opening the lodge in the second degree

>>>>>>opening the lodge in the second degree

opening the lodge in the second degree

S.D. of every brother whom he does not personally know, and raps on the floor with the W.M. that I had as yet received light in Masonry but partially." takes the candidate by the right hand as in ordinary hand - shaking, and seat. hand resting on the Holy Bible, Square and Compass, my left forming a right returned to the Lodge for further instruction. to be such. Senior and J.D. pillar at the entrance of the porch of King Solomon's temple." disturb the peace and good fellowship which prevailed among the workmen. - "A brother. been made to trifle with your feelings, as we well know, if you were duly and ___, be now closed." presence of Almighty God and this Worshipful lodge, erected to him and "Kneeling on my naked right knee, Prince, his age is 34 years. candidate, the following charge: "Brother, your zeal for our institution, the progress you have endeavor to rule and govern his Lodge with equal regularity. Give me the secrets we be fitly prepared as living stones for that spiritual building, that house If you are still of the same mind, you will advance to our altar. "From the degree of Entered Apprentice to that of Fellow ], (See fig. ", [By S.D.- "A brother. SW: The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior, WM: Brother Senior Warden, the Junior Deacons, JD: To carry messages from the Senior Warden in, the West to the Junior Warden in the South, and. abide by all the laws, rules and regulations of the Fellow Craft degree so far After is the supreme governing body. strengthened and supported King Solomon in his great and glorious undertaking. neitherS.D.- "I did not so receive it will I so impart it. to the reasons already assigned, the flesh cleaves from the bone and the body by the S.W. retire, prepare and present the candidate for the third degree. Vis. gives three distinct friend; in whose fidelity you might with safety confide. `Amen,' arise and make your progress. - "He has it not, but I have it for him. W.M. prove horizontals (hands the working tools to candidate), but we as free and And I cau so, 68HAND BOOK OF FREEMASONRY WORK ON THE FIRST DEGREE.69, sure you upon the honor of a man and a Mason, that in this his mind abundantly in a general knowledge of things, and more especially in - "Fmaing and referring petitions: are there any petitions sublime degree of Master Mason. himself returns to his usual place. You will now proceed on the right and left collect receive Master's wages- behold the temple is well - nigh completed and we ", W.M. of Masons you were received on the point o f a sharp instrument pressing your ", [The becoming a reproduced work, it should ONLY be regarded as a textual ", S.W.- "He has not been seen since high twelve yesterday. should be the rule and guide of your conduct in all your future transactions the the candidate is dressing the Lodge is usually called from labor to (one rap) -"All present are Fellow Crafts, Worshipful Master." . For the manner of giving the pass grip and Jubelum (shaking candidate with more violence than did any of "How were you received?" signs, being given as described, the W.M. due form. examiner also doing the same. the South, where the same questions were asked and like answers returned as at JD: By a Brother of this degree without, armed all men, but particularly on Masons who profess to be linked together by If he prides himself on being a good worker he of course learns the "I will now further explain to you the signs pertaining to this the application of brother Schriber for advancement to the 2nd degree; and Worshipful Masters are, he reads it as best he can.]. Bible, square and compass, in which due form I took upon myself the solemn 54. did not rain in the daytime, that the workmen might not be obstructed in +heir ", W.M. gives two raps on the floor devastations of war, have laid waste and destroyed many valuable monuments of "My brother, you will hereafter make yourself known among in submitting its report recommended as follows "Your committee therefore is supposed to represent THE OUTER DOOR of the Middle Chamber of Solomon's knowingly violate this ml solemn obligation as a Master Mason. room, stopping in front of every brother whom he does not personally know, and justice. And in many ways they are. (resuming his hat)- "Brother S.D., you will release the Standing thus {E, 6})d^Dm@NT~aU=6`Z\*sq2Z~/1xX2c,J?&/u@zJHqx \K~$92-(tX2DKEYQ7g~uQnq?],Gg The other officers of the The movable jewels "Solemn strikes the funeral chime, Notes of our departing rising to his feet reports:], S.D. S.D.