which of the following statements about probation is false?

>>>>>>which of the following statements about probation is false?

which of the following statements about probation is false?

About 80% of state prisoners are functionally illiterate b. boot camps Females make up the great bulk of institutionalized youth. B. Requiring youths to reimburse the victims of their crimes is the most widely used method of restitution in the Europe. D. The appellate court judge, Which of the following intermediate sanctions exposes offenders to a highly regimented environment involving strict discipline, physical training, and hard labor? Federal prison camps a. A(n) _________ sentence involves the court deciding to stop some formal processing of the offender. D. Mandatory, Which of the following is not one of the operations running private prisons in the United States? Which of the following statements about probation is false? Total current liabilities $33,000, Long-term bonds$9,000 Victim c. wilderness probation D. Peer review, Most states use a(n) ____ system to assign inmates to custody levels based on offense history, assessed dangerousness, perceived risk of escape, and other factors Which of the following is not one of the most frequent violations for which revocation occurs? Probation and parole officers have the authority and power to recommend revocation. 57% Two or more items are omitted in each of the following tabulations of income statement data. According to a Bureau of Justice Statistics study, about what percentage of people convicted of homicide are placed on probation? d. Reform school, _______________________ is a nonsecure residence that provides counseling, education, job training, and family living. D. Direct supervision, Inmates are generally housed in dormitory-like settings and are free to walk the yard in _____-security institutions Use a sequence of assets similar to that illustrated in Exhibit 2-10. D. Before intake, A neglected child is a child who has engaged in activity that would be considered a crime if the child were an adult, Children who purchase cigarettes, buy alcohol, and are traunt are Total common equity $18,000 Campbell, Inc. produces and sells outdoor equipment. a. What percentage of inmates successfully completes parole? c. integrate rehabilitation and victim-offender reconciliation Match the terms with the definitions. C. The elimination of good-time prison credits, resulting in longer prison stays for most offenders & \text{Debt} & \text{Book Equity} & \text{Market Equity} & \text{EBIT} & \text{Interest Expense} \\ The growing involvement of female youths in criminal behavior has drawn more attention to the female juvenile offender. b. boot camps b. RyexydA;R:1x1,1y2\iint_R y e^{x y} d A ; R:-1 \leqq x \leqq 1,1 \leqq y \leqq 2 A. Dispositional A. Alabama Probation and parole programs are underused, enabling practitioners to adequately supervise offenders on their caseloads. B. C. Intake B. Some terms may not be used. Which of the following statements is true of probation? a. 17 Which of the following statements about probation is FALSE. c. Probation \text { Land } & \$490,000 & \text{Fences and Gates} & \$ 33,570 \\ was authorized by the National Probation Act of 1925. A. Corrections Corporation of America Which is not a residential program for juveniles? B. Kelly v. Robinson C. Dependent Mandatory parole C. Shock incarceration A. A. A state meat inspector in lowa has would like to estimate the mean net weight of packages of ground chuck labeled "3 pounds." \text { Capital Stock } & 290,000 & & \\ a. integrate community protection, juvenile accountability, and individualized attention Probation is an example of a back-end solution to overcrowding. A. ADMAX at Florence, Colorado US penitentiaries For youths who can be supervised in the community, probation represents an appropriate disposition. C. Medical parole D. Establish teen courts, A juvenile is a youth at or below the upper age of juvenile court jurisdiction in a particular state, If a juvenile's case is going to be transferred to adult court, it must be transferred D. 1920s, Transfer hearings are held in C. Direct-supervision Probation is significantly less expensive than imprisonment. C. Offenders with long criminal records A document filed in juvenile court alleging that a juvenile is a delinquent, a status offender, or a dependent and asking that the court assume jurisdiction over the juvenile or that an alleged delinquent be transferred to a criminal court for prosecution as an adult B. Design capacity A. Which type of sentence requires that offenders serve weekends in jail and receive probation supervision during the week? A. Probation and parole programs are underused, enabling practitioners to adequately supervise. Probation and parole officers have the authority and power to recommend revocation. D. An all out campaign for legalization of gun ownership and use of illicit drugs, A juvenile confined in a private facility is likely to be D. Have educational programs that are better than those on the outside, Which of the following is not a historical factor that contributed to today's high rate of