why do they scan id at dispensary illinois?

>>>>>>why do they scan id at dispensary illinois?

why do they scan id at dispensary illinois?

But I know the big government atheists dont want to give up the power over poor people. Lloyd noted medical cannabis patients who have no choice but to use a mail order system are particularly susceptible to data breaches, including medical records. One of the federal government's key stated objectives in legalizing weed has been to keep it out of the hands of children. Their poison will always find a way of polluting Humankind. Cannabis is legal per state law, but still illegal per federal law (as noted in the article above). Taking a closer look at why dispensaries can IDs it's clear that identity verification is necessary, but it could cost customers their privacy. all pot smokers are anti-2A leftists is the equivalent of saying all christians are ingorant magic believers.. Ask a Stoner: How Long Does Weed Smoke's Smell Linger? Cannabis 101: What your dispensary wants you to know before your visit your money, your time, and your freedom to behave peacefully. It makes perfect sense, from their perspective If SCOTUS forces them to allow you have and carry guns, they will expend every effort to make as many people officially prohibited persons. We see how well this ammuntion back ground check is working, with 20% being wrongly banned from purchase. Furthermore, the law enacted last year requires that dispensaries destroy all customer personal information within thirty days of any purchase. I thought you couldnt use deadly force to protect private property pot farms??? I am right there with you. However, the LP said it was not aware of any data breaches. Cannabis is still a federally illegal, Schedule I drug. To protect your privacy, Illinois law prohibits dispensaries from collecting and storing personal information of adult . Weed is great. Ameri, a weed shop in Yorkville, said it mostly checks IDs manually but also has a scanning gun available to maintain compliance, catch fake IDs and lower human error.. He thought it would help. I live in a legal state and they always check i.d regardless of "perceived age" more than alcohol! You do understand this will happen because a drug user is not a reliable employee correct? Theres a question on it about drug use you must answer no on to be approved. Freedom is scary to most people. Illinois Cannabis Dispensaries - ID Scanning & PII Retention Laws Sadly atheists support flag burning and porn. Itll take a while but itll get the job done for anyone stupid enough to buy weed in an Illinois state sponsored dispensary. We work with dispensaries both large and small on a daily basis to help them implement ID scanning strategies that will improve the customer experience, keep them in compliance with state laws, and help them avoid costly fines. Join the Westword community and help support There are a variety of ways to consume THC, including through smoke vapors, teas . It's illegal because they can't release your info without you signing a release form. Recreational marijuana goes on sale in Illinois Wednesday. Here's how Others scan IDs to keep consumer data . goin with this. I feel like people like me are being discriminated against because our doctor that why not ? AND theyre violent as he!! ID scanning allows dispensaries to not only verify the age of their customers, but also to keep track daily purchase limits while enhancing customer experience, which is why dispensaries should scan IDs. By politicians who need it to further their agenda of tax and spend. IDScan.net is the only ID scanning solution which can scan IDs to determine age and purchase limits and immediately flush data. According to Colorados Medical Code for dispensaries, those not licensed to be in certain areas of a dispensary are required to wear a badge, which then must be submitted to the state. The ATFs Firearms Transaction Record, aka theForm 4473, that you have to fill out if you buy a gun asks: 11.e. As the cannabis industry explodes, so do concerns about keeping marijuana out of the hands of minors. So you are saying there is no moral or philosophical underpinning to shoot Looters correct?. You can make yourself a more difficult target just by adding an ID scanner. I am opposed to legal get high weed having spent years of my youth high. Im convinced thats how they will burn you in Democrat-run areas that hate you and your guns. There just isnt. But they have never been pro-second Amendment or pro Liberty. As I said before as long as we can shoot drug users dead when they rob, rape, beak into our homes and businesses that is a great freedom to celebrate. The number of cannabis dispensaries in the United States is 7,490 and growing. Some countries may deny entry to individuals if they know they have purchased cannabis, even lawfully, he said. This is one of the speeches he gave about confiscation, which has no relation to the other one regarding marijuana. So many ignorant people among us, they dont have a single word to say about alcohol or tobacco because those are legal and acceptable in our society. Were paying the most to keep that data safe. He said the company has never had any privacy breaches. Personal Responsibility is often forgotten by those people advocate for drug legalization. So it says your foid will not be revoked but it fails to state how to answer question 11 on form 4473 when buying a new gun as the form specifies you cannot legally buy marijuana regardless if it is legal in that state. If you feel there is anything shady going on, say no! Data and images capture. The rank hypocrisy of being a Leftist Make drugs legal for everyone, except gun owners. Dispensaries are also required to delete customer data within a specific timeframe, usually within 24 hours of the transaction. How to Protect Yourself from Federal Prosecution When You Buy Marijuana Howabout dont do drugs, keep yer guns. If you would like to make a post about your brand, dispensary, or product please contact the mod team. Then, if that individual returns and is scanned by another device, the system can flag them for potential looping. There are a lot of otherwise intelligent individuals who believe that they and they alone should get to decide what *you* may