modified mercalli intensity scale simulator

>>>>>>modified mercalli intensity scale simulator

modified mercalli intensity scale simulator

Then, on 3rd - 4th December 1930, two earthquakes of approximately the same magnitude (~Mw 7.3) in Pyu and Yangon, respectively, were reported [8]. The released energy is 31622776601684 J, and the equivalent of such energy is: 0.0000028 of the most massive earthquake recorded, Chile '60 . How much bigger was it? The magnitudes required in equation (1) and the earthquake locations for measuring the source-to-site-distances are those cited in previous reports and are detailed in Table 1. Do you know that the shockwave originated from the detonation of the Tsar Bomba circled the world three times, touching at the antipodal point of the explosion and "bouncing" back? Microearthquakes, usually not felt. Cairo, IL: "Most of the buildings in town suffered significant damage; several of the single-family homes were damaged when they slid off their foundations. Understand the difference between the Richter Scale and the Mercalli Scale for rating earthquakes (a scale that uses instruments and a scale that uses human observation, respectively). The Richter magnitude is based on the wave amplitude recorded by seismographs. See below Earthquake magnitude. Can they think of examples where something has a rating or a level? They make a model of a seismographa measuring device that records an earthquake on a seismogram. "', 7. Note that not all lessons and activities will exist under a unit, and instead may exist as "standalone" curriculum. (Grade NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), Small objects moved. Do you agree with this alignment? Objects thrown into the air. The series of MMI-PGA data are distinguished by different symbols and the numbers correspond to the isoseismal maps in Figure 1. Numerous intensity scales have been developed over the last several hundred years. WebThe database provides information on the date and time of occurrence, latitude and longitude, focal depth, magnitude, maximum MMI intensity, and socio-economic data such as the total number of casualties, injuries, houses destroyed, and As the same time, on the 4th December 1930, an earthquake with a Mw of 7.3 was also recorded at Toungoo, central Myanmar, with ground shaking intensities in the range of VIIIX. Ground cracked noticeably. While shaking is caused fz9TqUU*W#&8| ^17'tJ@1J-aNWjz0 `&n-SK3W Iw{8 /. An official website of the United States government. (1996) Geotechnical earthquake engineering. injuries, houses destroyed, and houses damaged, and $ dollage damage estimates. The intensities experienced at different sites depend primarily on the distance from the source to each site. Subpages of this template. ", 18. A fun and Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 11, 387-402. Water thrown on banks of canals, rivers, lakes, and so on. However, today seismologists more commonly rely on what is W.H. The one currently used in Solicit, integrate and summarize student responses. Bender, F. (1983) Geology of Burma. Catalog of Significant Earthquakes 2000 B.C. Detailed Description. from publication: Damage Observations Following the Mw 7.8 2016 Kaikoura 3 0 obj Note that the effects on a particular area are highly dependent on the type of construction in the area. The first of these, the Mandalay earthquake, was generated at the central part of the Sagiang Fault Zone and the second, the Tounggyi earthquake, occurred in the Moei-Tounggyi Fault Zone [4,5] eastwards of Myanmar. Class Discussion: As a class, have students engage in open discussion. This study, therefore, used the PGA to calibrate with the obtained macroseismic intensity data. endobj This is a complete binder of activities for Grades K-6. With respect to seismic hazards, Myanmar is one of the earthquake-prone areas in Mainland Southeast Asia. Charles Richter developed the logarithmic scale in 1935 to compare local earthquakes the ones in southern California with an epicenter of up to 370 miles (600 km) from the seismograph. Crawl under a sturdy table/desk if nearby. Fall of plaster, loose bricks, stones, tiles, cornices. These range from imperceptible shaking to catastrophic IU. Note that the scale is based on vibration experienced at a particular site. If you're listening to the news about an earthquake, the measure that will be given is the magnitude the moment magnitude to be exact. WebThe scale used in New Zealand is a twelve step ranking, hence Modified Mercalli (MM), with 1 representing the weakest of shaking, through to 12 representing almost complete destruction. Wood and Frank Neumann in 1931, in which intensity is considered