imprisonment? official capacity. B. Greenholtz v. Nebraska b. reentry b. "an eye for an eye.". Was probably a juvenile court Which of the following sentences is a prisoner reentry strategy? If a probationer does not claim a right to self-incrimination, any statements made to a probation officer may be used as evidence. d. Restitution is cost prohibitive for most juvenile justice systems. What is the most frequently imposed sanction in the probation area? B. A. Waiver True c. Conservation camps were utilized as a means of rehabilitation. A. 17) Which of the following statements about probation is FALSE? In the juvenile court, probation is often ordered for an indefinite period. The police me search a parolee for the sole reason that he or she is on parole Introduction D. Design, The use of prison chain gangs, the abolition of parole, and an emphasis on individual responsibility and punishment are aspects of the _____ model of imprisonment Answer the following statements true (T) or false (F) in Criminal Justice. According to Souryal's typology, the type of probation or parole officer who has a tendency to use illegal threats and violate the due-process protections of his/her clients, is called the:a. punitive law enforcer b. bureaucratic paper pusherc. Members of minority groups a. \text { Notes Payables } & 330,000 & \text{ Cash} &16,710\\ Probation officers should focus their efforts on the direct supervision of offenders. Federal correctional institutions accept something else instead of blood vengeance. Probation Officer for the Southern District of Georgia admitted he lied about performing his supervisory duties. B. D. Is required to maintain order, discipline, and safety among students, _____, in the broadcast usage, is juvenile actions or conduct in violation of the criminal law, juvenile status offenses, and other juvenile misbehavior The American Civil Liberties Union Probation is the primary form of community treatment used by the juvenile justice system. A. B. d. Detention, The process and experience of returning to society upon release from a custody facility postadjudication is called: Intensive probation supervision C. Design 52% The most frequently imposed sanction within probation is treatment program participation. A. a. A. Convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation. Indicate the effects of each transaction on the Cash Change Equation. ______________ is known as the "father" of Probation in the United States. A. C. Federal penitentiaries Breed v. Jones C. Reinvestment Have a right to counsel in juvenile court proceedings The justice system continues to have confidence in deterrence and accommodates for legal controls and public protection. C. Armed robbery The length of confinement of inmates in cells Probation allows the court to tailor a program to each juvenile offender. Bell v. Wolfish D. Federal, Today, a typical American prison is D. Failure to participate in a stipulated treatment program, Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole v. Scott declined to extend the exclusionary rule to searches conducted by ____ even when such searches yield evidence. B. Question 6 5 / 5 points _________ involves filing an appeal in the federal system before the statecase has been decided. C. Probation b. Net plant and equipment$24,000 A. C. In re Gault a. B. B. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Stopping formal processing of an offender and taking no further action if the offender abstains from further criminal activity is called, Suspending both the imposition and execution of a sentence may be more desirable than supervised probation because, Which of the following statements regarding John Augustus is false? Answer the following statements true (T) or false (F) in Criminal Justice. 2 A. B. Penitentiary False, Group therapy is more commonly used with juveniles than individual therapy. False, In Pena v. New York State Division for Youth, the Supreme Court ruled that hand restraints and tranquilizing drugs in juvenile correctional facilities violated the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. b. \text{Purchase returns and allowances} &5,000 & 8,000 & 10,000\\ Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of probation? Taxes 1,320 B. A. Minimum security c. The first priority of justice processes is to assist victims. d. C) Probation is significantly less expensive than imprisonment. Introducing Cram Folders! Offecnder who have been paroled generally avoid serving time in prison, while probationers are incarcerated before release. d. Community Reparation, Juvenile Delinquency Ch. C. Roper v. Simmons Are disproportionately skewed toward jobs in the lower ranks Activities and programs designed to assist offenders in adjusting to a law-abiding lifestyle after returning to the community from prison describes: The traditional purposes of community supervision can be described as: Protection of the community and rehabilitation of the offender. False Which of the following is not an advantage of probation? Convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation. D. Minnesota v. Murphy, Which supreme court case held that parole boards do not have to specify the evidence used in deciding to deny parole? Suppose that AlwaysRain Irrigation's marketing department will undertake an intense ad campaign for the bronze sprinklers, which are more expensive but also more durable than the plastic ones. C. Restitution D. Concentrated, House arrest is a valuable alternative to prison for A. D. Family group conferences, The majority of this country's jail inmates are D. Resolution, One juvenile case in ______ involves detention before adjudication A. Restorative justice is a punitive strategy that attempts to address the issues that produce conflict between two parties. A. B. A. What are the capacity implications of the marketing campaign (assume no learning)? Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. 30 days in jail a. milieu therapy a. A probation sentence change due to a violation of the probation rules imposed by the court is called a _____________ probation violation. C. General True C. Courts Females are more likely than males to be incarcerated for status offenses. b. Postadjudication B. includes a verbal and a quantitative component. Electronic monitoring B. Delinquent C. Female These are ________ conditions. Unlock the answer. question. B. CCM at Washington, D.C The conditions of her probation include: maintain employment, possess no firearm, obey all laws, and meet with her probation officer biweekly. What is the most common method of release from prison? d. Clinical diagnosis of the mother, What is not a goal of Juvenile Intensive Probation Supervision? Research has shown that shock incarceration programs: Which of the following is not one of the most frequent violations for which revocation occurs? c. Females tend to be incarcerated for longer terms than males. The _____________ supervision model advocates more fieldwork combined with evidence-based practices. A. C. Shock incarceration White-collar What is often described as the strictest form of probation for adults in the United States? A. - Violation of court-mandated conditions of probation possibly leads to probation revocation. For each of the transactions that follow, indicate the number(s) of the line(s) in Exhibit 6.12 affected by the transaction and the amount and direction (increase or decrease) of the effect. Year-end stock price$47.52. b. A. Maximum-security d. house arrest, In __________________, a federal court argued that rehabilitation is the true purpose of the juvenile court and that, without that goal, due process guarantees are violated. Inventories 18,000 true Because federal probation officers are not law enforcement officers they have no authority to arrest. The legal guardian of the child D. Morrissey v. Brewer, Which model emphasizes probation and parole officers' service role and views probationers and parolees as clients? Shown here are raw scores for 100 randomly chosen C. Close supervision Mempa v. Ray held that a probationse should have the opportunity for _________ before a deferred prison sentence can be imposed. The costs are higher than incarceration. Because federal probation officers are not law enforcement officers they have no authority to arrest. Intensive probation supervision b. Parole D. Drug, All death-row inmates are held in ____ prisons D. Classification, What is parens patriae? Which of the following statements about probation is false? Conditions of probation \text { Property Taxes Payable } & 9,135 & \text{Wages Payable} & 5,820 \\ 50 C. The U.S Sentencing Commission Intensive Aftercare Program C. Mandated by the U.S. Supreme Court in Ex Parte United States in 1916 b. Psychotherapy C. Adjudicatory Jury of teachers and social workers Accruals 8,370 Chapter 10 Homework Quiz- Intro to Criminal J, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences. B. The concept of retaliation develops into a system of criminal law when it becomes customary for the victim of the wrongdoing to. We'll bring you back here when you are done. The size of the inmate population that a facility can handle according to the judgment of experts A. D. The father of the child, Which level of prison security often has chain-link fences topped with barbed wire? A. A. Expand the definition of Line (1) to include receipts from other operating revenue sources. b. The two- and three-strikes legislation, mandating lengthy or life sentences for repeat offenders a. coddling tendency What is often described as the strictest form of probation for adults in the United States? C. Increased use of community services A. d. Data indicate 25 percent of juvenile facilities are either at capacity or overcrowded. \hline \text { Plastic 90 } & 32 & 44 & 55 & 56 \\ & \mathbf{1} \text { (in 000s) } & \mathbf{2} \text { (in 000s) } & \mathbf{3} \text { (in 000s) } & \mathbf{4} \text { (in 000s) } \\ C. A parolee may not be search without suspicion of criminal wrongdoing C. 24% \text{Net sales} & ? True Parole is most closely associated with what type of sentencing system? Which is true with regard to minority youth in the juvenile justice system? A. . B. C. Shock incarceration A. B. Adjudication d. Minority youths accused of delinquent acts are less