had died (although her death is not recorded in Scripture) and that Moses had remarried. 2:20). How did Zipporah know that Mosess life was threatened because of the circumcision? My wife left me, and after 5 months of wrestling with God, and much turmoil (I know there is more grieving still to be done), and a several-hour prayer last night, I woke up this morning with that song from The Prince of Egypt in my head, all Ive ever wanted. I know its an animated film and not 100% accurate (it might not even be 10% accurate, who knows), but Ive been wrestling with the fact that I covenanted to this woman, had 4 kids with her, was happier than I ever thought possible, then bam, without warning shes gone. Also keep in mind that Jethro is also known as Reuel, you can see this in the below scriptures: 16 Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their fathers flock. The Rabbis ascribe many traits to Zipporah, whom they considered as differing from other women, in a positive sense, in both appearance and deed. Tsedaka, Benyamim, and Sharon Sullivan, eds. In Numbers 12:1, Moses wife became the apparent reason for Miriam and Aaron's rebellion against Moses. First lets see whether Moses was married to Zipporah. Zipporah, however, was lovely both in her youth and in her old age, and therefore was called the Cushite woman also when she was old. Other interpreters see the Cushite woman as a second wife, with Miriam and Aaron opposed to the marriage. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. 99). We are told that the Most High used what is now known as the supernatural staff of Moses to create the worlds (Jasher 77:42). Read the latest from JWA from your inbox. [Hence, it is no longer dangerous to have him in our home.] Zipporah quickly circumcised her son with a sharp stone and touched Moses' feet with the foreskin, saying "Surely you are a husband of blood to me!" All I ever wanted was to protect and provide for them. The misconception is that Zipporah was Ethiopian and she was not, she was Shemitic. What Every Christian Should Know about the Protestant Reformation. Cushites were of the ancestry of either Kush (Nubia) in northeast Africa, or Arabians. Strangers in the land were commanded to faithfully observe God's holy Sabbath Day (Exodus 20:10) and keep the annual Feast of Tabernacles in the fall (Deuteronomy 16:13 - 14). 18:26, when Jethro brings Zipporah and her two sons to Moses in the wilderness, after she had been sent home (v. 2). Upon their return home, their father asked them, "How is it that you have come home so early today?" The story is already difficult for the narrator, who adds a comment thathatan damimrefers to circumcision. The Patriachs who had multiple wives never sought these wives out, except for Solomon and the results were negative in his case. 4.1K views, 50 likes, 28 loves, 154 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 7th District AME Church: Thursday Morning Opening Session He planted the staff in the garden of his house, and no man could approach it. In another midrashic account, Jethro agreed to the marriage between Moses and Zipporah on condition that their firstborn would be an idolater (see below). Remember the only way to know if scripture is valid is to read it. Let us know. Her private life is revealed by chance when her pain bursts forth and she unfolds her feelings before Miriam.

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how old was zipporah when she married moses

how old was zipporah when she married moses