or may not do, from paying taxes to owning firearms, to controlling your own reproductive system. Im so High! Federal firearm licensees are prohibited from selling firearms to card-holding cannabis patients, as per a2011 open letterfrom the DOJ to all FFLs. to print badges with appropriate information after an ID is scanned. thanks, john. And I like him. But you cant burn a Homosexual flag. We are fully integrated into Dutchie POS and have webhooks to pull data into Blaze, Flourish, Treez, COVA, IndicaOnline, Dauntless, and several other cannabis POS systems. PR. You had me on your side until you said baby murder. Question is what kind of risk is there when someone scans ID. WQAD. There are 110 dispensaries across the state of Illinois. ID scanners ensure that dispensaries stay compliant, preventing underage individuals from buying marijuana. Simple, huh? Its where you shoot someone that doesnt present a credible and immediate threat of death or grave bodily harm to anyone that the issue arises because without the threat you dont have a justification to pull the trigger. racist ass town with a history of community hospital for minorities and property deeds that (still, if long time owner) state no coloreds tryin to shed some guilt. Here Ill show you one who comes pretty close. . Very recent medical research seems to have found a link between marihuana use and testicular cancer. Have a buddy buy it for you. Just like tracking daily maximums, preventing looping (ie. Now he calls him a occultist. Digital scanning removes risk of error, ensures compliance with state laws, stops previously banned patrons from entering the premises, and can track daily maximums. It is this. I dont even know where to start. The reason behind scanning your ID is so no that one can use a fake ID. I buy a lot of guns. The bottom line: buying recreational pot is hazardous to your right to self-defense. I cant a clear answer on this anywhere. Its one of the main roots with which the antis argue.. Last week licensed producer Aphria notified patients that fraudulent Aphria websites are being created in an attempt to access patient information. Some dispensaries have ID scanners - they scan your ID into a machine and your imagination runs wild. These are typically the core customer management systems you are using to run your business. That right there is why there is a left wing. Oh, wait, you didnt go for the whole registration gambit, did you? There havent been any medical marijuana cards or doctors or databases since the beginning of 2016. I think most scan ID as a holdover from the medical-only era and as a way of tracking customer loyalty. To me the one and only civil right that is important is the Second Amendment. A Visitor's Guide to Weed Dispensaries in Illinois - Visit Oak Park Lawmakers wrote portions of the cannabis law to protect consumers' privacy. With 185 new recreational dispensary licenses recently approved, sales will likely continue to grow for Illinois cannabis dispensaries. Anytime it comes to sensitive information, and you should always keep your wits about you.Let us face it; we live in a world that isnt always fair and or straight forward. and help keep the future of Westword, Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our. All in all, theses licensed dispensaries are on the up and up, so dont allow your experience to become a stressful one . Security Experts: Beware of Companies Scanning Your Driver's License But to play judge, jury and executioner by yourself when they have threatened no one in the immediate is unacceptable behavior. The reason behind scanning your ID is so no that one can use a fake ID. all believe in magic as well as this goes back many generations, to a time where you were FORCED to believe this magic, or you would die a very painful death instead. Ive gone 71 years without marijuana so why start now and play into their hand/trap? Especially if theres a legal away to avoid doing so. I share this. Is Your Data Safe When You Purchase Legal Cannabis? You have to be a stupid pothead to believe the state of ILLinois! The most obvious being the addictive thirst for tax dollars. Your war has shredded the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th Amendments. So long as they dont harm other people theres no actual issue here. None of you should be unhappy with this. Emotion, is my best guess. He or she then swipes your ID using a scanner to ensure it is genuine. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/panama-city-looter-shot-and-killed-while-trying-to-steal-a-police-car/. Add to this that controlled studies indicate that field tests for drugs pop positive on non-drugs up to 70% of the time, with positive results obtained from substances including vanilla, peppermint, ginger, eucalyptus, cinnamon leaf, basil, thyme, lemon grass, lavender, organic oregano, organic spearmint, organic clove, patchouli, ginseng, a strip of newspaper, and even air.. ID scanning is an easy way to limit your dispensarys liability in the event that you do inadvertently serve someone who is underage. First, Ive never said the statement to which you refer. Over time the free market has reduced the price between legal and black market to not much more than the state taxes. The black market cant compete with legal, tested, branded weed from stores. Someone will use that position when arrested for MJ and guns relationship.. Do straw purchaseers of MJ carry same penalty as for guns? Theres issues with the border, issues with other countries where cannabis is extraordinarily illegal, Lloyd said, noting one of his former clients was turned away upon arrival in Japan due to a cannabis-related charge that had been withdrawn. He said Cova created the scanning software in response to requests from American legal weed retailers who were concerned front line staff members werent doing a good enough job of verifying customers IDs. Not only does ID scanning ensure compliance with state regulations, it also streamlines the customer experience while keeping the premises secure. Dang that sucks. 