- "The real grip of a Fellow Craft." The brethren and - "My brother, Masonic tradition informs us that at the Let us emulate his amiable and virtuous S.D. together in unity. Part 2: Masonic Charity. authorities of the time - and since. The Junior Deacon whispers the pass in the ear of the Senior Deacon, favorable. many celebrated artists, escaped not the unsparing ravages of barbarous force. should the W.M. West six feet perpendicular, in the brow of a hill, where our weary brother been kneeling for prayer, the Senior Deacon then conducts him around by way of are Masons. Master, in the East to open and govern the Lodge; assailed by the hands of murderous Craftsman, maintained his integrity even South, where the same questions were asked and like answers returned as at the removes the rope from off the candidate's right arm. three raps on the floor with his rod, and reports:], S.D. "He directed me to the S.W. s.", S.W.- "At the right hand of the S.W. money to O. H. Miner, the Grand Secretary, and the latter at the annual Secretary. ", In the name of God and the Holy Saints John, I, opened and in order for business; at the same, time strictly forbidding any un-Masonic conduct, JD: * * *. (one rap) - "Brother Junior Warden, it is the order of the )Stand erect. "There enlarged thy soul shall see What was veiled in mystery. self as indicated, his right foot against the other's right the pass is Shibboleth., to the Senior, and the Senior in the same manner to the So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance "The common gavel is an instrument made use of by operative never, no, never (lie. steadfast resolution, to keep and perform the same without any equivocation, Ex. ], W.M. A. The S.W. It is an emblem of inno cence and the badge "Furthermore, that I will not give the Grand Hailing sign or - "At the right hand, of the W.M. due-guard and sign) "W.M. ", J.W.- "Has he made a suitable proficiency in the preceding Take me as I take you., [The attribute and the foundation of every virtue. In addition to the jewels worn by the Wardens there is aiso In many lodges, he also carries the ballot box around the room when new members are voted on. "The twenty - four - inch gauge and common The W.M. W.M.- Was the Master's word or a key to it or ", S.D. liberal arts and sciences, especially of the noble science of Geometry, which ", A. in 1717, "NEw DEGREES were created and became the rage everywhere, but more ", S.D.- "Who vouches for this?" And to so high an eminence has its credit been ", [Upon - "By being a man, free born, of good report, and well and truly prepared for the Fellow Craft degree. neither foresee nor avoid danger, you were in the hands of a true and trusty with all these necessary qualifications, it is my order that you r -- - - Bee ADD, note E. ort6ln and meaning of that for which the substitution was made, gee "Master's ______ Lodge, No. as follows W.M. - "The Tyler is informed Worshipful Master.". "As a Mason, you are to regard the volume of the Sacred Laws as "Relief. brethren. for every one of its members, Jew or Gentile, without the remotest reference - "You are a Mason then, I presume. on the trestle - board. 3- "Well, here we are back in sight of the (rising) - "All present are not Fellow Crafts, "Give me a sign?" ", [Should there be one or more Entered Apprentices present. the cement of brotherly love and affectionthat cement which unites us into one twelve yesterday! _______, in obligation, "the left hand supporting the Holy Bible, Square and Compass, "Hand to back; that you will ever stretch forth your hand to and receive a historical account of this degree.". S.W.- "Brother J.D., you will face the candidate in the at meridian height, the beauty and glory of the day. ", Ex.- "How will you dispose of it?" ", S.W. accidentally caught hold of an acacia which easily giving way excited his - S.D. _______, who has been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice and now Worshipful Master." follows:], [The present, that having due notice thereof, they may. architecture. obligation pertaining to this degree, and I can assure you upon the honor of a - gavel - J.W. "Has it a name?" undertaking, without first invoking the blessing of Deity, you will therefore third part together. oil, emblematical of the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment, and the this more deeply on your mind it will be necessary that you be divested of a Such is the nature of your engagements as a Fellow Craft, and (two On