taking the escalator group activities

>>>>>>taking the escalator group activities

taking the escalator group activities

Drop the Rocks - Resentment group counselor intro - YouTube Any questions email: [emailprotected], Creativity is awesome. What skills will you use to, It may be helpful at this point to transfer into a group about COPING SKILLS, "I can relate to the main character from the movie Shawshank Redemption because I know what its like to patiently and persistently work towards a goal then to finally succeed", "I can relate to Keanu Reeves because he is so down to earth and just wants to be a good person and not act like an entitled jerk like so many other people in the world do, "When I was growing up I absolutely hated getting up early but now with practice I have gotten used to being up every day at 5:30am even on weekends! You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. Try to come up with examples to discuss for the following two thoughts about the idea of "never, What are three things in your life right now that are at least at a "stable" point in your life (No real problems to speak of at the moment in these life areas), What have you been doing to increase stability in your life? At the end of each subheading section are some additional resources from around the web for Taking the Escalator users to look through and download. ", For this brief group exercise, everyone in the group should share at least one positive life achievement that has exceeded past expectations. Lets begin! These are some basic questions for guiding group discussion when something tragic happens in the news: 1. The Mirror of Awareness -Using the Group as a Mirror - Academia.edu future challenges with a more positive viewpoint? Discuss the following questions as a group: 6/6/22 - Interesting Discussion Topic - "Worst Job, Best Job, Dream Job". Nicole "Nikki" Tierney is a close friend of Taking the Escalator as she has worked closely with Taking the Escalator clinicians during her personal journey of recovery. Engaging Challenging Teens - Taking the Escalator The Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center - SAMHSA HIPAA - Confidentiality Resources ICD 9 to 10 Code list - Alphabetized for Easy Use Inclusive Language & Imagery for Mental Health Content - Psych hub Intoxication Assessment Tool SCAB - New Zealand For those within the. Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 3 - Academia.edu Materials marked "CCI" are from a large collection which comes generously from the Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) in Western Australia, who has allowed these mental health worksheets and activities to be uploaded and shared for counselors by Taking the Escalator. Are you taking examples out of context by only considering one aspect of the situation at the expense of considering the entire incident? The facilitator then reviews each "impression," and group members have the opportunity to share their answers. Group Activities by Topic - Taking the Escalator Health (Just Now) WebHealthy Life - Healthy Relationships Relationships: The Cycle of Over-functioning, Guilt, and Resentment Overcoming Obstacles and Breaking Down Barriers Life Skills Profile https://www.takingtheescalator.com/group-activities-by-topic Category: Health Show Health PDF Self-Control Workbook - Psychological Mobile Services Accountability Self-Examination Worksheet, This is Your Brain on Drugs(Fried Egg not Included). 3. Therapy Tools - Taking the Escalator To view the CCI website directly go to - https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Overview, < To search by word anywhere on this page press: CTRL F >, 6 Shoulds and Should Nots for Responsibility. and applaud. 5 Activities for Your Group Therapy 3 Useful Exercises for Adults Mindfulness Activities for DBT Group Sessions What is one thing that you prefer to take your time with and why? HIGH - What do you anticipate as the highlight for you in the next month? Global Elevator & Escalator Market 2023 - Yahoo Finance - Click here to see how you can help Taking the Escalator expand and grow! if you gave them enough time and practice? 5/9/22 - Fun Icebreaker: "What's the First Thing You'd Do If.". What works for you? For Counselors - READ: What are Coexisting Issues? Consider names you may have had in the following situations: Have some fun answering questions as a group using this random question generator website - https://randomwordgenerator.com/question.php, For this simple but fun and interesting icebreaker, everyone in the group should share an experience where something unusual happened (or you thought something unusual was happening due to a misunderstanding). Healthy Relationship Group Therapy Activities What are your FEELINGS about what happened? As an icebreaker, use this list of 93 Stupid Questions to generate some interesting group discussion: Link: https://icebreakerideas.com/stupid-questions-to-ask/. Each group member writes down their "first impression" of other group members. When everyone is ready, go around the room letting everyone in the group take a turn. Talking Trauma and Survival - Group therapy activity focused on getting people talking about challenging memories, situations and emotions with guidelines for creating safe therapeutic environment - https://takingtheescalator.blogspot.com//talking-traumaand takingtheescalator.blogspot.com If you are working with clients who want to share their art, poetry, videos, pictures - etc. Additional