to be more suitably graded. scale composed of 12 increasing levels of intensity based on observed Unstable objects overturned. If engineers can develop better technology for predicting the size and force of earthquakes, then cities and communities can work to keep themselves from harm. creative classroom activity to illustrate earthquake intensity can Okamoto, S. (1973) Introduction to earthquake engineering. Other intensity scales are used in some countries. Depending on where you are, different recommendations exist: Stay there! Learn how the Richter scale measures magnitude and the Mercalli scale measures intensity of an earthquake. The strongly correlated MMI-PGA relationship obtained in this study, if confirmed, will be particularly useful in real-time applications for damage prediction or engineering parameter determination when an earthquake occurs in or nearby to Myanmar. It is constant for specific types of rock; DDD Average fault displacement (cm); the distance one block is relocated; and. can't directly convert the Richter or Magnitude scale to the Mercalli scale, video from Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, Check out 7 similar earth and weather calculators , Social Media Time Alternatives Calculator. Stay inside until the shaking stops. Felt by a few people, especially on upper floors. and Damage. Noticeable indoors, especially on upper floors. Geological Survey, national and government databases and reports, earthquake and tsunami Hold on to your shelter with one hand until the shaking stops. Some well-built wooden structures and bridges destroyed. The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no. Department of Mineral Resources (2006) Macroseismic investigation in Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand. Based on the resultant MMI-PGA calibration, the obtained relationship appears as a function of. Some walls collapse. 438483. Bridges destroyed. above, whereas two earthquakes were located in the southern and northern parts of Thailand. Besides the Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zone in the western part, Myanmar also has own great strike-slip active faults called the Sagiang Fault Zone [2]. Felt by almost everyone, wakes many. Kawasumi, H. (1951) Measures of earthquake danger and expectancy of maximum intensity throughout Japan as inferred from the seismic activity in historical times. However, because of the many unsymmetrical geologic factors influencing intensity, the curves are often far from circular. Isoseismal maps of the ten earthquakes reported in Myanmar and neighboring areas during 1912-2006 AD. Chicago, IL: "Many residents of the Windy City reported a strong tremor last night; some sleepers were awakened by what they described as 'a loud, crashing sound. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 46, 317-320. They are continuously trying to improve the ways to predict and rate (or score) earthquakes. the Mercalli Scale (From Walker, 1982). Considerable damage to specially built structures, buildings shifted off foundations. We sometimes assign points to a homework assignment to rate how well we did. ( edit | history) Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox ( edit | diff) and testcases ( edit) pages. Ground badly cracked. NCEI launched publicly on April 22, 2015. WebThe U.S. employs the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale, which uses Roman numerals from I (not felt) to X (extreme). CategoryEarth + Atmospheric Sciences Best forHigh School + Middle School. Although it confounds many variables, effects. Structural engineers usually contribute information for assigning intensity values of VIII or above. Both of these were generated by the Ranong [9] and Mae Tha [11] Fault Zones, which represent the MMI characteristics in the southern and eastern part of Myanmar, respectively. John Wiley, New York. List of major earthquake events in Myanmar and adjacent area that had been reported the macroseismic intensity in term of isoseismal maps. The magnitude does not depend on where the measurement is made. There are many ways that we can rate events that occur during everyday life. Often, several slightly different magnitudes are reported for an earthquake. and linked to the related tsunami event or significant volcanic eruption. Total damage. Ft. Smith, AR: "Drinkers at the Moose Lodge complained of tainted liquor at the lodge bar, after a number of drinkers reported feeling a strong swaying sensation. and National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), including the National Coastal Data WebThe above documentation is transcluded from Template:MMI/doc. Pictures fall off walls. Use of the TeachEngineering digital library and this website constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, 13, 1-147. Wholesale destruction. Because the entire range of observed effects is not capable of simple quantitative definition, the strength of the shaking is commonly estimated by reference to intensity scales that describe the effects in qualitative terms. III: Noticeable indoors, especially on upper V. Felt outdoors; direction may be estimated. =\YUgeFY#r\Qsa7`og:_:U7h|3o bR9c[O?qCvm(3yoQ^JJ[6t^C5b&jk$ox*o u&l[j}psjs.vBt/T@U_t/GONY|LP +:i.