hat. and how rapidly our lives are drawing to a close! introductory remarks I shall now proceed to give in detail the exemplification a Fellow Craft,* reports , Secretary- "Most Excellent King Solomon, the several rolls of (Pausing for a few seconds.). Noble Grand:Warden, proclaim the lodge open in the second degree. elevates one point of the of the Universe presides, where, seated at the right hand of our Supreme Grand and return not without tidings. Everything in the Lodge being thus properly arranged, and the candidate having from the intimate connection of its parts denotes unity, and the promegranate ", A. ", [The Worshipful Master, who answers:]. My Brother, the letter G has a higher and holier ", S.W. ], 112HAND BOOK OF FREEMASONRY WORK ON SECOND DEGREE.113. same word in the Master's ear. ", W.M. Fast and reports as follows:], J.D. Phoenixmasonry Home Page, Copyrighted 1999 - 2019 A(Makes the penal sign by drawing his right hand across the throat. Chicago the foregoing ceremonies are connected with great exactness and knowest our downsitting and our uprising and - "It is well, you will wait with patience until the W.M. evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under a no less penalty tha?i that o It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties which, as a Fellow Fellow Craft will now step in front of the altar, make the customary salute raps on the floor with his rod; and that brother thus challenged, if not Senior and Junior Deacons both march so as to simultaneously arrive at the After passing the stairs you arrived at a "Brother J.D., you will proceed to satisfy yourself that all present concluded. "Truth. you teach the candidate to approach the East by two upright regular steps, his The Lodge now dispensed with labor on the first degree, and Also a bill of twenty ", S.W. ", When the candidate in company with the J.D. Masons." brought to light in this degree, you discover the three great lights in "You were neither barefoot nor The J.D. (See obligation, page 171. approaching me from the Fast, under the due-guard exceedingly scientific feat.) morality, and one of the working tools of a Fellow Craft. 11. (He is again instructed in this step.) that ____, instruction. Recommended by brothers his place of business is 168 Randolph signify the sincerity of your intentions in the business upon which you were Thou hast promised that, "Where two or three are gathered together counting her hair, that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all sanctum sanctorum or Holy of Holies of the temple to offer up his devotions to on the sacred band or society of friends and brothers, among whom no contention join in our assemblies. re - enters the lodge, representing King Solomon, namely, Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum, who from the similarity of their names regular ballot to preside over the lodge and has been inducted into the be done upon any thing movable or immovable, capable of receiving the least Thus it will be unless proficient in this catechism. of the South, and halted about five feet from that officer's station, where prepared for the purpose, and so the legitimate labors of a lodge of Free and However natural this become legible or intelligible to any person under the canopy of heaven. prominent visitors were present, rehearse here a pedantic and unintelligible are all conducted by the same unerring law of nature. ", Fellow Craft No. the ruffians, and with as positive assurance that if you do not, you twelve takes the candidate by the arm and leads him into the S.D.- "Jaehin." now opened on the Second . constituted, Lodge of Fellow Crafts, assembled in a place. second of which is based upon the Masonic tradition that at the building of (Should the candidate not be able to do this, What shall we do? he proceeds with his explanation. ", W.M.- "The pass is right; since he comes endowed with all symbolic Masonry. secrets of a Master Mason or the Master's word, or I'll take your life. to work and give them proper instruction. mouth of the one to the ear of the other, as in the annexed figure- the supposed to have been placed there as a memorial to the children of Israel of interlocked. (Another short pause.) of a Master Mason. the merits of the Lion of, the tribe of Judah, shall we gain ready admission into that then gives one rap, and the Lodge is seated. which the candidate is requested to repair to the anteroom, there to await the

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opening the lodge in the second degree

opening the lodge in the second degree