COVID-SPECIFIC resources from the web listed below: Coping with Cravings - An essential list of tools for understanding and managing cravings and urges, Cross Addiction - Education and exercise on substituting addictive behaviors, Decision Making, Ethics and Problem Solving, Challenging Choices Checklist - This is specifically for life's more difficult decisions, Decision-Making and Ethics - Examining what is behind making the right choices, Ethical Decision-Making 2 - Using insight and ethics to make tough choices, The Five Basic Elements of Effective Decision Making, Lost - When you just don't know which way to turn, Making the Right Choice - Another look at making decisions starting from good solutions, Red Flags for Decision Making Warning Signs for Productive Living, The Space Between - Effectively using the space between feelings and words/actions, When All Else Fails: The Costanza Principle - (Literally only use when all else fails), Shielding - Looking at how we may try to protect ourselves from in comfortable realities, Group Roles - Outline of different ways individuals may protect themselves in group settings, Depression and Alcohol Quiz - A very basic quiz focused on opening up a basic discussion on this topic, Disease Concept of Addiction (see also Addiction and the Brain), The Disease Concept of Addiction - Review of "symptoms" of addiction, Major Life Aspects of the Disease of Addiction, Or READ - The Subterfuge Exclusion - (Similiar to Circumventing Excuses in different format), Families, Support and External Motivation, Addiction and Choice - More Food for Thought, Do You Have to Want to Change? Special Message for People Who Have Signed Up, Simple Questions During Complex Challenges. How are you individually using technology to help improve yourself rather than allow it to cause problems or stress in your life? 6/12/22 - "Morning Warrior" - Discussion Topic. What are some things from your life that would be included in the exhibit? For this group icebreaker on greatness discuss these two questions as a group: 1 - Who would you consider "great" in the world today or in history and why? . Discussion: Even if you are not old (or even if you are) what is one thing that you do that is often associated with older people? Directions: Take turns sharing some nicknames you have had a different points in your life and share the origin of the name. To Control or Not to ControlIs that the Question? To get started, it helps to create a habit plan. 4/21/22 - Icebreaker Against the Grain, As you know, to "go against the grain" means to choose a path that does not go with the flow of society. Make sure you are fully utilizing all of the free resources on. 2 - What is one thing you can say that you are "great" at? This icebreaker is about innocent* ways that we all go against the grain in our own unique way, *The only rule is to keep discussion innocent (harmless) and light. Follow up question:What could this group achieve if everyone worked together in unity? I never thought that(Discuss an unexpected GOOD thing that has happened to you. Being on the lifeboat doesn't mean survival, but not being on the life boat does mean certain death. A habit plan involves connecting a new habit to an existing one, then rewarding the successful completion of the task. After each step, For this group icebreaker, everyone in the group is asked to accept the challenge to step outside of their comfort zone, even if its just a little. Insecurity - Everyone has them, is the group ready to share them? Some examples are provided to help get the group started: When done, as a group discuss this final question: > What other positive and healthy things in life do you think that you could get accustomed too. Based on what you have heard in this group so far, what else can you do to increase your motivation to successfully get going in the morning? There is also a large selection of TREATMENT PLANNING material on this page too. A time when I wish I would have listened was. takingtheescalator.com Addiction and Substance Use Resources, Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health, (Same tools, but organized according to the Taking the Escalator Method). 6/1/22 - Icebreaker: "The Old Soul in Me". EXAMPLE - "I feel like if I tried to be more outgoing I would have more friends. The techniques explained in his method, Taking the Escalator: An Alternative to the 12 Steps, help individuals who are resistant to traditional approaches gain the tools needed for learning to increase insight and motivation for positive change. To learn about the method check out theABOUT page of this website, Sometimes counselors are looking for more brief interactive therapy tools and this is the place to find them. LOW - What do you think will be the most difficult thing you will have to do in the next month (and why?). Everyone has some kind of story where they were on a path in a direction that was not working for them and they were able to somehow turn it around and get moving in the right direction. The Mirror of Awareness - Using the Group as a Mirror, Counting the Cost of THC (This has nothing to do with marijuana), Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can, Surviving Challenges by Adjusting Your Attitude, Enhancing Internal Motivation - Stoking the flames of motivation, Flammable Areas - Early stage insight and motivation building, Decreasing the Negative & Increasing the Positive - (Love the Good, Hate the Bad), Giving Yourself