&TpN;0gM[URRY" These are briefly detailed as follows. Common Alerting Protocol and Fumal, T.E. | Thanks also extend to T. Pailoplee for the preparation of the draft manuscript. Le Dain, A.Y., Tapponnier, P. and Molnar, P. (1984) Active faulting and tectonics of Burma and surrounding regions. WebThe most common intensity scale used in Australia is the 12-point Modified Mercalli scale. Considerable damage to ordinary buildings, Pendulum clocks may stop. Geo-Spatial Information Science, 13, 230-234. and Brady, A.G. (1975) On the correlation of seismic intensity scales with the peaks of recorded strong ground motion. The correlation coefficient (R2) for the shown linear regression is 0.9681. Teachers Association. What does it measure? In this activity, students learn about the Richter Scale for measuring earthquakes and make a booklet with drawings that represent each rating of the Richter Scale. Feel free to visit the log calculator if you feel like you could use a refresher. If you want to know which country has the most earthquakes, it depends on what you really mean: Indonesia lies in a very active seismic region and is a relatively big country, so it probably has the most earthquakes in total. The magnitude (size) of an earthquake is based on of the MMI scale (i.e., felt by nearly everyone; many awakened. Homepege, Trees, bushes shake. z/76 E1(S=C50R6*C?dzy}5n`u%]|QJ. ", 23. 9 Based on this relationship, approximately, what is the magnitude of this earthquake. AAA Area of the fault rupture (cm2), which is the estimated area over which the earthquake has occurred. Note: The contour lines should not go through the intensity points, but should go between intensity pointsi.e., separate areas of one intensity from another. The scale now generally employed in North America is the Mercalli scale, as modified by Harry O. Copyright maximum MMI intensity, and socio-economic data such as the total number of casualties, WebModified Mercalli Intensity Scale CREDIT: Northern Illinois University Earthquake magnitude measures the strength of an earthquake, or the amount of energy that is released. In addition to the MMI reported in Myanmar, two isoseismal maps obtained from macroseismic intensity investigations in Thailand are added. called the Moment Magnitude Scale, which measures the WebThe Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale is commonly used in the United States by seismologists seeking information on the severity of earthquake effects. Nested under units are lessons (in purple) and hands-on activities (in blue). Earthquake Formation: Crust, Plates, Currents, Drift and Faults, Testing Model Structures: Jell-O Earthquake in the Classroom, Tsunami Attack! substrate, the buildings, etc. The earthquake magnitude calculator shows not only the energy but also. PS: We do not share personal information or emails with anyone. Difficult to stand. ", 4. Thus, the Mercalli scale describes how the earthquake affected a given location, and a range of Mercalli intensity values are assigned for the same earthquake, assuming it affected not just one area. How they think engineers and scientists measure earthquake damage? Indianapolis, IN: . The database provides information For further information visit What to do during an earthquake? to poorly built structures. In an effort to gather more information about the earthquake, you have compiled newspaper accounts of the events from many sources. (2) where PGA is the peak ground acceleration (cm/s 2) and MMI is the level of macroseismic intensity in terms of MMI scale. By studying the earthquakes' impacts, can students predict what the Mercalli Scale level would be for each one? Noticed by drivers of automobiles. ]sgJ;oYQqmt|Wg4n^~9s It is common to find intensities ranging by 1 unit in a neighbourhood, and not unusual to find values 2 or more. The effect of an earthquake on the Earth's surface is called the intensity. The Significant Earthquake Database is a global listing of over 5,700 earthquakes Magnitude scales, like the moment magnitude, measure the size of the earthquake at its source. Relationship between the PGA (cm/s2) and