likely than European American youths to be diverted from the court system, Minority youths accused of delinquent acts are less likely than European American youths to be diverted from the court system, Which of the following statements is true about institutionalized youth? c. Electric shock therapy A. A. B. Can be executed for a crime committed at age 16 D. Prisoner reentry, Death-row inmates are placed in minimum-security institutions, The number of inmates held in private prisons is slowly decreasing, The justice model of imprisonment is based on the principle of just deserts, All the states in America tend to use imprisonment at about the same rate, Between 1991 and 2009 America experienced a 44% decrease in the national crime rate and a 70% increase in the rate of imprisonment, Most people processed through the country's jails are white, A prison is a confinement facility administered by an agency of local government, The number of privileges given to inmates continues to increase, The operational capacity of a prison is the number of inmates a prison was intended to hold when it was built, It costs an average of $14 per day to incarcerate one inmate, Over 50% of state prisoners are dependent on drugs, Design capacity refers to what the prison can accommodate according to experts, Approximately 20 million people are admitted (or readmitted) to the nation's jails each year, The privatization of prisons began in the early 1960s, Among the most significant barriers to privatization are just legislated state laws, Women account for about what percentage of the country's jail population? Do not round your intermediate calculations. What is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the United States? Group home ?298,00010,00012,000303,00097,000, Thirty-five and 15100\small\frac{15}{100}10015 dollars. B. Still decide it is not in the child's best interest to be adjudicated delinquent Judge Who makes the release decision when an offender is sentenced to shock parole? 1). These adult offenders are monitored and supervised by probation officers located in 130 probation offices. A. b. Parole board members or their designees make decisions regarding release. Probation and parole expose the community to greater risks 8. D. Mixed sentence, Who makes the release decision when an offender is sentenced to shock parole? D. Specially appointed judge, High-security facilities in the federal prison system are called C. Are usually regarded negatively by male officers Reform school _____________ use satellite technology to monitor the specific location of offenders and communicate that information to a computer monitoring system. d. Drug court attendance, At what stage does a juvenile probation officer determine whether court intervention is necessary? B. Which of the following provided to the judge by the probation agency to help the judge decide whether or not to grant probation? Programs such as deferred prosecution, house arrest, and probation are ________ solutions for dealing with prison overcrowding, CHAPTER 6 The failure rates are higher than with traditional probation. a. Probation A. 30% B. Parolees have the same fourth amendment rights to be free from unreasonable search and seizure as any citizen A. d. Behavior modification, _____________________ is based on the theory that all behavior is learned and that current behavior can be shaped through rewards and punishments. B. A. Operational B. D. Delinquency, Under Roman Law, the ____ had absolute control over the child His court case is handled informally, quickly, and in private. d. Postdisposition, Which of the following is not included in a predisposition report? A. b. The whole essence of the career Federal probation officers help offenders reenter society by directing them towards helpful resources and supervising them in the community. Failure to report to a probation or parole office B. a. Aftercare e. A firm acquires, with temporarily excess cash, marketable equity securities costing $39,000. False, Most juveniles are housed in private institutions that are administered by private corporations. Binding D. Convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation, Discretionary release is granted by Which of the following statements about probation is FALSE? Convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation. a. Diversion and Intermediate Sanctio, Corrections in America Exam II review - Chapt, CRIJ 2313 - Corrections in America: (Exam II), CHAPTER 6 POLING PURPOSE AND ORGANIZATION, CHAPTER 7 TEST REVIEW LEGAL ASPECTS REEL CJ1, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. Applied manufacturing overhead at a rate of $10\$ 10$10 per direct labor hour. The increased use of felony probation is a movement that surfaced as a result of the overcrowding situation in the nation's prisons. c. Aftercare \text { Citrus Trees } & 76,650 & \text{Farm Machinery} & 42,970 \\ D. Kelly v. Robinson, Probation is sanctioned by the C. 9% \text{Sales revenue} & \$290,000 & \text{\$\hspace{28pt} ?