the Best Chance to Succeed, Living Up to Your Potential - Part 1 - Opening the Door, Living Up to Your Potential - Part 2 - Imagining Your Potential, Living Up to Your Potential - Part 3 - The Me I want to Be, "Must Haves" - Identifying and Discussing Basic Needs for Self-Improvement, Professing the Positive - Talking about what is going right, Simple Questions During Complex Challenges, Enhancing External Motivation and Support - Getting started with building a serviceable support system, VIDEO for above Worksheet - Don't Just Set Goals Keep them Going, Goal Setting - Using goals to build motivation, Goal Setting Go Fish - Goal setting for motivation building in game format, Goal Setting Collective: Looking Forward to the Year Ahead - A collection of goal oriented activities, Four Year Prediction Time Capsule - An interactive exercise on long term goal setting, Hopeful Thoughts and Plans for the Year Ahead - Discussion questions for the upcoming year, Support Zones & Interpersonal Boundaries - Stepping outside of your comfort zone to build support, The Pendulum - Examining Common Family Issues - Examining some common family challenges, READ - (For Famlilies) - You Cant Nag Someone Sober, Addiction and Choice - More Food for Thought, Good Choices for Good Living - For Families, POWERPOINT SLIDES - Good Choices for Good Living - For Families, Stages of Change -A Guide for Families of Individuals with Substance Use Issues, Strategy List for Families Dealing with a Loved One's Substance Use Issue, The Power of Caring, Connection and Resilience, Escalator Fourth Floor: Overcoming Obstacles, Or READ - The Subterfuge Exclusion - (Similar to Circumventing Excuses in different format). "This is the best day ever!" said one child on our most recent Skills Escalator Day Huge thanks to Pentaco Construction Ltd for all your support for our Today, I want to listen and hear more about. This is not an opportunity to brag about behaviors that would be considered dangerous, aggressive illegal or anti-social, I put ketchup on my hot dogs and my steak even though most of society frowns upon that, Most people work out in the morning but I dont start my exercise routine until about 10:00 at night", Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 1, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 2, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 3, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 4, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 5, https://randomwordgenerator.com/question.php. READ: To Control or Not to ControlIs that the Question? Taking the Escalator takingtheescalator.com Addiction and Substance Use Resources Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health Taking the Escalator Homepage Home Group Activities by Topic Forum About Trauma Resources More NEWS and UPDATES: GIVE A GOOGLE REVIEW GOOGLE REVIEW Follow on YouTube YouTube Follow on mason.script.plugins.twitterTweetPlugin.tweet. It is our policy not to violate other source's copyrights, so if you notice a potential conflict, please email us at [emailprotected]. PDF Name: Period: - psd202.org April 29, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT. Group Activities by Topic Taking the Escalator Harm Reduction takingtheescalator.com Addiction and Substance Use Resources Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health Group Activities by Topic Thanks to all who provided Google Review Looking for more please: GIVE A GOOGLE REVIEW Lost - Taking the Escalator therapy activity intro Taking the Escalator 319 subscribers Subscribe Like 928 views 3 months ago Link to activity - https://takingtheescalator.blogspot.c.. What would you consider to be your DREAM JOB, why? If you are working with clients who want to share their art, poetry, videos, pictures - etc. to work in small groups. Brief icebreaker: Discuss these two questions: 1 - What is something you do well that you wish you could get paid to do? West Suffolk College on LinkedIn: #skillsescalator # More therapy material posted several times per week - JOIN: Need a quick icebreaker to start out your group? The life boat only holds four individuals. Ok maybe there are. Take turns answering the following amusing "what if" scenarios by completing the sentence: There are moments in life that serve as "eye openers" in the sense that they suddenly get us to view the world in a completely different way. Download Free PDF Download Free PDF The Mirror of Awareness - Using the Group as a Mirror This is a straightforward group activity for building insight. Additional Resouces & Links - Taking the Escalator Who do you invite and what is the topic of discussion? Help Needed! Lifeboat Activity Passengers on a sinking ship must decide who will be able to take their chances on a life boat somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. (No Lap Sitting). More - Taking the Escalator Long Branch HEARS is a community based group working to do their part to help the substance use epidemic in this area. Assessing highs and lows of getting high, Labels - For lower insight levels, comparing what is using, abusing and addiction, Progress Report - Basic progress report worksheet for getting relevant discussion started, Understanding and Coping with Guilt and Shame - Similar to the other but in a different format, COD - Co Occurring Disorders - An older outline about COD's and addiction some people (LH) still like to use (Updated version on About page), Group Roles - Outline of different