the MMI scale. Difficult to stand. ", 8. Cracks in wet ground and on steep slopes. May feel like heavy truck passing by. In the article below, you'll learn about the different measures of an earthquake: from the famous Richter scale to the currently used moment magnitude scale and Mercalli scale, which is an intensity scale describing the effects of the phenomenon. [14], as shown in Equation (1). Students learn about the Mercalli Scale for rating earthquakes.copyrightCopyright This implies that the standard of building construction in Myanmar, in terms of withstanding earthquake hazards, is not high enough such that low ground motions contribute to a high degree of structure damage, particularly at higher levels of ground shaking. within the limits of the current state of the art, NOAA cannot assume liability for %ylLo.l,2OF$ZyM37M;I!G1/iDeQzVcW8 LrX5jQgAuFov0h{5Nf~B!V*F_`xsT` >,t2}2\PP'Xs5Z:o#W'NTYkGYx+@-{$o_G+XTP7~YF0es FD LBh6_-';mZL'}A%opo &tlUW49"p@ 'V~uR731k]WAErtJ0PeQU7U'M[.mU|mj^uGi}ad>`DRBT>}^Zj# Understand how a community could use the Mercalli Scale. To this end, based on the published probabilistic seismic hazard map of the Yangon area, central Myanmar ([13], the maps were evaluated by using the strong ground-motion attenuation relationship of Boore et al. Large landslides. Atlanta, GA: "Cars in the Olympic parking lot were noted to sway slightly during last night's quake. The other thing you can do with this tool is to compare two magnitudes. Usually (but not always) the highest intensities are Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok. Felt by everyone. In order not to be biased by this effect, the Modified Mercalli scale attempts to allow for varying effects on different types of construction. II. May not be recognized as an earthquake. It occurred in the afternoon, lasted for 10 minutes, and caused tsunamis that affected southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, and the Aleutian Islands. A new relationship between macroseismic intensity and engineering ground-motion parameter is contributed for the Myanmar region by comparing the MMI gathered from 10 isoseismal maps with the inferred PGA. ", 15. Other intensity scales are used in some countries. This The Mercalli Scale is based on observable earthquake damage. Empirical relationships between the macroseismic intensity and the groundmotion parameters (peak ground acceleration [PGA], peak ground velocity [PGV]) for western China are derived in this study. 110 The Mercalli Scale Calling Station KWAT. any damages caused by any errors or omissions in the data, nor as a result of the Brown, J.C. and Leicester, P. (1933) The Pyu earthquake of 3rd and 4th December, 1930 and subsequent Burma earthquakes up to January 1932. What city is closest to your estimated epicenter for this earthquake? Bloomington, IN: "Most of Bloomington's population ran into the streets during the height of the shaking. The Seismology Research Centre is a division of, Rarely felt, usually only on top floors of high buildings, Windows, dishes, doors rattle. Grey thin lines illustrate the earthquake faults based on Bender et al. Wholesale destruction. (Ganse, Robert A., John B. Nelson, 1981). M.Sc. ", 3. Engineering to Prevent Natural Disasters: Save Our City! ", 21. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94, 1728-1736. Wood and F. Neumann in the 1930s. [4]. WebModified Mercalli Intensity Scale Instrumental: detected only by instruments Very feeble: noticed only by people at rest Slight: felt by people at rest Like passing of a truck Vil Vill x The most important thing to remember is the fact that in the Richter scale, wave amplitudes are taken into account. XII. (Ganse, Robert A., John B. Nelson, 1981). The scale was developed at the turn of the century by the Italian volcanologist G. Mercalli, and subsequently revised by American seismologists H.O. Small bells ring (church, school). The Mercalli scale is particularly useful for comparing modern earthquakes with those that occurred before the era of seismographic recording (i.e., prior to 1900)-and for providing estimates of earthquake location, focal depth, and magnitude for these early events. In this study, the previously reported isoseismal maps are compiled and used to carefully investigate the macroseismic intensity in terms of the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale, based on the engineering ground-motion parameter, as the peak ground acceleration (PGA), inferred from the ground-motion attenuation characteristic of Myanmar.

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modified mercalli intensity scale simulator

modified mercalli intensity scale simulator