2003 - 2023 IDScan.net. Government-issued photo IDs from U.S. states and territories including Guam, Puerto Rico and American Samoa are accepted, as are U.S. military IDs. All of the data is highly encrypted, Cohen added. Colorado Dispensaries: Do Any of Them Not Scan IDs? | Westword I wouldnt consider Republicans pro 2a though really. I mean, cmonCHINA? Heck, I figured that out long before legal use in Illinois became law. Thats part of the addictive rush of practicing it . Possession of personal amounts of marijuana has been decriminalized in Illinois for all practical purposes, now that you can legally buy it from state-licensed dispensaries. I have never broke the law except one spreading ticket. Again, storing and tracking this time-stamped data can be immensely helpful in the event of a legal dispute. These businesses are highly regulated and must adhere to strict guidelines to operate legally. Could be,maybe ,might be, I dunno. I never hallucinated off weed and I still smoke it to this day and I own firearms. Power is not a means; it is an end. local news and culture. Contact us at hello@idscan.net for assistance selecting the right solution for your business. found my first discard: an empty jar, cold cream size, of wedding cake bud on the parkway. This is also a good time to mention that you can only purchase for yourself. Upon double-checking, it appears that I conflated two separate announcements from Becerra. OhI just encountered two ladies sitting at a table outside my local grocery store, with a banner that read Recall Newsom!. In 2021, sales reached $1.38 billion, doubling the total from 2020. However, this is not the case. Additionally, certain ID scanning solutions can note preferences and purchase history for a customers next visit while identifying VIP customers for elevated service. They supported it for decades. The Illinois statute reads as follows: Private sales must b e conducted through an FFL. In spite of the breakup with my last ex-GF, I did manage to keep my testicular organs intact and would never risk them to some drug that smells like shit and only gives me headaches when I am surrounded be Millennials enamored with it at Art Basel events. Why you should avoid cannabis dispensaries that scan personal ID Go try to buy a gun and fill out Form 4473 for the back round check. Nobody will know. Prohibition way back was a *perfect* model for that. Its what you find in black markets and failed states. 35 years back when I smoked, at no time did I ever pull the lever for a scummy Democrat . So they have to break the law to pay for their habit correct? They are the ones in California who said, if we can just make pot legal, there will be no reason for the black marijuana dealers to have guns., Pot smokers are Socialist Progressive in their political orientation. Post Falls? SoBecerra has publicly announced his joyful glee at being able to use our states gun registration database to confiscate guns from peaceful gun owners who have recently acquired a state medical marijuana card or have been found to be purchasing cannabis under their names. The system can then query this information if the customer returns, and alert the budtender if the customer is at or approaching their daily maximum. Marijuana, also known weed, and many other names, is a mixture of dried flowers of the cannabis plant. Thanks for finally getting around to this story . What to know before you visit a dispensary for the first time Why do these idiot politicians keep getting reelected? Studies have shown that for bars and nightclubs, the mere presence of an ID scanner can reduce crime up to 54%. (A consultant for Ameri told VICE all information the store scans is erased immediately.). And atheists seem more concerned with the 1st amendment (cross burning) than the 2nd amendment (arms). The object of persecution is persecution. So, Im trying to find info for a friend on if a person had/has a medical mj card, how long does he need to wait until he can say that hes not a user or gets denied because he has/had a medical card? Scanning of driver's licenses causes privacy concerns for some - WFTX I have no simpathy for gun owners who want to smoke marijuana. They want the voting age dropped to 16, but the age to buy a gun be a minimum of 21 (for now, until they make it 25). o Up to 2.5 grams of cannabis concentrate. The possession limit for Illinois residents is 30 grams of cannabis flower; 5 grams of cannabis concentrate; and no more than 500 milligrams of THC contained in a cannabis-infused product. Just buy it off street dealers and they still wont know. Any items that remain unregistered are not under Governor Hair Gels microscope. WoD is the War on Drugs. I dont really know what it costs to get marijuana the old way (never really used it) but the states system is taxed and regulated to death; the legal stuff is *expensive*. Too much use of anything can cause problems. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? If plants or product. According to state laws: "a retail marijuana store shall not be required to acquire and record personal information about consumers other than information typically acquired in a financial transaction conducted at a retail liquor store.". I really dont care if you think christians are ignorant magic believers. You can even capture images from the ID, or a picture of the ID itself, creating a richer, searchable customer profile. He commented that as a result of those taxes it would be cheaper to get product from his Connection. He commented that as a result of those taxes it would be cheaper to get product from his Connection.. Identity theft sucks ass, and waking up with a $2k hole in your bank account because someone you don't know used your info to . George Orwell, 1984. 8.Grounds for denial and revocation.The Department of State Police has authority to deny an application for or to revoke and seize a Firearm Owners Identification Card previously issued under this Act only if the Department finds that the applicant or the person to whom such card was issued is or was at the time of issuance: (n) A person who is prohibited from acquiring or possessing firearms or firearm ammunition by any Illinois State statuteor by federal law; Lying on a form 4473 is a federal felony regardless of what state law defines as an illegal user.

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why do they scan id at dispensary illinois?

why do they scan id at dispensary illinois?