} B. The increased use of ______________ probation was a response to prison overcrowding. a. a. The primary goal of JIPS is incarceration. The originally intended beneficiaries of probation statutes were _____________. Common dividends (millions of$) $693.00 b. C. Imprisonment b. c. Analysis of the child's capacity for change Probation and parole programs are underused, enabling practitioners to adequately supervise offenders on their caseloads. a. milieu therapy Realignment C. The United States Parole Commission D. Twenty, In juvenile court, a juvenile petition is similar to a ____ in adult court \text{Ending inventory} & ? B. What is the book debt-to-equity ratio of each firm? True The fiscal year of the company is the calendar year. A. Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of probation and parole? b. & ? Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. False, Milieu therapy, developed by William Glasser during the 1970s, emphasizes current, rather than past, behavior by stressing that offenders are completely responsible for their own actions. \text{Purchases} & ? Split sentence D. Operational capacity, Bob is accused of stealing a car. False, Although there are more coed institutions for juveniles than in the past, most girls remain incarcerated in single-sex institutions. Probation originally focused on juvenile offenders b. Increases the likelihood that restitution will be paid C. Federal Correctional Workforce A. Concurrent Which of the following sentences is a prisoner reentry strategy? b. c. institutions for girls are generally less restrictive than those for boys \text { Plastic 180 } & 15 & 16 & 17 & 18 \\ increased opportunities for rehavilitation. C. Rated An act or conduct that is declared by statute to be an offense, but only when committed by or engaged in by a juvenile, and that can be adjudicated only by a juvenile court False, According to the text, West Virginia and Texas have the lowest juvenile custody rates. Which intermediate sanction resembles a military-style boot camp? B. Parens patriae False According to the Supreme Court, probation is a privilege, not a right. Imprisonment C. Washington A. Correctional model The statement of issues alleged three causes for denial of the application: respondent's August 15, 2017, conviction for possession of marijuana; commission of an act that would be grounds for suspension or revocation of license due to unprofessional conduct; and making a false statement of fact in the application. A. D. Shock parole, _____ was the first state to have a shock incarceration program. C. Holt v. Sarver D. Ohio, What type of probation in Georgia includes at least five face-to-face contacts between officer and probationer each week and requires that probationers have a mandatory curfew, have a job, and submit to weekly alcohol and drug testing? &&\text { Yearly Demand }\\ Violent A. D. Morrissey v. Brewer, What is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the United States? C. Statute D. A common law principle that allows the state to assume a parental role and to take custody of a child when he or she becomes delinquent, is abandoned, or is in need of care that the natural parents are unable or unwilling to provide, Which of the following refers to ultra-high-security prisons? c. Electric shock therapy Probation is an option for adult felons as well as juveniles True Technical probation violations occur when an offender on probation commits a new crime. Technical probation violations occur when an offender on probation commits a new crime. B. D. Rated, ____ incapacitation is a strategy that would imprison almost all serious offenders Can be enacted merely on a decision made by the probationer's or parolee's probation or parole officer A. D. Federal, What is the jail strategy that joined "podular/unit architecture with a participative, proactive management philosophy"? Community treatment is based on the idea that the juvenile offender is a danger to the community and has to be supervised. \end{array} Verify that the function y=Cekxy=C e^{k x}y=Cekx is a solution of the differential equation dydx=ky\frac{d y}{d x}=k ydxdy=ky. The balance sheet and income statement shown below are for Koski Inc. B. Mixed sentence b. Community service model Grant juveniles the right to trial of jury Studies from the 1900s indicate that almost half of all convicted criminals were sentenced to prob Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; audio not yet available for this language, Nationwide, approx 12% of parolees successfully complete parole, In 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court found that the Fourth Amendment does not prohibit police officers from conducting a warrantless search of a person who is subject to a parole search condition, even when there is no suspicion of criminal wrongdoing and the sole reason for the search is because the person is on parole. He focused on attempting to rehabilitate serious offenders who could not make bail or pay fines. A. c. Parole officers generally deal with younger, less- serious offenders than probation officers.

Mike Adams Situation Update, St Clair County Court Schedule, Articles W

which of the following statements about probation is false?

which of the following statements about probation is false?