ways individuals may protect themselves in group settings, The Disease Concept of Addiction - Review of "symptoms" of addiction, Podcast - A Story of Recovery and Hope: Nicole Tierney, Podcast - Melissa Mackolin's Recovery Journey, Podcast - Megan Reeves "Hold On Pain Ends" with discussion questions, Guest Submissions - Please email [emailprotected] if you would like to submit an activity for the website. Taking the Escalator - Posts | Facebook Long Branch HEARS is an organization in Monmouth County, New Jersey, the same area where Taking the Escalator got its start. Background: Something got you up and going this morning. (What is working for you?). You get to sit and have dinner with any three people in the world or in history, alive or dead, for one hour to have a deep discussion on the topic of your choice. Forgiveness - Part 1 : Forgive, Live and Love - Part 2: Divisions of Forgiveness - Part 3: Some Thoughts to Help Cope, READ: Emotional Self-Prevention - Looking at sensitive areas, Mind on Mental Health (Podcast), has an engaging host and knowledgeable speakers on MH topics, Coexisting Mental Heath Issues - A checklist for starting to look at mental health, Understanding and Coping with Mood Swings, Anger Attitude Check - Attitude is everything when it comes to expressing feelings, Anger Memories: Family - Looking at what we learned about anger from our family of origin, Anger Discussion Sentence Completion - Simple questions for opening up discussion on anger, Ways People Express Anger - An analysis of different ways people handle anger, Owning and Discharging Anger - Taking responsibility for your feelings and actions, Owning Anger Using "I" Statements - A basic but effective tool for expressing feelings, Anger Management: Digging Deeper and Using Basic AM Skills - Understanding and coping with anger triggers, Three P's for Coping with Anxiety in the Moment - Quick easy to remember way to cope during sudden anxiety or stress, Alcohol and Depression Quiz - A very basic quiz focused on opening up a basic discussion on this topic, Coping with Stress - A comprehensive list of effective coping skills, Killer Bs The Effects of Stress and the Body, Brain and Behavior, Use Your Brain and Not Your Pain - Another simple but effective strategy for coping with challenging emotions, How Do You Heal? Positive predictions only (No insults or hurtful ideas such as: "So and so is going to cry in group today" or "So and so used again") - Instead try to predict something encouraging, helpful or interesting in a constructive way. 2 - What is at least one thing you would not ever do for any amount of money. When was the last time you felt a "rush" , elation, excitement or other intense positive feelings without the use of any substances? As a group icebreaker discuss what is one thing you could do to try to push past one of your boundaries or limits to improve your life. How can you specifically apply this in your own life in a positive way? Assessing highs and lows of getting high, Labels - For lower insight levels, comparing what is using, abusing and addiction, Perspective Shifts for Positive Growth- VIDEO LINK: Perspective Shifts for Positive Growth, Point of View Adjustment - Looking at other viewpoints to gain awareness, Taking a Trip to the Other Side - Again exploring insight and motivation building from new perspectives. An Interview with Your Past and Future Self, The Mirror of Awareness - Using the Group as a Mirror, Overcoming Ignorance and Indifference for Positive Growth, Pick a Card - A variety of questions for insightful discussion, Simple Insight Inventory - Strengthening existing insight to build motivation, Simple Insight Inventory II - (External/Support) - Working on external motivators and supports. As a group: Share one Musical Memory and talk specifically about some of the emotions that are attached to it. Unlike the. The connection between music and emotional memories can be very powerful. Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 2 - Academia.edu Children who recorded messages that are being played within the Metro system as part of autism awareness month learn about the transit agency's trains. Have some fun answering questions as a group using this random question generator website -. One way that we can increase insight is to objectively look at ourselves through the eyes of others. Unlike theGroup Activities by Topicpage, the materials here are for shorter discussions,warm- ups and close outs as part of longer group sessions, as well as occasionalarticles and other resources from around the web. I often feared it would happen but it never did. For this icebreaker everyone share a story about a life experience. Submitted by Caitlin Kennedy LCSW, LCADC: Self Esteem and Affirmation Development -, Submitted by Laura Hennessey, LCSW, LCADC, Reason or Excuse: Product of Your Environment, Taking the Escalator needs you - Click here to see how you can support - (It won't cost you a cent), Finally a New Way to Combat the Opioid Epidemic, Alternative Counseling & Recovery Coaching Tools. Take turns filling in the blanks for the following sentence: If I could take the identity of ______________ for one day, I would make sure to ________________, Discuss: What is one thing that you are either really into or know a lot about that you could do a 30 second commercial about it?

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taking the escalator group activities

taking the escalator group activities